Instrumentation, remote-sensing

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Image courtesy of Shanghai Optics
Optical Payloads in Space Remote Sensing
Instrumentation, remote-sensing

Optical Payloads in Space Remote Sensing

Space optical remote sensing payloads are essential for gathering critical data in space missions, from deep space exploration to Earth observation. These advanced systems utilize...
Image Courtesy of Avantier
A space optical remote sensing payload contains the core functionality of a satellite or other spacecraft.
Instrumentation, remote-sensing

Optical Payloads and Space Optical Remote Sensing

The heart of a space mission is found in the space optical remote sensing payload. Whether the mission is focused on deep space exploration, science, weather, navigation, communications...
Mv c Vnir Camera And Lens Dec22 Rev B Small (1)
Instrumentation, remote-sensing

Industrial Machine Vision Sensors and Systems from UV to SWIR

Rugged and reliable sensors and systems for lab use or non-contact real-time detection and inspection. Grade product or detect foreign matter, predict histamine concentration ...
Headwall Sif Imaging Sensor Nasa Firefly Image
Instrumentation, remote-sensing

High-Resolution Sensors for GHG and Solar-Induced Fluorescence

Application-specific sensors with high spectral and spatial resolution for distinguishing signals indicative of greenhouse gases or solar-induced fluorescence. Use in the field...
Manufacturing Awards 2022 2
Instrumentation, remote-sensing

Headwall Receives Commonwealth of Massachusetts Manufacturing Leadership Award

Bolton, MA, September 16, 2022 -- Headwall Photonics® was recognized today by the Massachusetts House of Representatives for "outstanding leadership in the Massachusetts manufacturing...

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