Newport, an MKS Instruments Brand

Irvine, CA 92606


About Newport, an MKS Instruments Brand


1791 Deere Ave
Irvine, CA 92606
United States

More Info on Newport, an MKS Instruments Brand

Newport is a brand within the MKS Instruments Light & Motion division. The Newport product portfolio consists of a full range of solutions including precision motion control, optical tables and vibration isolation systems, photonic instruments, optics and opto-mechanical components. 


1919 R Angle 300w
Buyer's Guide

Newport Power & Energy Meters

Newport offers an array of newly designed optical power and energy meters. 1919-R advanced hand-held Meter, 843-R series hand-held meters, and 841-PE-USB meter are all compatible...
918 D Is Adapters 800w
Buyer's Guide

Newport Fiber Optic Detectors

Newport's 918D-IS Seris Fiber Optic Sensors use a 1" integrating sphere to ensure the most accurate calibration possible, regardless of the fiber type. The detector uses a dual...
919 P 10 A Sensors 300w
Buyer's Guide

Newport Thermopile Detectors

Newport offers a full range of calibrated thermopile based laser power sensors for measuring CW or pulsed lasers. Our sensors offer broadband, spectrally flat response, and plug...
7 Z02621 Post 800w
Buyer's Guide

Newport Position Sensing Thermopiles

The PEPS series quadcell thermopile sensors measure not only laser power and single shot energy, like the Newport's 919P series thermal sensors, but also laser beam position with...
Lpb2 Vis2 800w
Buyer's Guide

Newport Laser Beam Profilers

Newport offers CCD based laser beam profilers with a number of accessories such as beam attenuators, beam samplers, a UV imager, and a beam splitter. The visible camera covers...
Liad Py 100 M 400w
Buyer's Guide

Newport Lock-in Amplifier Detectors

The LIAD series Radiometers use a pyroelectric or photodiode sensor in conjunction with chopped CW or quasi CW radiation, using a digitally synthesized lock-in amplifier to reduce...


Tn Mks

MKS Newport™ ODiate™ High Performance Optical Filters

Using novel thin-film deposition processes, MKS has expanded into the premium optical filter market. Learn why ODiate™ high-performance optical filters are the ideal choice for...


(Image credit: MKS Newport)

Optical filter sets feature steep spectral edges

ODiate optical filter sets are initially targeted at common fluorophores used in fluorescence imaging.
(Image credit: MKS Newport)
Software & Accessories

MKS Newport XY hybrid stages: Booth #927

The HybrYX single-plane, air-bearing XY hybrid stages have use in semiconductor wafer inspection systems, as well as large-substrate inspection and processing tools. The stages...
(Image credit: MKS Newport)
Lasers & Sources

Tunable light sources offer spectral resolution as fine as 0.5 nm

The Newport TLS260B Tunable Light Sources provide white light or monochromatic light from 300 to 1800 nm.

Replicated freeform mirrors offer 200 nm to 15 µm spectral range

Replicated freeform mirrors are nonrotationally symmetric reflective mirrors for use in advanced optical systems.
(Photo credit: SPIE)

Preview: SPIE Photonics West 2024 exhibitor products

Here's a snapshot of what will be shown on the SPIE Photonics West 2024 exhibit floor.
(Courtesy of MKS Newport)
FIGURE 1. Preparing a blood sample prior to testing.
Bio&Life Sciences

Building precision, accuracy, and speed into the analytical instruments used in health and life science

The strategic integration of custom-designed optical components can significantly improve the performance of these vital tools. Here are the critical factors to consider.
Mks Newport

Optical filter coatings have uses in several bio applications

Manufactured with novel thin-film deposition processes, the ODiate coating platform includes customized coatings for UV, visible, and near-infrared.
Software & Accessories

Low-profile fast rotation stage is designed for semiconductor wafer positioning

The RGA150 low-profile fast rotation stage has been specifically designed for semiconductor wafer positioning applications.
Newport Mks Instruments
Test & Measurement

Benchtop optical power meters feature seven analog filters

The 1938-R and 2938-R benchtop optical power meters feature bandwidths up to 200 kHz for the Newport 818, 918D, or 819 C/D series photodiode detectors.
Lasers & Sources

Newport HeNe lasers are available in 28 versions

A variety of helium-neon (HeNe) gas lasers comply with CDRH and IEC 60825-1 requirements for safety.

Buyer's Guide Listing Information

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Additional content from Newport, an MKS Instruments Brand

FIGURE 1. Absorption vs. wavelength for materials commonly encountered in precision machining applications.
Industrial Laser Solutions

High-power UV lasers for precision micromachining

UV lasers deliver machining quality and the required high throughput for finer features in complex materials.
Detectors & Imaging

Newport photodiode sensor offers 200–850 nm spectral range

The 818-RAD photodiode sensor is a general-purpose circular geometry photodiode with an 8 mm aperture and a cosine corrected diffuser.
Positioning, Support & Accessories

Newport motion controller and driver controls and drives up to three axes of motion

The ESP302 motion controller and driver includes a large touch LCD display and Ethernet communications protocol.
Positioning, Support & Accessories

Newport Faraday optical isolators contain polarizing beamsplitter cubes

Compact Faraday optical isolators are unidirectional light valves in 532, 638, 650, and 785 nm wavelengths with optional waveplates.
1810 Lfw Pro 2 Add
Positioning, Support & Accessories

Newport mid-travel steel linear stages available in three travel versions

The Newport MTN-BHLS Series mid-travel linear stages feature all-steel construction for moving heavy loads at high speeds with very fine repeatability.
(Courtesy of Cascade Microtech, a FormFactor company)
FIGURE 1. Two H-811 miniature hexapods made by PI for fast, multichannel parallel alignment (FMPA) are mounted on a Cascade Microtech silicon-photonics wafer prober.
Positioning, Support & Accessories

Photonics Products: Vibration Control: Hexapods provide precise positioning in six axes

Hexapods come in high-precision, high-accuracy, and high-load versions and serve to align optics for assembly, simulate or isolate vibration, and many other tasks.
1709 Lfw Pro 4
Positioning, Support & Accessories

Delay line stages from Newport have utility in spectroscopy

DLS Series high-performance delay line stages are linear motor-driven stages with integrated motion controllers.
1707 Lfw Pro 4

Polarized beamsplitters from Newport have use in femtosecond laser pulse manipulation

FemtoOptics p-polarized beamsplitters are optimized for femtosecond laser pulse manipulation.
1705 Lfw Pro 10

AR-coated windows from Newport come in 12.7, 25.4, or 30 mm sizes

Newport FemtoOptics ultrathin antireflection-coated windows minimize positive group delay dispersion in optical systems using ultrafast lasers with femtosecond pulses.
1703 Lfw Pro 8
Positioning, Support & Accessories

Hexapods from Newport have utility in material analysis

HXP200 series hexapods can position loads up to 50 kg on six axes.
1701 Lfw Pro 13
Test & Measurement

Power, energy, and position sensors from Newport track with 0.1 mm positional accuracy

The PEPS series of optical power, energy, and position sensors measure laser power and single-shot energy.
(Courtesy of Newport)
FIGURE 1. Perhaps the most common laser-safety product is laser-line-blocking eyewear.
Positioning, Support & Accessories

Photonics Products: Laser Safety Equipment - Laser safety is an industry unto itself

A variety of laser-safety products includes personal gear, a vast array of other hardware, software, and audits and training.
(Courtesy of OSI Optoelectronics)
FIGURE 1. A position-error map compares the electrical position output of a PSD to the actual mechanical position. Such a map is essentially a calibration of the PSD. The 2D lateral-effect PSD for which this example position-error map was prepared has an active area of 20 × 20 mm.
Detectors & Imaging

Position-sensing detectors fill photonics test and measurement needs

For alignment and other optical applications, position-sensing detectors (PSDs) in their various forms can measure spot position in either one or two dimensions.
1611 Lfw Pro 18
Test & Measurement

Newport virtual power and energy meter performs multi-channel laser power analysis

The 841-PE-USB virtual power and energy meter can turn any PC into a virtual optical power meter control system.
Content Dam Lfw Online Articles 2016 09 Conex Psd Img 8296 800web
Detectors & Imaging

Newport IR laser position sensing detector features a tetra-lateral effect diode

The CONEX-PSD10GE position sensing detector covers wavelengths from 800 to 1700 nm using a 10 × 10 mm lateral effect sensor.
1608 Lfw Pro 19
Detectors & Imaging

Pulse energy detectors from Newport handle up to 30 J

The 919E series of pyroelectric and photodiode laser pulse energy detectors come with a DB15 connector and internal EEPROM.
FIGURE 1. Optical fibers ride on finger probes (circled), enabling alignment of multiple fibers with accuracies better than 100 nm.
Positioning, Support & Accessories

Vibration Control: Effective vibration control expands spatial resolution boundaries

As the scale of scientific and engineering processes and products shrink, the demand for higher-performance, vibration-free platforms is growing.
1606 Lfw Pro 16
Test & Measurement

Optical power meter from Newport offers various real-time or averaged measurement modes

The 1919-R optical power/energy meter can measure from picowatts to thousands of watts.

Newport optics manufacturing facility adds rapid prototyping to its services

Newport has expanded and upgraded its Corion optics manufacturing facility to include rapid prototyping.
1604 Lfw Pro 11
Positioning, Support & Accessories

Light shield system from Newport protects optical setups from stray light

The ELS Series modular light shield system is designed to protect optical setups from stray light and external disruptions.

Newport to be acquired by MKS Instruments, expanding addressable markets

MKS Instruments will acquire photonics products maker Newport Corporation for $23 per share in an all-cash transaction valued at approximaely $980 million.
1602 Lfw Nb 1
Test & Measurement

Newport's PV Lab provides NREL-supported solar cell testing

The Photovoltaic Testing and Calibration Laboratory provides an independent verification of solar-cell device performance.
Barbara G 720
BioOptics World View

Neuro15 exhibitors meet exacting demands: Part 2

Increasingly, neuroscientists are working with researchers in disciplines such as chemistry and physics. This trend has been noticed by exhibitors at the Society for Neuroscience...
(Courtesy of the Special Collections & Archives Department, Nimitz Library, U.S. Naval Academy)
FIGURE 1. The Michelson-Morley experiment was performed on this slab in the basement of a stone dormitory at Western Reserve University in Cleveland.
Positioning, Support & Accessories

Positioning equipment - the challenge of building a solid foundation for optics

Stability and precision have been crucial for optics since the 19th century. The birth of holography and other precision laser measurements brought a new generation of equipment...

Newport AR-coated fused silica lenses have use in ultrafast laser applications

A line of AR-coated fused silica lenses is designed for ultrafast laser applications.
1505 Lfw Pro 18

Newport Wollaston prism calcite polarizer is available uncoated or coated

The 10WLP08 Wollaston prism calcite polarizer has use in high-purity linear polarization of broadband sources or multiple laser wavelengths.
(Courtesy of TMC)
FIGURE 1. A large, massive Stage-Base vibration-isolation system from TMC is an example of the technology needed to satisfy the requirements for manufacturing precision and speed in the semiconductor industry.

Photonics Products: Vibration-Isolation Tables: Isolation tables support stable optical setups

Essential for many experiments in optics, the vibration-isolation table comes in many forms, including active and passive vibration isolation, as well as pneumatic and non-pneumatic...
Vibration isolation platform model VIP100 Super-Compact from Newport
Positioning, Support & Accessories

Vibration isolation platform from Newport is designed for small instruments and sensitive apps

The VIP100 Super-Compact vibration isolation platform has either metric or imperial mounting holes supported by four isolators, with passive, mechanical bearings.
1501prod Newport

Optic mount from Newport has Edge Grip mounting mechanism

The HM-1 Edge Grip Optic Mount uses a patent-pending Edge Grip mounting mechanism to hold the optic near to its edge.
(Courtesy of Edmund Optics)
FIGURE 1. Kinematic tip/tilt mounts by Edmund Optics use the classic cone, groove, and flat constraint system (left). Three adjustment screws fit into the cone, groove, and flat; two rotational axes (turning either of the black knobs) and one translational axis (turning all three knobs equally) remain adjustable.
Positioning, Support & Accessories

Photonics Products: Mounts and Accessories: Tip/tilt mirror mounts deliver accuracy, stability

Whether they are three-point kinematic mounts or another form such as flexure or gimbal mounts, tip/tilt mounts are essential for many optical setups.
FIGURE 1. In a single-channel, single-ended fiber alignment configuration process, a Raster scan is made first to find the edge of the beam in xy, then a dichotomy search optimizes the location of the maximum beam power in xyz (a). The photo depicts a single-channel, single-ended fiber alignment setup using Newport NSA12 XYZ motorized actuators (b).

Motion Control: Software supports multiple optical fiber alignment options

To address alignment needs ranging from large-diameter single-core optical fibers to high-resolution diffraction gratings, motion-control software must be configurable for multiaxis...
1401prod Newport

Newport's research-grade optical elements have use in prototype development

ValuMax research-grade optical elements have a selection of six metallic and broadband dielectric coatings.
Content Dam Lfw Online Articles 2013 08 8 Lfw 11 Newport
Test & Measurement

Newport's handheld optical power meter housed in compact body

The 843-R handheld optical power meter can measure laser energy and power levels from picojoules and picowatts up to thousands of watts.
Newport XM-Series linear stages
Positioning, Support & Accessories

Linear motor stages from Newport deliver minimum incremental motion of 1 nm

The XM-Series linear stages now have minimum incremental motion of 1 nm for nanopositioning applications such as laser machining, semiconductor wafer processing, sensor test and...
Newport RGV100HL high-speed precision rotation stage
Positioning, Support & Accessories

Newport rotation stage offers 0.0003° repeatability

The RGV100HL high-speed precision rotation stage for loads with higher rotational inertia is compatible with the company’s XPS-DRV02 driver.
12 Lfw 10 Newport

Motion controller from Newport available in 2-, 4-, 6-, and 8-axis configurations

The XPS-Qx universal motion controller/driver comes in 2-, 4-, 6-, and 8-axis configurations, all with new firmware and a dual-core processor.
(Image courtesy of B&W Tek)
FIGURE 1. This NIR spectrophotometer, used for monitoring female eggs during in-vitro fertilization (IVF), contains a constant current tungsten-halogen light source and an indium gallium arsenide (InGaAs) array-based spectrometer.

PRODUCT FOCUS: NIR light sources

Infrared (IR) light—which is invisible to the human eye—has broad application in many areas because its energy, in the form of heat, is easiest to discern. When something is not...
Newport FMSxxHA linear stages
Positioning, Support & Accessories

Newport intros linear stages for surface metrology applications

The FMSxxHA linear stages for surface metrology applications are available in 100, 200, and 300 mm models.
Newport ZVR integrated vertical and rotation stage
Positioning, Support & Accessories

Positioning stage from Newport has integrated stainless steel rotation

The ZVR integrated vertical and rotation stage is designed for semiconductor wafer positioning, metrology, inspection, and repair.
Series 819C/D integrating spheres from Newport
Positioning, Support & Accessories

Newport integrating spheres handle up to 10 W of optical power

The Series 819C/D integrating spheres operate from the UV to the near-infrared (NIR), and can handle up to 10 W of optical power.
Newport Suprema SN200 series stainless-steel mirror mount
Positioning, Support & Accessories

Stainless-steel mirror mount from Newport for 50.8-mm-diameter optics

The stainless-steel Suprema SN200 series mirror mount for 50.8-mm-diameter optics allows unencumbered access to the edge of the mirror.
Newport 818-ST2 and 818-ST2-UV wand photodetectors
Positioning, Support & Accessories

Newport wand-style photodetectors operate from 200 to 1100 nm

The 818-ST2 and 818-ST2-UV ultraviolet/silicon (UV/Si) wand photodetectors operate from 200 to 1100 nm, with a power level range from pW to 2 W.
Newport 1830-R optical power meter

Newport optical power meter offers full scale readings up to 2 W

The 1830-R optical power meter serves as a drop-in replacement for the company’s 1830-C meter.
(Courtesy of Newport Corp.)
A block diagram shows how to create a delay for pump-probe experiments by synchronizing two amplifiers, slave and master, with a single seed oscillator.

CHIRPED PULSE AMPLIFICATION: Synchronized CPAs produce ultrashort pulses for pump-probe experiments

Delay lines that introduce a quantifiable separation between laser pulses are necessary for time-resolved experiments in ultrafast science such as pump-probe spectroscopy.
Newport LAKIT Series laser power alignment tuning kits
Positioning, Support & Accessories

Newport power alignment kits operate up to 100 W

The LAKIT Series of laser power alignment tuning kits includes a 1917-R laser power meter and a broad selection of optical detectors to match the laser type with corresponding...
Newport WEU-02 wavelength extension unit

Newport wavelength extension unit for femtosecond lasers

The WEU-02 wavelength extension unit expands the capability of femtosecond lasers for use in various spectroscopy, imaging, and pump-probe applications.
Newport FMS precision linear motion-control stages
Positioning, Support & Accessories

Newport linear stages have travel ranges from 100 to 300 mm

FMS precision linear motion-control stages are designed for surface profiling, tribology, and contact and non-contact metrology.
Newport Model 819C and 819D calibrated integrating sphere detectors
Positioning, Support & Accessories

Newport calibrated integrating sphere detectors operate between 400 and 1650 nm

The Model 819C and 819D calibrated integrating sphere detectors measure output light power of collimated or divergent laser beams and other light sources, respectively, delivering...
FIGURE 1. Devices for detecting the position of a laser beam include: a) a position-sensitive detector (PSD), b) a quadrant-cell detector (quad cell), and c) a CMOS camera. The X and Y beam position on both the PSD and quad cell can be calculated from the detectors’ current outputs iA, iB, iC, and iD. The beam position on the camera is determined by finding the beam’s centroid.

DETECTORS: CMOS cameras allow robust active stabilization of laser beams

Accurate measurement of the position of a laser beam can be achieved in several ways, each with its strengths and weaknesses. A comparison of these has resulted in an active beam...
Lasers & Sources

In a busy week, Newport acquires High Q Technologies

Newport Corporation (NASDAQ: NEWP) has agreed to acquire ultrafast-laser maker High Q Technologies GmbH (Rankwell, Austria).

Newport Corp. to acquire IR optics and instrumentation maker Ophir Optronics

Newport Corporation (NASDAQ: NEWP) will acquire Ophir Optronics (Jerusalem, Israel), which is well-known for its catalog and custom precision IR optics; its power and energy meters...

Newport publishes Resource catalog for photonics R&D

Newport Corporation released the Newport Resource, a catalog for photonics research products and related applications that encompasses products from all Newport brands.
Content Dam Etc Medialib New Lib Laser Focus World Online Articles 2011 06 18944
Positioning, Support & Accessories

Newport piezo driver for open- and closed-loop nanopositioning stages

The XPS-DRVP1 piezo driver eliminates the need for either an XPS pass-through card or an independent piezo-stack driver.
Content Dam Etc Medialib New Lib Laser Focus World Online Articles 2011 04 76064
Positioning, Support & Accessories

Newport stage and controller offers deadband function

The CONEX-AG-LS25-27P integrated linear stage and controller includes a miniature direct-read linear encoder.

Newport piezo motor-driven mirror mount for ultrafast spectroscopy

The CONEX-AG-M100D piezo motor-driven mirror mount from Newport features a two-axis absolute angle position sensor to enable 0.001º closed-loop metal-insulator-metal (MIM) and...

SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION: Newport Corporation: Helping students travel, learn, and network

One of the skills essential to students preparing for careers in science is the ability to deliver effective technical talks.
Content Dam Etc Medialib New Lib Laser Focus World Online Articles 2011 01 38813
Positioning, Support & Accessories

Newport rotation stages feature a 50 mm footprint

The URS50BCC and the URS50BPP precision rotation stages feature 360º backlash-free continuous motion, up to 20,000 MTBF, and low wobble.
Buyer's Guide

Newport Lasers

Newport's Spectra-Physics® is an industry-leading supplier of advanced laser solutions to the microelectronics, solar, semiconductor, industrial manufacturing, scientific research...
Buyer's Guide

Newport Integrating Spheres

Integrating spheres allow for the total collection of light and spatial integration to diffuse the input beam so that the detector readings are insensitive to errors caused by...
Content Dam Etc Medialib New Lib Laser Focus World Online Articles 2011 01 27606
Positioning, Support & Accessories

Newport integrated overhead shelf for use with optical table system

A part of the SmartTable OTS optical table system family, the OTSE integrated overhead shelf connects directly to the SmartTable OTS frame, and features a 23.5 in. deep surface...
Content Dam Etc Medialib New Lib Laser Focus World Online Articles 2010 12 38201
Lasers & Sources

Newport laser diode mount offers feedback loop temperature control

The 764H-061 laser diode mount handles up to 61 W thermal loads at 25°C with its air cooling system.
Pr Mc Conex Ag Ls25 27 P

Newport piezo motor linear stage with closed-loop controller/driver

The CONEX-AG-LS25-27P controller from Newport is preconfigured with an Agilis AG-LS25-27P linear stage that includes a miniature, built-in, direct-read linear encoder.
Content Dam Etc Medialib New Lib Laser Focus World Online Articles 2010 09 16107
Positioning, Support & Accessories

X-Y stages from Newport withstand high machine acceleration

The UMR-TRA XY stages are built from UMR linear stages and TRA actuators, and measure 90 mm wide and 38 mm high, including the base plate.
Content Dam Etc Medialib New Lib Laser Focus World Online Articles 2010 09 33755
Detectors & Imaging

Newport photonics control instruments connect via USB

The CONEX family of photonics control instruments connect via a single USB port.
8 Lfw 30 Newport
Positioning, Support & Accessories

Newport laser diode controller incorporates DSP-based PID control

The 32 W Model 6100 laser diode and temperature controller has a 500 mA/1500 mA current supply range.
Content Dam Etc Medialib Platform 7 Laser Focus World Articles Online Exclusive Articles 2010 Global 60347

Micromachining workstation produces 2D and 3D patterning and writing

A micromachining workstation for high-precision laser direct-writing and patterning can be integrated with several CW, nanosecond, and femtosecond lasers to produce 2D or 3D patterning...
FIGURE 1. Common sources of noise and vibration are shown here. They range from frequencies as low as 0.1 Hz to more than 20 kHz.
Positioning, Support & Accessories

VIBRATION CONTROL: How to determine your equipment needs

Vibration site surveys can tell you a lot about how to specify equipment for vibration isolation in your laboratory.
FIGURE 1. Huge electrical currents generate arcs and sparks on the Z machine at Sandia National Labs. The bright objects in the foreground are the laser triggered gas switches.
Positioning, Support & Accessories

MOTION CONTROL: Automated alignment keeps Z machine on target

Computer-controlled motorized mirror mounts enable rapid realignment of beam-steering optics between discharges at Sandia National Labs' Z machine.

Newport announces the ACWS - Ultra-Quiet Air Compressor

Newport has introduced the compact, ultra-quiet (30dB(A) at 1 ft.) ACWS Air Compressor. Clean, portable, and more convenient than bottled air supplies, the fast-filling, economical...
(Courtesy of Newport)
FIGURE 1. The definition of various global (G) air mass (AM) conditions is depicted here. Most solar reference cells are measured under condition AM 1.5 G.
Lasers & Sources

PHOTOVOLTAICS: Measuring the 'Sun'

An optical power meter and a thermopile detector both have applications in photovoltaics research. These tools will find increased demand as the field of photovoltaic research...
FIGURE 1. The magnitude of movement that can be experienced by an optical mount in a typical lab environment when subject to broadband noise is influenced greatly by the damping capabilities of the optical table on which the mount sits.
Positioning, Support & Accessories

Vibration Isolation: Effective vibration reduction stabilizes laser beams

Optical tables and vibration isolation supports have become the de facto standard for providing a stable environment for complex laser systems and their applications.
Th 0703lfw06f1
Test & Measurement

PHOTOVOLTAICS: Enhancements enable solar simulators to shed light on new photovoltaic designs

Advances to Class A solar simulators allow measurement of parameters, including current voltage, quantum efficiency, and efficiency of conversion from incident photon to charge...
Th 0612lf10f1

VIBRATION-CONTROL SYSTEMS: Table improves optical systems from the ground up

Photolithography and the semiconductor industry are facing a critical juncture.
FIGURE 1. A metamaterial with nanoscale feature sizes has a magnetic resonance for 3-µm light-an important step ­toward the fabrication of a negative-refractive-index material at that wavelength.

Fresh perspectives propel advances

Somewhere between pure science and pure hard-won ­experience lies technological success. This year's rich variety of achievements in photonics and optoelectronics extends to both...
Detectors & Imaging

Navigating the features and limitations of laser power and energy meters

The laser power and energy meter product lines available from leading manufacturers consist of a broad selection of modular products covering a wide range in terms of capabilities...
(Courtesy Newport Corp.)
FIGURE 1. An integrating sphere enclosure is an essential accessory for photodiode detector measurements of diode lasers and LEDs.
Detectors & Imaging

Rising above the noise

Modern refinements of time-tested techniques allow recovery of low-light signals from noise.
Th 0301feat9 1
Positioning, Support & Accessories

Active damping improves workstation performance

A stand-alone damping device uses electromagnetic actuation to upgrade the vibration isolation of workstations.
Scanning confocal etalon is used for routine analysis of laser spectra in Jeff Dixon’s laboratory. Output of an argon-ion laser is sampled by an angled flat mounted on the front of the confocal cavity mount (lower right). Electronic drive unit for the spectrum analyzer is positioned on top of an oscilloscope (background). Proper adjustment of the electronic drive unit and oscilloscope permit the longitudinal-mode spectrum of the argon-ion laser to be displayed.
Test & Measurement

Interferometric techniques characterize CW laser beams

Scanning interferometers provide a convenient and reliable method for longitudinal-mode analysis of laser beams.
FIGURE 1. Typical motion-control system consists of a PC-compatible motion-control card, motor driver cards, a computer, and various combinations of linear and rotary stages.
Positioning, Support & Accessories

Motion-control systems gain flexibility

Complete motion-control systems are now available that are readily programmable for multiple applications of positioning equipment.
Fiber permits flexible delivery of high-power CW output. With up to 40 W of infrared radiation, this type of laser can be used for many applications.
Lasers & Sources

Fibers turn free-space beams into guided waves

Simple techniques for efficiently matching laser beams to optical fibers and waveguides are key to the development of optoelectronic and laser products.