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Avantier Inc

Is an unparalleled leader in providing custom optical systems solutions. We offer advanced precision custom optical design, optical engineering, optical lens assembly, rapid optical...
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Shanghai Optics Inc

Shanghai Optics is an unparalleled custom optical engineering solution provider offering custom optical manufacturing, design and engineering services.

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Transmission (left) and Reflection (right) Gratings
Diffraction gratings

Learning Optics with Austin: Lesson 13 – Diffraction Grating and Wave Plates

With the knowledge of interference and polarization, it is time to talk about the practical applications of both! Diffraction gratings are used to change the path of light and...
Courtesy of Coherent Corp
Diffraction gratings

LightSmyth™ diffraction gratings and grisms

The LightSmyth™ diffraction gratings and grisms from Coherent have set the industry standard in terms of their high performance and quality. With decades of product deployment...
Spieoptics Star Product Lcpg
Diffraction gratings

Liquid Crystal Polarization Gratings

Liquid Crystal Polarization Grating (LCPG) TechnologyNon-mechanically reconfigurable optics with vastly superior size, weight, and power requirements compared to their mechanical...
Wasatch Photonics 20 Year Anniversary Logo Hi Res
Diffraction gratings

Wasatch Photonics Celebrates 20 Years of Innovation

LOGAN, UT – December 15, 2022 – Wasatch Photonics is proud to celebrate its 20th anniversary of helping customers develop new applications of light. Founded in 2002, the company...
Gratings Grouprgb
Diffraction gratings

High Efficiency VPH Transmission Gratings

Wasatch Photonics VPH transmission gratings offer high efficiency, low polarization sensitivity, and uniform performance over broad bandwidths. Order online from our large selection...
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Diffraction gratings

Aberration Corrected Concave Grating

Holographic concave gratings are blazed using a proprietary blazing technique resulting in very high UV peak efficiency coupled with significantly lower stray light compared to...
Diffraction gratings

Spectrum Scientific receives award from NASA for the supply of Holographic Gratings for the Joint Polar Satellites System

Presented with a plaque from NASA ‘In Recognition and Appreciation of Spectrum Scientific’s Outstanding and Dedicated Effort in Support of the OMPS Program’

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