QED Technologies provides MRF polishing and SSI metrology systems to precision optics manufacturers worldwide, as well as contract precision optics manufacturing services through its division, QED Optics. www.qedmrf.com, www.qedoptics.com
Optical surface measurements include alignment error from rigid-body position uncertainty; challenges exist when fitting such errors on aspheres and freeforms.
Freeform fabrication technology has advanced considerably with improved diamond turning, grinding, and polishing machines. Freeform surface testing, however, remains a significant...
New magnetorheological finishing (MRF) techniques can correct figure error down to ~1 nm RMS, mid-spatial frequency errors as small as ~1 mm, and a final surface roughness of ...
Aspheric optics can be measured using a Fizeau interferometer, or by using an optical profiler containing an interferometer; both approaches have a variety of forms.
A new magnetorheological finishing (MRF) fluid has been designed to achieve ultralow roughness on a variety of optical materials and surface geometries. C30 was developed to address...
The QIS, a coherent imaging Fizeau interferometer, has been developed to measure high fringe densities for non-null, aspheric stitching interferometry.
Magnetorheological finishing is an optical-fabrication technique whose name is synonymous with QED Technologies and with good reason: MRF, invented in the former Soviet Union ...
Removing astigmatism and coma with a variable optical null allows an aspheric stitching interferometer to measure surfaces with departures up to 1000 waves from the best-fit sphere...
Optical Research Associates and QED Technologies are creating a complete design, tolerancing, and manufacturing process for lens systems that include aspheric surfaces.
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Rochester, NY--The Optical Society of America (OSA) has named Greg Forbes of QED Technologies as the 2012 recipient of the David Richardson Medal for his contributions in aberration...
While numerous interferometry applications have made only small advances over the years, big leaps have occurred in vibration isolation and form measurement of aspheres.
Null optics allow mild to strong aspheres to be interferometrically tested. As an alternative, subaperture-stitching interferometry measures mild to moderate aspheric surfaces...
The capabilities that well-designed aspheric lens surfaces can bring to optical systems are dramatic, from the simplification of objective lenses for CD and DVD drives to larger...