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Is an unparalleled leader in providing custom optical systems solutions. We offer advanced precision custom optical design, optical engineering, optical lens assembly, rapid optical...
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Shanghai Optics Inc

Shanghai Optics is an unparalleled custom optical engineering solution provider offering custom optical manufacturing, design and engineering services.

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Clear Aperture Diagram 768x768

Deep Dive into Optics: Clear Aperture

During the manufacturing process, a lower quality surface near the edge of an optical component is created. The diameter of the area inside of the optical component that must ...
Blog Photos 1 1536x527

Learning Optics with Austin: Lesson 1 – What is Light?

Optics is the study of light. The root of the word “opt” relates to the eye and vision, while the suffix “ics” refers to a science or discipline. [1] With that enLIGHTenment, ...
Electromagnetic Spectrum Diagram 1536x1086

Learning Optics with Austin: Lesson 2 – How to Describe Light

Light that the human eye can see is just a small sliver of the electromagnetic spectrum. We use wavelength (λ), measured in nanometers (nm) or micrometers (1 μm = 1000 nm), to...
Glass Slab Scaled

Learning Optics with Austin: Lesson 5 – Intro to Optical Components

The properties of light evident in nature are utilized by humans through instruments such as lenses and mirrors. While one might think that glass is the main material used to ...
Electromagnetic Spectrum Diagram 1536x1086

Learning Optics with Austin: Lesson 2 – How to Describe Light

Light that the human eye can see is just a small sliver of the electromagnetic spectrum. We use wavelength (λ), measured in nanometers (nm) or micrometers (1 μm = 1000 nm), to...
Glass Slab Scaled

Learning Optics with Austin: Lesson 5 – Intro to Optical Components

The properties of light evident in nature are utilized by humans through instruments such as lenses and mirrors. While one might think that glass is the main material used to ...