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Provided by Avantier
Avantier 25th Logo

Avantier Inc

Is an unparalleled leader in providing custom optical systems solutions. We offer advanced precision custom optical design, optical engineering, optical lens assembly, rapid optical...
Optical filters

Chroma Technology Corp

Manufacturer of catalog and custom optical filters for demanding applications across the spectrum. ISO 9001 and B Corp certified.
Shanghai Optics Logo Slogan

Shanghai Optics Inc

Shanghai Optics is an unparalleled custom optical engineering solution provider offering custom optical manufacturing, design and engineering services.

Universe Kogaku America Inc

Universe Kogaku designs and manufactures precision assembled optics including UV quartz lenses, CCD and CMOS lenses, CCTV and diode laser lenses, and hi-res lenses.

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NIR Objective Lenses Assembly

Avantier stands at the forefront of optical solutions, renowned for our unrivaled expertise in crafting high-performance lenses. In this video, we proudly showcase our exceptional...
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Optical Lens Assembly

Our Optical Lens System Design and Optical Lens Assembly BrochureWe utilize our expertise, optical system design, advanced in-house manufacturing and testing equipment for delivering...
Spectrographs And Gratings

OEM Optical Components & Assemblies

The leader in high-performance spectral-imaging components such as holographic gratings with aberration-corrected optics. Spectrographs and spectrometers designed for your instruments...
PG&O Provides Finished Infrared (IR) Optics for Industrial, Medical and Military Apps

PG&O Introduces Finished Infrared Optics for Biomedical, Military, and Industrial Applications

PG&O’s new fabrication capability utilizes several infrared materials, including calcium fluoride (CaF2), magnesium fluoride (MgF2), silicon (Si), germanium (Ge), and zinc sulfide...

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