Coherent Corp

Saxonburg, PA 16056


About Coherent Corp



375 Saxonburg Blvd
Saxonburg, PA 16056
United States

More Info on Coherent Corp

Coherent Corp. is a global leader in materials, networking, and lasers for the industrial, communications, electronics, and instrumentation markets. The company is headquartered in Saxonburg, Pennsylvania and manufactures high-quality materials and optics for industrial lasers.


Courtesy of Coherent Corp
Diffraction gratings

LightSmyth™ diffraction gratings and grisms

The LightSmyth™ diffraction gratings and grisms from Coherent have set the industry standard in terms of their high performance and quality. With decades of product deployment...


(Image credit: Coherent)
Lasers & Sources

Femtosecond laser has use in multiphoton microscopy

The Chameleon Discovery LX femtosecond laser provides ultrashort 100-fs pulses.
(Image credit: Coherent)

Coherent F-theta lens: Booth #4805

A high-power F-theta lens has uses in additive manufacturing, EV battery welding, and laser cleaning. It operates from deep-ultraviolet (deep-UV) to infrared (IR) wavelengths ...
(Image credit: Coherent)
Laser Processing

Fiber laser offers dual-ring beam configuration

The ARM FL20D fiber laser incorporates a center beam and two coaxial ring beams, all with independent control.
(Image credit: Coherent)
Lasers & Sources

Dual-chip micro-pump laser has use in metro and long-haul networks

An uncooled, dual-chip, 980-nm micro-pump laser provides 2 × 400 mW output.
(Image credit: Coherent)
Test & Measurement

Laser power sensor is suited for high-power industrial lasers

The calorimeter-based PM10K+ laser power sensor measures power output of continuous-wave (CW) lasers up to 10 kW in
(Image credit: Coherent)
Lasers & Sources

Pump laser modules designed for high-power optical amplifiers

G10 high-power, uncooled pump laser modules are built on the latest G10 series laser diode technology.
(Image credit: Coherent)

C+L band grisms have use in optical channel monitor construction

A family of aberration-correcting, high-efficiency grisms and transmission gratings can encompass the entire extended C+L band in a single optic.
(Image credit: Coherent)
Lasers & Sources

808 nm diode laser bar features two-junction configuration

An 808 nm diode laser bar employs a two-junction configuration to deliver 200 W of output with 100 A of input current.
Lasers & Sources

Red laser module enables single-molecule observation

The OBIS 640 XT diode-pumped solid-state (DPSS) laser module offers up to 1000 mW output at 640 nm.
Fiber Optics

Transceiver offers output power of 0 dBm

800G ZR/ZR+ transceivers are digital coherent optics that plug directly into QSFP-DD and OSFP transceiver slots on IP routers.

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Additional content from Coherent Corp

Lasers & Sources

1200 mW pump laser module has use in DWDM networks

A pump laser module with 1200 mW of output power in a 10-pin butterfly package is designed for optical amplification in DWDM networks.
Laser Processing

UV lasers are designed for high-contrast marking applications

Matrix nanosecond pulsed UV diode-pumped solid-state (DPSS) lasers are available with 5 and 10 W output power at pulse repetition rates from 50 to 300 kHz.
Laser Processing

UV femtosecond laser has use in OLED display cutting

The Monaco 345-25-50 femtosecond laser delivers pulses up to 25 µJ at repetition rates up to 2 MHz in the UV with a pulse width below 400 fs.
Laser Processing

Fiber lasers feature longer collimated beam lengths

Adjustable ring mode (ARM) lasers, part of the HighLight FL-ARM laser series, target deep welding applications in battery manufacturing for electric vehicles (EVs).
Lasers & Sources

Continuous-wave DFB laser comes in four CWDM wavelengths

A 1300 nm high-power continuous-wave (CW) distributed-feedback (DFB) laser diode enables 400G to 1.6T silicon photonics-based transceivers.
Lasers & Sources

Edge-emitting semiconductor lasers feature triple-junction design

905 nm edge-emitting semiconductor lasers emit up to 100 W of optical power in nanosecond pulses.
Lasers & Sources

Picosecond laser can process features below 10 µm

The HyperRapid NXT industrial picosecond laser offers 10 W output power at 266 nm in the deep-UV (DUV).
(Photo credit: SPIE)
Attendees make their way into the SPIE Photonics West 2022 exhibition hall.

SPIE Photonics West 2023 exhibitor products (UPDATED 1/27)

Get a first look at what will be shown on the SPIE Photonics West 2023 exhibit floor.
Laser Processing

Laser cutting heads accommodate high laser powers

The BIMO-FSC3-Z-HP has a power rating up to 30 kW, the BIMO-FSC3-L up to 20 kW, and the BIMO-FSC3-Z up to 12 kW.
Lasers & Sources

Micro-pump lasers maintain 400 mW output power

I-Temp micro-pump lasers maintain output power of 400 mW with less than 2 W of power consumption and remain wavelength-locked with a fiber Bragg grating.
FIGURE 1. In a flow cytometer, fluorescently labeled cells pass single-file in a flow stream and are illuminated by several different laser wavelengths. The resulting fluorescence is detected after separation into different wavelength bands.
Lasers & Sources

Laser engines improve life sciences applications

Multiwavelength laser engines, which combine laser sources with pre-aligned and stabilized free-space focusing optics or integrated fiber delivery systems, simplify alignment ...
(Courtesy of R. Kato/Tokushima University)
In a schematic of a robust, long-duration TERS imaging technique, a metallic nanotip images several points in a large area of a WS2 monolayer placed on a gold thin film (a). A superposition of two different intensity images, pure WS2 at 422 cm-1 and defect scattering of WS2 at 410 cm-1, reveals a high density of nanoscale protrusions in a large-area far-field confocal Raman image (b). A histogram of the same modes shows a defect density of 5.2% in the WS2 sample (c).
Science & Research

Improving the stability and imaging time of TERS

Advances in tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (TERS) can improve spatial resolution and stability, enabling longer imaging and spectroscopic characterization of sub-diffraction-...
FIGURE 1. Gantry systems can produce more consistent welds than scanner systems because they don’t create any beam distortion, but they’re slower, which becomes an issue when welding larger parts.
Laser Processing

Advances in laser welding prismatic battery: Can to cap

Prismatic battery can-to-cap welding presents challenges in high-volume production. Welds must be economically viable and deliver a hermetic seal that maintains its integrity ...
Photo 237017308 © Penchan Pumila |
Dreamstime Xl 237017308
Executive Forum

Photonics business roundup: June 2022

It’s time to recap all the photonics business news that was announced in June 2022.
FIGURE 1. Three-photon excitation uses 3x the wavelength as conventional one-photon absorption. The 1300 nm excitation scheme shown here is for GCaMP6s, a genetically expressed calcium indicator. Recently Chris Xu and colleagues have demonstrated that 1300 nm can also excite longer-wavelength dyes such as Texas Red, a fluorescent dye that can be bonded to antibodies to label specific cellular components.
Bio&Life Sciences

Laser developments support advanced neuroscience techniques

Three-photon imaging and two-photon optogenetic stimulation both benefit from the latest laser developments targeted squarely at neuroscience research.
(Courtesy of Frank Lison, Toptica)
The booth parties at LASER World of PHOTONICS 2022 were plenty and crowded.

LASER & World of Quantum 2022

Germany’s biggest photonics trade show came back this year with plenty of new technology. Beyond all the fancy quantum programs, there are several surprising trends in areas including...
FIGURE 1. Relative system revenue for Coherent tube cutting machines based on fiber lasers and femtosecond lasers.
Laser Processing

Femtosecond laser processing is a flourishing production tool

As advances in femtosecond laser cutting technology intensify, demand is surging.
FIGURE 1. The multipass erosion cutting process.
Laser Processing

Laser erosion cutting for flexible micromanufacturing

Laser erosion is the removal of thin layers from a workpiece.
FIGURE 1. In flow cytometry, cells move in single file in a narrow flow stream, where they are excited by one or more laser beams.
Lasers & Sources

Trends in flow cytometry lasers call for more new wavelengths

As the need for more personalized medicine increases, researchers are finding that new laser wavelengths and integrated multiwavelength laser light engines are enabling high-dimensional...
Andy Mattes, President & CEO of Coherent.
Executive Forum

Keynote Discussion: A conversation with Andy Mattes, CEO, Coherent

Laser Focus World Editor in Chief John Lewis had a lively conversation with the CEO of Coherent, Andy Mattes.
(Photo 100051973 © Keatanan Viya |
Dreamstime M 100051973
Executive Forum

Coherent accepts most-recent II-VI acquisition bid

Coherent will enter into a merger agreement with II-VI on the terms of the March 17, 2021 proposal, therefore terminating the Lumentum merger agreement.
2103 Lfw Ils Kle 1
Industrial Laser Solutions

The laser powers e-mobility

Adjustable-mode fiber lasers successfully weld copper.
(Photo 139452497 © Ecaterina Tolicova |
Dreamstime M 139452497
Executive Forum

II-VI revises its proposal to buy Coherent (UPDATED)

Under the terms of the revised II-VI proposal, Coherent’s shareholders would receive $195.00 in cash and 1.0 II-VI common share for each Coherent common share.
(Photo 138242136 © Feng Yu |
Dreamstime M 138242136
Executive Forum

Coherent and Lumentum sign revised merger agreement

The transaction between both laser companies, if approved, is expected to close in the second half of calendar-year 2021.
(Photo 70224198 © One Photo |
Dreamstime M 70224198
Executive Forum

II-VI throws hat in ring to acquire Coherent

II-VI’s proposal represents a 24.0% premium over the implied value of the Lumentum transaction and a 9.8% premium over the implied value of MKS Instruments’ acquisition proposal...
(Photo 181453982 © Andrey Popov |
Dreamstime M 181453982
Executive Forum

MKS Instruments makes strong bid to acquire Coherent (UPDATED)

The offer, which falls on the heels of Lumentum’s recent announcement to buy Coherent, represents a 16% premium over the implied value of the Lumentum transaction.
(ID: 180682420 © Tero Vesalainen |
Dreamstime M 180682420

Laser markets show resistance to COVID-19

The Lasers & Photonics Marketplace Seminar will explore the impact of COVID-19 on photonics businesses, with a great lineup of speakers on the agenda.
FIGURE 1. Near-infrared absorption spectrum of Nd:YVO4. For many years, laser designers exclusively targeted pumping the strong peak at 808 nm. The crystal is normally pumped along its b-axis, and the separate plots refer to light polarized to the a- and c-axes.
Lasers & Sources

Enhance your Nd-doped DPSS laser with a longer-wavelength pump

Laser diode pump modules emitting in a longer wavelength window dramatically lower the thermal load challenges in DPSS lasers, simplifying power scaling.
(Credit: Gerd Altmann/Pixabay)
Hands 1445472 1920
Executive Forum

Accelerating photonics innovation, Lumentum will acquire Coherent

The acquisition will significantly expand Lumentum's penetration of the more-than-$10 billion market for lasers and photonics outside of communications and 3D sensing.
FIGURE 1. In SCAPE, a light sheet is formed at an oblique angle by off-axis illumination of the primary microscope objective with a line profile beam (a); SCAPE builds a volumetric image by scanning the light sheet while capturing a series of images of the illuminated plane (b).
Detectors & Imaging

High-resolution, multicolor 3D imaging at the speed of life

An innovative laser fluorescence technique, swept confocally aligned planar excitation (SCAPE) microscopy, overcomes the limitations of earlier methods and offers broad life sciences...
Irus Wp Img2
Coherent Inc

How Industrial Reliability Benefits Diverse Femtosecond Applications

Schematic illustration of the box geometry used in the laboratory of Prof. Hebin Li to perform 2D spectroscopy. The non-collinear arrangement of the multiple pulses makes this...
Aom Wp Img 01
Coherent Inc

Total Power Control (TPC) Simplifies Imaging with Femtosecond Lasers

Two-photon microscopy methods need fast on/off digital modulation of the ultrafast laser beam. This whitepaper explains how and why Coherent lasers now provide optional direct...
Shigekawa Stm Cs Img
Coherent Inc

STM Imaging of Transients using Femtosecond Laser Pulses

Researchers in Japan have combined femtosecond pump-probe laser techniques with a STM to study carrier dynamics with sub-nanometer spatial resolution and femtosecond temporal ...
Coherent Inc

Structure and Chemical Composition in a Single Measurement

THz-Raman spectroscopy is a proven method to collect robust and simultaneous structural and chemical compositional information. This technology has evolved from a relative novelty...
Coherent Inc

New Monaco HE Femtosecond Amplifier. Unmatched Performance and Versatility.

High-energy, versatile ultrafast ytterbium amplifier suitable for time-resolved spectroscopy and material processing applications.The newest member of the Monaco family, the Monaco...
Coherent Inc

New Suite of Femtosecond Lasers Lowers Costs and Complexity of Microscopy

Axon Fixed Wavelength Femtosecond LasersCompact and cost-effective ultrafast lasers for life sciences and instrumentationThe Axon family of lasers is a suite of compact, air-cooled...
(Courtesy of Morgan Trassin)
FIGURE 1. At ETH Zurich, an Astrella amplifier maintains output stability in spite of its proximity to a deposition chamber that reaches internal temperatures as high as 950°C.
Lasers & Sources

Revisiting the industrial revolution in scientific lasers

A look is taken at how the industrial approach to reliability in ultrafast scientific lasers has resulted in research tools that deliver on their promise.
Coherent Inc

COVID: Meeting the Challenge of Mask Decontamination

Hospitals and other health care providers can benefit greatly from the ability to decontaminate masks and other equipment, thus allowing reuse. Exposure to UV-C radiation has ...
Coherent Inc

Researchers are using Femtosecond Amplifiers with Industrial Reliability

Schematic illustration of the box geometry used in the laboratory of Prof. Hebin Li to perform 2D spectroscopy. The non-collinear arrangement of the multiple pulses makes this...
Coherent Inc

An Interview with David Carlson, Winner of the 2019 Couillaud Prize

The Couillaud prize is awarded jointly by Coherent and the Optical Society of America (OSA) in memory of Dr. Bernard J. Couillaud, who was a widely recognized industry leader ...
Coherent Inc

New Astrella HE Femtosecond Amplifier: Record Pulse Energy

Astrella HEHighest pulse energy, one-box, titanium:sapphire amplifier for demanding femtosecond scientific applications.Recently introduced at Photonics West (San Francisco 2020...
The low-frequency (terahertz) portion of the Raman spectrum of sulfur shows dramatic differences between the different phases.

Terahertz-Raman instrument becomes a crystallinity phase monitor

Volume holographic gratings extend Raman spectrometers based on visible lasers into the traditionally “difficult” terahertz vibrational energy domain.
Coherent Highlight Dl Hps
Lasers & Sources

Coherent industrial diode laser offers output power from 1 to 4 kW

The HighLight DL HPS industrial diode laser has output of 1 to 4 kW for systems integrators and users performing metal cladding, heat treating, brazing, and welding.
Test & Measurement

Coherent thermopile sensors feature a 50-mm-diameter active area

PM1K+, PM3K+, and PM6K+ water-cooled, thermopile sensors incorporate a BB+ broadband coating to measure power of continuous-wave or modulated lasers up to 1 kW, 3 kW, and 6 kW...
2005 Ils Ber Z01
Industrial Laser Solutions

Dissimilar metal welding with advanced laser beam control

This article presents work that has demonstrated the ability to produce laser welds at quality and throughput rates compatible with the requirements of automotive and electronics...
Credit: Gerd Altmann/Pixabay
Shaking Hands 2499612 1920
Executive Forum

Laser maker Coherent names Andy Mattes as new CEO

Laser provider Coherent and its Board of Directors has named Andreas “Andy” W. Mattes as the company’s new President and CEO and a member of the Board of Directors.
Lasers & Sources

Coherent femtosecond amplifier integrates a Ti:sapphire oscillator

The Astrella HE one-box femtosecond amplifier delivers up to 9 mJ at a repetition rate of 1 kHz.
Coherent Pic High Light Fl Arm Series
Lasers & Sources

Coherent creates “Center of Excellence for Fiber Lasers” in Tampere, Finland

The Center will be the source for all Coherent HighLight fiber lasers and will house an applications lab containing the full range of Coherent's fiber lasers.
(Courtesy of the Fleming group)
FIGURE 1. A 2D electronic spectrum contains many different types of information.
Lasers & Sources

Ultrafast Lasers: Trends in femtosecond amplifiers—Ti:sapphire vs. ytterbium

Ti:sapphire and ytterbium femtosecond amplifier technologies—one mature, the other quite dynamic—currently provide complementary performance, so the optimum choice is really application...
John Ambroseo, President and CEO of Coherent.
Lasers & Sources

Business Forum: Laser markets evolve, price battles continue—an interview with John Ambroseo

An interview with the president and CEO of Coherent reveals a laser industry still changing, driven by commodization and continual advances in technologies and applications.
FIGURE 1. An aluminum prismatic battery seam seal is shown, where the cross-section (a) and longitudinal section (b) clearly show no porosity.
Industrial Laser Solutions

Lasers lead the charge in e-mobility manufacturing

Welding technology delivers welds with reduced spatter and improved metallurgical characteristics.
1903 Lfw Pro 12

Coherent terahertz Raman spectroscopy modules use narrowband filter technology

The TR-Series terahertz Raman spectroscopy modules deliver spectral information in the terahertz frequency range.
FIGURE 1. High-power diode laser systems for industry are being augmented with improved beam-delivery optics, compact rack-mounted configurations, and simplified cooling.
Positioning, Support & Accessories

High-power Diode Lasers: High-power diode lasers focus on improved utility

Recent advances in diode packaging and implementation are transforming the utility and economics of applications for high-power diode lasers.
FIGURE 1. The Cobolt Skyra multiline laser for flow cytometry (inset) is stable in both output beam power (a) and in pointing stability under temperature excursions (b).

Photonics Products: Lasers for Biosciences: Lasers for flow cytometry are small, solid, and reliable

Single- and multiline lasers with wavelengths across the visible spectrum and beyond allow matching with numerous applications.
Lasers & Sources

Coherent acquires wavelength-stabilized VHG and THz laser company Ondax

Ondax manufactures volume holographic gratings (VHGs), wavelength-stabilized diode lasers, and THz-Raman systems.
FIGURE 1. These total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy images were obtained using two excitation lasers combined in the Coherent Galaxy laser combiner; as part of research on the binding of actin filaments, the red signal is from Cy5-labeled Tm1A (protein) fluorescence excited at 640 nm, and the green signal is due to Alexa488 labeled actin excited at 488 nm. [1]
Lasers & Sources

How to choose a laser for microscopy

While laser wavelength and power are obvious critical parameters, there are numerous other factors to consider when specifying an optical microscope illumination system.
FIGURE 1. The multimodal endoscope concept, developed by researchers at Institut Fresnel, includes a piezo tube actuator that scans a miniature objective in a typical spiral pattern; the system based on this schematic performs multimodal imaging at high resolution, making a step toward real-time, intraoperative, label-free imaging.

Translational Research/Microendoscopy: Multimodal endoscopy targets real-time biopsy

Cancer diagnosis gets a boost from femtosecond laser light delivered through hollow-core fiber.
1801 Lfw Pro 9
Positioning, Support & Accessories

Modular beam delivery system from Coherent available

The FLBK40 is a modular beam delivery system that includes four different focal length collimators with QB connectors.
FIGURE 1. This small two-dimensional barcode mark produced on metal is of a type used in the automotive industry.
Lasers & Sources

Ultrafast Lasers: Picosecond lasers perform subsurface marking of stainless steel medical devices

A picosecond laser technique satisfies the need for permanent unique device identifier (UDI) marking of stainless steel medical devices without requiring postprocessing.
(Courtesy of Draper)
FIGURE 1. A prototype cyborg dragonfly carries sensors and a photovoltaic power supply; the addition of optogenetically controlled steering will complete the conversion of this insect into a tiny externally controlled drone that can continually power itself by pausing to eat other insects.
Lasers & Sources

Technology Review: Laser Focus World's top 20 photonics technology picks for 2017

Optics and photonics contribute hugely to the digital revolution and are in turn furthered by it. Some of these contributions are evident to the average tech-savvy but nonspecialist...
FIGURE 1. The first commercial excimer laser was the Lambda Physik EMG 500, which produced a pulse energy of 220 mJ at 248 nm, with a repetition rate up to 20 Hz.
Lasers & Sources

Gas Lasers: Excimer lasers -- 40 never looked better

Despite its middle-aged standing in the laser community, the excimer laser is a high-power source of UV and DUV light with no equal in certain critical applications.
1710 Lfw Pro 6
Fiber Optics

Fiber coupler from Coherent handles laser power levels of 12 kW

A fiber-to-fiber coupler enables the use of replaceable fiber-optic cables so that integral components of the fiber laser are not exposed to optomechanical damage in harsh industrial...
FIGURE 1. In flow cytometry, cells flow past multiple focused laser beams that are usually arranged as a sequence of elliptical foci; the use of multiple wavelengths enables cells to be assigned by a larger number of sort criteria.
Lasers & Sources

Visible Semiconductor Lasers: Standardized multilaser modules enable comprehensive data sets in life sciences

Application-specific optically pumped semiconductor laser modules incorporate source, optics, and electronics for simple access to multiwavelength laser excitation.
1708 Lfw Pro 6
Lasers & Sources

Coherent fiber optic cables are available in lengths from 5 to 200 m

The RQB fiber optic cables have use with fiber lasers operating at continuous-wave power levels up to 1.5 kW, as well as pulsed lasers as high as 1 MW.
1704 Lfw Pro 2
Lasers & Sources

Coherent CO2 laser is available in four wavelengths

The Cx-10 CO2 laser delivers a short pulse fall time at 120 W, which translates into a smaller heat-affected zone on the workpiece.
1612 Lfw Pro 19
Lasers & Sources

Light-show lasers from Coherent enable white displays with minimum color fringing

Genesis Taipan HD series light-show and entertainment lasers all offer TEM00 beam characteristics.
1610 Lfw Pro 16
Lasers & Sources

Violet laser from Coherent operates at up to 110% of maximum rated power

The OBIS 405 LX violet laser provides more than 250 mW at 405 nm in a 70 x 40 x 38 mm self-contained platform.
Content Dam Lfw Online Articles 2016 09 Coherent Stingray F Web
Lasers & Sources

Coherent laser line generators have uses in high-precision machine vision applications

Stingray µFocus laser line generators enable detection of smaller features in machine vision applications based on triangulation.
1609 Lfw Pro 24
Lasers & Sources

Optical parametric amplifier from Coherent provides 3 W power

The Opera-F optical parametric amplifier (OPA) provides sub-100 fs pulse duration, 3 W power, 3 µJ pulse energy, and 1 MHz pulse repetition.
(Courtesy of Becton Dickinson)
FIGURE 1. Using multiple laser wavelengths, the BD FACSymphony system is a novel cell analyzer that enables simultaneous measurement of up to 50 different characteristics of a single cell.
Lasers & Sources

Market Insights: Fifty years of the laser - A Coherent view

This year is Coherent's 50th anniversary and, in many ways, the company's history and success mirror such trends in the laser industry.
1608 Lfw Pro 23
Lasers & Sources

Semiconductor laser from Coherent provides output from 488 to 594 nm

The OBIS CORE LS optically pumped semiconductor laser is optimized for analytical instrumentation.
1607 Lfw Pro 12
Lasers & Sources

Industrial picosecond laser range from Coherent includes 1064 nm output models

The HyperRapid NX product range includes 1064 nm output models with pulse energies to 250 μJ (10 ps pulse duration, typical) at repetition rates to 2 MHz.
1605 Lfw Pro 9
Lasers & Sources

Green nanosecond lasers from Coherent have uses in laser processing applications

The AVIA NX Q-switched diode-pumped, solid-state (DPSS) lasers deliver up to 65 W of average power at 532 nm from a laser head that measures
Lasers & Sources

Laser oscillator by Coherent is at core of LIGO gravitational wave detection

Coherent also supplied other lasers for LIGO and polished some of the large-aperture optics.
(Courtesy of IPG Photonics)
FIGURE 1. The cylindrical surface of a bore for an automobile engine is micromachined using a 2 kW single-mode fiber laser from IPG Photonics, then sprayed with plasma to create a hard coating that replaces conventional cylinder liners. Laser-machined microgrooves help the resulting coating to adhere to the cylinder.
Lasers & Sources

Photonics Products: High-power Fiber Lasers: Kilowatt-level fiber lasers mature

Today's high-power CW fiber lasers have become naturals at reliable, capable materials processing.
Lasers & Sources

Coherent to acquire ROFIN-SINAR

The boards of directors have approved a definitive agreement under which Coherent will acquire Rofin for $942 million dollars.
1602 Lfw Pro 4
Lasers & Sources

Coherent medical lasers have utility in surgery and aesthetics

A low-fill-factor, 35 W continuous-wave-rated diode laser bar emitting at 1470 nm is designed for fiber coupling and optical beam combining, as well as direct applications in ...
1601 Lfw Pro 20
Lasers & Sources

Coherent ultrafast fiber lasers deliver 140 fs pulsewidth at 1040 nm

The Fidelity 10 and Fidelity 18 ultrafast fiber lasers offer 10 and 18 W of output power, respectively.
FIGURE 1. As seen in this schematic, the phase-mask method of FBG writing produces an interference pattern that projects downward through space onto an optical fiber (top), resulting in evenly spaced FBG pattern in to fiber (bottom).
Fiber Optics

Optics Fabrication: Fiber Bragg grating fabrication system is automated

An interference lithography based production system enables pushbutton fabrication of fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) for remote fiber sensing.
1511 Lfw Pro 22
Lasers & Sources

Coherent fiber laser is available with various output delivery fiber options

The Highlight FL series fiber laser delivers output powers to 4 kW.
(Courtesy of Gentec-EO USA)
FIGURE 1. A Gentec Beamage-4M CMOS camera (a) and associated beam-tracking software (b) allow the alignment of the centroid of one laser beam to that of a second beam, enabling near- and far-field relative alignment of the beams.

Laser beam diagnostics: Beam-analysis tools each have their own approach

Measuring the properties of a laser beam can be done in several ways; all are reliable, accurate, and fast.
Lasers & Sources

Green lasers from Coherent adjust from single shot to 10 kHz

The Revolution series of Q-switched green pulsed lasers provide average power up to 80 W at a wavelength of 527 nm.
(Courtesy of Coherent)
Cross sections of 0.7-mm-thick Corning CT24 glass are taken with a Nomarski differential interference contrast microscope. The piece cut with a CO2 laser shows residual stress (a), while the cut produced with the CO laser is defect-free (b).
Lasers & Sources

Gas Lasers: Carbon monoxide laser aims at high-power applications

Coherent has unveiled a CO laser designed for materials-processing applications such as glass cutting, among other uses.
(Courtesy of Adam Packer, Häusser lab, University College London)
Optogenetics microscopy setup: A ytterbium fiber laser (Coherent Fidelity), which is used primarily for photoactivation, is used in conjunction with a tunable ultrafast laser (Coherent Chameleon; background).
Lasers & Sources

Optogenetics: Optogenetics research drives new laser technologies

The desire of optogenetics researchers to stimulate and probe a higher number of neurons in larger volumes with improved specificity—and at single-neuron resolution—is driving...
(Courtesy of Toptica)
FIGURE 1. A diagram shows the evolution of ultrafast lasers from the original dye lasers to more-recent solid-state and fiber-based lasers.
Lasers & Sources

Ultrafast Scientific Lasers: Ultrafast scientific lasers expand on their legacy

The femtosecond-scale pulse durations of ultrafast lasers are ideal for science, capturing physical and biological processes that normally happen too fast to measure.
1502prod Coherent
Lasers & Sources

DPSS lasers from Coherent offer output powers up to 40 W at 355 nm

AVIA series Q-switched, diode-pumped, solid-state lasers are designed for materials processing applications in microelectronics fabrication and packaging, such as via hole drilling...
FIGURE 1. The original Sanger sequencing method was based on terminated polymerizations and labeling with radioactive nucleotides followed by length separation using electrophoresis on gel plates. It was modified to use fluorescent nucleotides, capillary electrophoresis separation, and laser detection, enabling first-generation automation.

GENETICS/DNA SEQUENCING: Laser fluorescence powers sequencing advances

DNA sequencing based on laser-excited fluorescence is characterized by dramatic increases in throughput, equally impressive reductions in cost, and diverse technological innovations...
1501prod Coherent

Dual-wavelength laser from Coherent is designed for multiphoton excitation microscopy

The Chameleon Discovery high-power, dual-wavelength laser is continuously tunable from 680 to 1300 nm, with short pulse width (100 fs) and power up to 1.4 W.
(Courtesy Christian Eggeling and Alf Honigman)
FIGURE 1. STED microscopy overlaps a donut-shaped beam (for spatially selective photobleaching) with a Gaussian beam for fluorescence excitation. As the STED beam intensity is increased, it smoothly constricts the non-bleached area of the sample beyond the diffraction limit.
Detectors & Imaging

Lasers for Biophotonics: Lasers meet changing demands of biomedical applications

Fluorescence detection techniques for applications such as cytometry, microscopy, and sequencing continue to advance with support from evolving laser sources such as optically...
(Courtesy of DILAS)
FIGURE 1. The output beam of a 200 W laser-diode array made by DALSA and used to enhance MRI imaging is hexagonal with a beam size of ~63 mm.
Lasers & Sources

Photonics Products: High-power Laser-Diode Arrays: Diode arrays are compact, high-power light dynamos

With their high-power density, high efficiency, and long life, laser-diode arrays are the essential light source for materials processing, laser pumping, and other applications...
1412prod Coherent
Lasers & Sources

Picosecond laser from Coherent offers 6 W of average power at 1064 nm

The RAPID NX laser is designed for industrial applications including high-value marking, surface structuring, photovoltaics manufacturing, and LED dicing.
1411prod Coherent
Test & Measurement

Laser power meter from Coherent offers continuous sampling at repetition rates of up to 20 kHz

The LabMax-Pro SSIM laser power meter works with the company’s PowerMax-Pro sensors to enable high speed measurements of lasers from 300 nm to 11 micron.
FIGURE 1. An earlier version of optical mount (a) is compared with the final version (b) used in a femtosecond laser; the final version incorporates concepts from industrial lasers. The final version is more compliant with externally induced vibration and temperature-change cycles.
Lasers & Sources

Solid-State Lasers: Ultrafast scientific lasers undergo an industrial revolution

By taking advantage of expertise from the world of industrial lasers, ultrafast lasers have become simpler and more reliable, yielding improvements in cost of data and data throughput...
(Images courtesy of the Campagnola lab, University of Wisconsin-Madison)
These second-harmonic-generation (SHG) images depict single optical sections of ex vivo human ovarian tissue. The malignant tumors are high-grade serous tumors as classified as pathology (left column). The field size in each case is 170 × 170 μm. The images were acquired at 40X 0.8 NA at zoom 2 using 890 nm excitation in the forward detection, isolated with a bandpass filter, and detected by a single-photon-counting photomultiplier.

NONLINEAR MICROSCOPY/LABEL-FREE DEEP-TISSUE IMAGING: Long-wavelength lasers push SHG toward preclinical and clinical apps

A new generation of 1055 nm ultrafast fiber lasers maximizes the productivity of nonlinear microscopy systems. The lasers promise to enable the translation of such label-free ...
(Courtesy of Power Technology)
FIGURE 1. An iLLUMINA RGB laser projector containing red- and blue-emitting LDs is shown in a home-theater mockup; this product, which produces a wider color gamut than conventional projectors, will be sized up for movie-cinema use.
Lasers & Sources

Photonics Products: Visible Laser Diodes: Laser diodes (almost) encompass the entire visible spectrum

Green-, blue-, and red-emitting laser diodes are used alone or in combination for multifarious uses, often with enhancements such as fiber-coupling and wavelength stabilization...
1402prod Coherent
Fiber Optics

UV fiber laser from Coherent provides output at 355 nm in ns and shorter pulses

The Daytona HE UV fiber laser provides output at 355 nm in nanosecond and shorter pulses with peak powers of >45 kW (at repetition rates up to 525 kHz).
(Image: Coherent, Inc.)
Coherent creates piezoelectric thin-film detector that outdoes photodiodes and thermopiles for high-speed laser measurement.
Positioning, Support & Accessories

Coherent creates piezoelectric thin-film detector that outdoes photodiodes and thermopiles for high-speed laser measurement

At SPIE Photonics West 2014 (1 to 6 Feb. 2014; San Francisco, CA), Coherent, Inc. introduced a high-speed, large-area, damage-resistant thin-film optical detector that is not ...
Content Dam Lfw Print Articles 2014 02 1402lfwnbf4web
Lasers & Sources

Femtosecond laser carves refractive-index-sensing F-P cavity in optical fiber

Harbin Institute of Technology researchers have created a high-quality Fabry-Perot interferometer (FPI) cavity with flat axial surfaces suitable for sensing the refractive index...