Sally Cole Johnson

Editor in Chief
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Sally Cole Johnson, Laser Focus World’s editor in chief, is a science and technology journalist who specializes in physics and semiconductors. She wrote for the American Institute of Physics for more than 15 years, complexity for the Santa Fe Institute, and theoretical physics and neuroscience for the Kavli Foundation.

(Image credit: Francesco Tani)
This schematic shows the differences between classical optics vs. quantum optics for the team’s work.

Bright squeezed vacuum pulses generate high harmonics

Dec. 20, 2024
Using a bright squeezed vacuum to generate high harmonics enhances their yields—compared to classical coherent light—and provides a route to probe material properties beyond the...
(Image credit: AmeriCOM/DPOC)

Meet AmeriCOM’s Defense Precision Optics Consortium

Dec. 18, 2024
The Defense Precision Optics Consortium, the research and manufacturing arm of the American Center for Optics Manufacturing (AmeriCOM), is open for business and accepting members...
(Image credit: K. Arjas et al., Nat. Commun., 15, 9544 [2024];
Vortex laser pattern from 12-fold rotationally symmetric quasicrystal structure.

Novel quasicrystal design further ‘green lights’ topological study of light

Dec. 16, 2024
A new quasicrystal design process—that enabled a structure with a 12-fold rotational symmetry—may prove useful for many photonic applications beyond plasmonics.