Newport is a brand within the MKS Instruments Light & Motion division. The Newport product portfolio consists of a full range of solutions including precision motion control, optical tables and vibration isolation systems, photonic instruments, optics andopto-mechanical components.
Newport offers an array of newly designed optical power and energy meters. 1919-R advanced hand-held Meter, 843-R series hand-held meters, and 841-PE-USB meter are all compatible...
Newport's 918D-IS Seris Fiber Optic Sensors use a 1" integrating sphere to ensure the most accurate calibration possible, regardless of the fiber type. The detector uses a dual...
Newport offers a full range of calibrated thermopile based laser power sensors for measuring CW or pulsed lasers. Our sensors offer broadband, spectrally flat response, and plug...
The PEPS series quadcell thermopile sensors measure not only laser power and single shot energy, like the Newport's 919P series thermal sensors, but also laser beam position with...
Newport offers CCD based laser beam profilers with a number of accessories such as beam attenuators, beam samplers, a UV imager, and a beam splitter. The visible camera covers...
The LIAD series Radiometers use a pyroelectric or photodiode sensor in conjunction with chopped CW or quasi CW radiation, using a digitally synthesized lock-in amplifier to reduce...
Newport's 1936-R and 2936-R optical power meters have a large bandwidth up to 400 kHz with 10 kHz data acquisition rate. The meter can record up to 250,000 data points, with the...
Newport's broad range of vibration control solutions and vibration isolation systems include optical tables and custom honeycomb structures, pneumatic isolators, microscope workstations...
919E Series pyroelectric pulse energy detectors use innovative, patented technology which facilitates accurate and repeatable laser measurements of pulses over an extensive range...
Newport offers a variety of calibrated photodiode detectors with various form factors to meet the challenges in a wide range of applications, and the 918D series the most advanced...
Using novel thin-film deposition processes, MKS has expanded into the premium optical filter market. Learn why ODiate™ high-performance optical filters are the ideal choice for...
The HybrYX single-plane, air-bearing XY hybrid stages have use in semiconductor wafer inspection systems, as well as large-substrate inspection and processing tools. The stages...
The strategic integration of custom-designed optical components can significantly improve the performance of these vital tools. Here are the critical factors to consider.
The 1938-R and 2938-R benchtop optical power meters feature bandwidths up to 200 kHz for the Newport 818, 918D, or 819 C/D series photodiode detectors.
The Newport MTN-BHLS Series mid-travel linear stages feature all-steel construction for moving heavy loads at high speeds with very fine repeatability.
(Courtesy of Cascade Microtech, a FormFactor company)
Hexapods come in high-precision, high-accuracy, and high-load versions and serve to align optics for assembly, simulate or isolate vibration, and many other tasks.
Newport FemtoOptics ultrathin antireflection-coated windows minimize positive group delay dispersion in optical systems using ultrafast lasers with femtosecond pulses.
For alignment and other optical applications, position-sensing detectors (PSDs) in their various forms can measure spot position in either one or two dimensions.
MKS Instruments will acquire photonics products maker Newport Corporation for $23 per share in an all-cash transaction valued at approximaely $980 million.
Increasingly, neuroscientists are working with researchers in disciplines such as chemistry and physics. This trend has been noticed by exhibitors at the Society for Neuroscience...
(Courtesy of the Special Collections & Archives Department, Nimitz Library, U.S. Naval Academy)
Stability and precision have been crucial for optics since the 19th century. The birth of holography and other precision laser measurements brought a new generation of equipment...
Essential for many experiments in optics, the vibration-isolation table comes in many forms, including active and passive vibration isolation, as well as pneumatic and non-pneumatic...
The VIP100 Super-Compact vibration isolation platform has either metric or imperial mounting holes supported by four isolators, with passive, mechanical bearings.
To address alignment needs ranging from large-diameter single-core optical fibers to high-resolution diffraction gratings, motion-control software must be configurable for multiaxis...
The XM-Series linear stages now have minimum incremental motion of 1 nm for nanopositioning applications such as laser machining, semiconductor wafer processing, sensor test and...
Infrared (IR) light—which is invisible to the human eye—has broad application in many areas because its energy, in the form of heat, is easiest to discern. When something is not...
Delay lines that introduce a quantifiable separation between laser pulses are necessary for time-resolved experiments in ultrafast science such as pump-probe spectroscopy.
The LAKIT Series of laser power alignment tuning kits includes a 1917-R laser power meter and a broad selection of optical detectors to match the laser type with corresponding...
The WEU-02 wavelength extension unit expands the capability of femtosecond lasers for use in various spectroscopy, imaging, and pump-probe applications.
The Model 819C and 819D calibrated integrating sphere detectors measure output light power of collimated or divergent laser beams and other light sources, respectively, delivering...
Accurate measurement of the position of a laser beam can be achieved in several ways, each with its strengths and weaknesses. A comparison of these has resulted in an active beam...
Newport Corporation (NASDAQ: NEWP) will acquire Ophir Optronics (Jerusalem, Israel), which is well-known for its catalog and custom precision IR optics; its power and energy meters...
Newport Corporation released the Newport Resource, a catalog for photonics research products and related applications that encompasses products from all Newport brands.
The CONEX-AG-M100D piezo motor-driven mirror mount from Newport features a two-axis absolute angle position sensor to enable 0.001º closed-loop metal-insulator-metal (MIM) and...
Newport's Spectra-Physics® is an industry-leading supplier of advanced laser solutions to the microelectronics, solar, semiconductor, industrial manufacturing, scientific research...
Integrating spheres allow for the total collection of light and spatial integration to diffuse the input beam so that the detector readings are insensitive to errors caused by...
A part of the SmartTable OTS optical table system family, the OTSE integrated overhead shelf connects directly to the SmartTable OTS frame, and features a 23.5 in. deep surface...
The CONEX-AG-LS25-27P controller from Newport is preconfigured with an Agilis AG-LS25-27P linear stage that includes a miniature, built-in, direct-read linear encoder.
A micromachining workstation for high-precision laser direct-writing and patterning can be integrated with several CW, nanosecond, and femtosecond lasers to produce 2D or 3D patterning...
Newport has introduced the compact, ultra-quiet (30dB(A) at 1 ft.) ACWS Air Compressor. Clean, portable, and more convenient than bottled air supplies, the fast-filling, economical...
An optical power meter and a thermopile detector both have applications in photovoltaics research. These tools will find increased demand as the field of photovoltaic research...
Optical tables and vibration isolation supports have become the de facto standard for providing a stable environment for complex laser systems and their applications.
Advances to Class A solar simulators allow measurement of parameters, including current voltage, quantum efficiency, and efficiency of conversion from incident photon to charge...
Somewhere between pure science and pure hard-won experience lies technological success. This year's rich variety of achievements in photonics and optoelectronics extends to both...
The laser power and energy meter product lines available from leading manufacturers consist of a broad selection of modular products covering a wide range in terms of capabilities...
Simple techniques for efficiently matching laser beams to optical fibers and waveguides are key to the development of optoelectronic and laser products.