Headwall Photonics Inc

Bolton, MA 01740


About Headwall Photonics Inc



580 Main St
Bolton, MA 01740
United States

More Info on Headwall Photonics Inc

Spectral imaging components, sensors, systems, and software for remote sensing, industrial machine vision, and OEM instruments. Maker of master and high-volume holographic gratings with aberration-corrected optical designs.


Mv c Vnir Camera And Lens Dec22 Rev B Small (1)
Instrumentation, remote-sensing

Industrial Machine Vision Sensors and Systems from UV to SWIR

Rugged and reliable sensors and systems for lab use or non-contact real-time detection and inspection. Grade product or detect foreign matter, predict histamine concentration ...
Headwall Sif Imaging Sensor Nasa Firefly Image
Instrumentation, remote-sensing

High-Resolution Sensors for GHG and Solar-Induced Fluorescence

Application-specific sensors with high spectral and spatial resolution for distinguishing signals indicative of greenhouse gases or solar-induced fluorescence. Use in the field...
Spectrographs And Gratings

OEM Optical Components & Assemblies

The leader in high-performance spectral-imaging components such as holographic gratings with aberration-corrected optics. Spectrographs and spectrometers designed for your instruments...

Press Releases

Manufacturing Awards 2022 2
Instrumentation, remote-sensing

Headwall Receives Commonwealth of Massachusetts Manufacturing Leadership Award

Bolton, MA, September 16, 2022 -- Headwall Photonics® was recognized today by the Massachusetts House of Representatives for "outstanding leadership in the Massachusetts manufacturing...
Headwall Holographix Wafer Example

Headwall Expands Product Portfolio with Nano-Replication Capability via Acquisition of Holographix

Bolton, MA, July 12, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Headwall Photonics®, a leading manufacturer of master holographic gratings, spectrographs, and spectrometers for OEM customers, announced...
Headwall Mv x And Per Class Mira

Headwall Makes Strategic Growth Investment in Industry-Leading Hyperspectral Interpretation Software

Bolton, MA and Delft, The Netherlands, July 7, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Headwall Photonics®, a world-leader in high-performance hyperspectral imaging systems and OEM devices for...


Detectors & Imaging

Hyperspectral imaging packages available for researchers and technicians

MV.Scan packages are pre-configured and tested systems including the sensor, illumination, mounts, sample stage, and software for automated operation.
Photo 234881468 © Penchan Pumila | Dreamstime.com
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Executive Forum

Photonics business roundup: July 2022

Let’s recap all the business announcements in photonics from July 2022.
Photo 228462635 © Marek Uliasz | Dreamstime.com
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Executive Forum

Photonics business roundup: January 2022

In case you missed it, several things happened in the photonics business world in January 2022.
FIGURE 1. Emphasizing blood vessels in the human forearm: an image with the conventional RGB camera (left) and a hyperspectral image in SWIR after processing with IDCube (right) are shown. This datacube was collected using a SWIR-sensitive 2D indium gallium arsenide (InGaAs) camera, Ninox (Raptor Photonics), mounted on top of a SWIR imaging spectrograph (Specim) equipped with a chromatic-aberration-free lens (StingRay Optics) , and was obtained by members of the Berezin Lab at Washington University in St. Louis.
Detectors & Imaging

Hyperspectral imaging captures spatial and spectral data of the human landscape

Medical hyperspectral imaging (HSI) helps researchers, surgeons, and clinicians see more deeply into the landscapes of our bodies.
2010 Lfw Ia Hero

Laser Focus World announces 2020 Innovators Awards

For the third straight year, Laser Focus World held its Innovators Awards program, which celebrates the disparate and innovative technologies, products, and systems found in the...
1911 Lfw Bf

Business Forum: No photonics, no food

Photonics tools, especially hyperspectral imaging and spectroscopy, are aiding in agricultural production and protecting the food supply chain—more opportunity exists.
Headwall Photonics
Content Dam Lfw Online Articles 2018 06 Headwall
Test & Measurement

Headwall integrates hyperspectral and lidar instruments aboard UAV platforms

The platform should enable remote-sensing capabilities from civil-infrastructure inspection to crop monitoring.
(Image credit: Headwall Photonics)
Hyperspectral imagers from Headwall image in the visible and near-infrared region to identify tumor margins--not visible with the naked eye--for surgery as part of the HELICoiD project.
Detectors & Imaging

Headwall hyperspectral imagers delineate cancer tumor margins for surgery

An EU medical consortium has successfully used hyperspectral imaging technology from Headwall in a brain cancer surgical trial.
(Image: Headwall Photonics)
Content Dam Lfw Online Articles 2015 November Headwall Nuts

Hyperspectral imaging sensors inspect, sort, and grade nuts and whole-food products

Headwall to deliver sensors to Bratney Companies for its seed, nut, and grain sorters.
FIGURE 1. The starter kit comprises a hyperspectral sensor (VNIR or SWIR), illumination kit, full software control, and a moving stage to properly scan materials of interest.

Spectroscopy: Hyperspectral imaging opens new perspectives in cultural heritage

With its fine spectral detail, hyperspectral imaging reveals information on the makeup of ancient art, texts, and other forms of cultural heritage.

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Additional content from Headwall Photonics Inc

Methane Air Plume

Headwall Hyperspectral Payloads Quantify Methane Signatures During Flight

Bolton, MA, Jan. 13, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Headwall Photonics, a leading designer and manufacturer of high-performance spectral imaging solutions, has further demonstrated ...
Headwall Mv x Award Jun20

Headwall MV.X Embedded-Vision Hyperspectral Imaging System wins Gold Innovation Award

Bolton, Massachusetts – June 16, 2020 – Headwall Photonics, a world leader in hyperspectral imaging platforms and instrumentation, announced today that its MV.X Embedded-Processing...

Headwall Photonics partners with Ocean Spray to test spectral-imaging agricultural analysis

Spectral imaging will be combined with machine vision to achieve the companies' goals.
Raw sensor output of imec's 32 wavelength tiled-snapshot multispectral imagers, showing the simultaneous capture of 32 images at different wavelengths of a test scene. A standard objective lens, combined with a custom optical duplicator, images all objects in front of the camera in parallel on the 32 spectral tiles of the imager.
Detectors & Imaging

Biomedical Imaging: Getting started with spectral imaging

Many consider spectral imaging-which reveals both the chemical signature and the spatial structure of specimens-to be the next essential research tool. Starter kits make it easy...
(Image credit: Headwall Photonics)
Headwall Photonics is supplying advanced hyperspectral sensors for climate cryosphere research using an unmanned aerial system.
Detectors & Imaging

Ocean and sea ice research project to use Headwall hyperspectral sensors

Spectral sensing and imaging company Headwall Photonics delivered two high-performance hyperspectral imaging sensors to Columbia University as part of its Air-Se a-Ice Physics...
FIGURE 1. The shape of Horiba's iHR550 imaging spectrometer is dictated by its requirements.

SPECTRAL IMAGING: Imaging spectrometers look at life in two ways

Spectral imaging is finding more and more applications in life sciences, from noninvasive disease diagnosis to food processing. Various imaging spectrometers make those applications...
(Image credit: Headwall Photonics)
The USDA has granted Headwall Photonics a license for patents related to in-line hyperspectral poultry inspection.
Test & Measurement

Headwall granted USDA license for spectral poultry inspection

Spectral imaging solutions company Headwall Photonics completed an exclusive licensing agreement with the USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) for patents related to the in...
(Courtesy of Headwall Photonics)
FIGURE 1. A hyperspectral image from Headwall Photonics' Micro-Hyperspec sensor was taken from a fixed-wing aircraft.

Photonics Products: Spectrometers: Imaging spectrometers examine the world around us

Imaging spectrometers capture enormous quantities of data in a 2D form that is relevant to areas from science and security to industry and art.
(Courtesy TerraLuma research project)
The Droidworx SkyJib Oktokopter carries a hyperspectral imaging system from Headwall Photonics.
Test & Measurement

TerraLuma project to use Headwall Photonics hyperspectral sensor for SkyJib UAV

Fitchburg, MA--TerraLuma project researchers are partnering with Headwall Photonics to bring hyperspectral technology to their fleet of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).
Detectors & Imaging

Headwall hyperspectral imaging sensor selected for SYERS-2 program

Fitchburg, MA--UTC Aerospace Systems has selected the Hyperspec hyperspectral imaging sensor from Headwall Photonics for the Senior Year Electro-Optical Reconnaissance Sensor ...
11 Lfw 7 Headwall

UV starter kit from Headwall Photonics includes UV imaging spectrometer

The Hyperspec UV Starter Kit includes a Hyperspec UV imaging spectrometer optimized for the 250 to 600 nm UV-VIS spectral range, a gantry assembly, specifically calibrated power...
FIGURE 1. The Raman Explorer sensor design has a multi-input, retroreflective concentric design with an aberration-corrected diffraction grating. Here, the laser excitation is at 785 nm.

SPECTRAL IMAGING: Spectral imaging provides new view for biotech and medical professionals

Innovative spectral sensors help refine Raman, multipoint, and hyperspectral sensors for use in healthcare and pharmaceutical development and production.
Content Dam Oiq Online Articles 2012 06 Headwall 062112 Web

Headwall Photonics wins 2012 R&D 100 Award for its Hyperspec RECON sensor

Fitchburg, MA -- R&D Magazine has announced that the Hyperspec RECON hyperspectral sensor by Headwall Photonics has been chosen as a recipient of a 2012 R&D 100 Award.
Content Dam Oiq Online Articles 2012 06 Rese 060712

Headwall Photonics releases airborne sensors with ReSe Applications' software

Fitchburg, MA-- Designer and manufacturer of hyperspectral imaging instruments, Headwall Photonics, has announced that the PARGE remote-sensing software by ReSe Applications Schl...
(Courtesy Headwall Photonics)
A hyperspectral SWIR sensor from Headwall Photonics was selected by the U.S. Navy for airborne systems such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).

Hyperspectral SWIR sensors from Headwall selected for U.S. Navy UAVs

Fitchburg, MA--High Efficiency Hyperspec SWIR sensors from Headwall Photonics were selected for airborne applications by the U.S. Navy.
(Reprinted with permission from Analyt. Chem., 82, 8427–8431; Copyright 2010 American Chemical Society)
FIGURE 1. An image shows a polyester fabric with lettering made from blood, with “I” at full concentration and “X,” “V,” “L,” and “C” made from blood at 10-, 25-, 50-, and 100-fold dilutions. The image was made using in-phase detection of an AC (alternating-current)-modulated reflectance. The object in the lower right is a reflectance reference for phase detection.

PHOTONICS APPLIED: FORENSICS: When photonics meets forensics, crime really doesn't pay

Once limited to destructive chemical and laboratory intensive procedures, the processing of crime scene evidence is now possible using nondestructive photonics technology—even...
(Courtesy of Headwall Photonics)
Hyperspectral instruments generate high-contrast images of latent fingerprints while also yielding chemical “signature” information about material left behind that could be associated with the fingerprint. This image shows that a fingerprint can be nondestructively viewed and analyzed with the spectral signature identified at three discrete points within the field of view.
Detectors & Imaging

FORENSICS: Fingerprint analysis goes hyperspectral

ChemImage (Pittsburgh, PA), an analytical-imaging company, recently made improvements to its CONDOR Hyperspectral Imaging System that allow the system to see enhanced ridge detail...
(Courtesy of Sarnoff)
FIGURE 1. Iris on the Move technology from Sarnoff uses an array of 15 frames/s video cameras with 850 nm LED illumination to image the irises of individuals coming within 3 m of the system at a rate of 30 people per minute (top). The system first segments the iris (middle), then remaps the iris image from Cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates in a normalization process (bottom). In the normalized image, increasing radius goes from top to bottom, while increasing angle goes from left to right, allowing the formatted image to be matched against reference irises.
Detectors & Imaging

PHOTONICS APPLIED: HOMELAND SECURITY: Threat identification demands new imaging technologies

Recognizing that the potential for national-security breaches along our borders and in our waterways is significant, imaging companies and research organizations are stretching...
Detectors & Imaging

USDA picks Headwall's spectral imagers for food inspection and safety

Headwall Photonics (Fitchburg, MA) announced the formation of a cooperative research and development agreement (CRADA) with the USDA Agricultural Research Service (Washington,...

Dispersive imaging enhances robotic pediatric surgery

High-throughput spatial accuracy can yield superior intraoperative dynamic range.