Exalos AG

Schlieren 8952


About Exalos AG



Wagistr 21
Schlieren 8952

More Info on Exalos AG

Developer and Supplier of Superluminescent Light Emitting diodes (SLEDS) and Swept Sources to the Fiber Optic Gyroscope, Medical Imaging (OCT), Test Equipment, Sensor and AR/VR markets.



(Image credit: Exalos)
Lasers & Sources

Fabry-Perot laser diodes have use in spectroscopy

488-nm Fabry-Perot laser diodes are based on aluminum indium nitride layers.
The silicon nitride photonic chip-based microresonator with the butt-coupled, 461 nm EXALOS laser diode.
Science & Research

EPFL researchers demonstrate visible laser diodes with a photonic chip microresonator

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) researchers recently demonstrated a hybrid integrated laser using gallium nitride (GaN) ultraviolet (UV)/visible laser diodes...
FIGURE 1. An SD-OCT (a) and SS-OCT (b) system, both with reflective Michelson interferometers.
Detectors & Imaging

Diagnostics/Optical Coherence Tomography: Light source calibration for accurate depth readings from FD-OCT

Producing accurate depth information with Fourier-domain optical coherence tomography (FD-OCT) depends on proper light source calibration; there are different considerations for...
A 3D rendering of Exalos' superluminescent light-emitting diode (SLED) product.
Lasers & Sources

Exalos testing finds their GaN superluminescent LEDs have 5000-hr lifetime

Exalos has completed testing of long-life GaN SLEDs that deliver an estimated lifetime of more than 5000 hrs.
3 Lfw 24 Exalos
Lasers & Sources

Exalos OEM module enables field deployment of OCT

A compact swept-source OEM module integrates a miniature swept source in a 26-pin butterfly package with the associated drive electronics, resulting in a 3.5-in. HDD format suited...
Biophotonics Tools

Balanced receiver for OCT by Exalos

The EBR370000 balanced receivers from Exalos cover wavelength ranges from 400 to 1600 nm to support applications like optical coherence tomography (OCT), which requires high signal...
FIGURE 1. Atomic-force microscopy shows a QD array (InAs on GaAs) for emission at 1300 nm (left). Schematic diagram of conduction band of a single QD, simplified for clarity, shows only two sets of energy levels: 'ground state' (GS) and 'excited state' (ES), analogous to the atomic s and p shells (right).

QUANTUM-DOT SOURCES: Quantum-dot development pursues new applications

Despite limited gain and modulation response, quantum dots offer several advantages as optical sources for telecommunications and other industrial applications.

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