HÜBNER Photonics - a div of HÜBNER GmbH & Co KG

Kassel 34123


About HÜBNER Photonics - a div of HÜBNER GmbH & Co KG



Heinrich-Hertz-Str 2
Kassel 34123

More Info on HÜBNER Photonics - a div of HÜBNER GmbH & Co KG

Specializes in laser technology, terahertz products and high frequency systems. Provides reliable advanced tools and solutions for applications in the life sciences, security, biomedical, metrology, manufacturing, industrial and scientific industries.


Leaps In Quantum Sensing Thumbnail

Technology leaps in quantum sensing

In this white paper we give an overview of the current proposed solutions for quantum sensors based on NV center magnetometry.


(Image credit: HÜBNER Photonics)
Lasers & Sources

Modulated laser offers 100-mW output power

An orange wavelength has been added on the Cobolt 06-01 Series of modulated lasers.
(Image credit: HÜBNER Photonics)
Lasers & Sources

Ultrafast fiber laser offers 1000–1100 nm spectral bandwidth

The VALO Tidal ultrafast fiber laser delivers pulse durations of 40 fs (typical) with 2 W output power.
Hubner Photonics
Lasers & Sources

Single-frequency laser offers up to 1 W output power

The Cobolt Jive 561 nm continuous-wave (CW) single-frequency diode-pumped laser operates at 561.2 nm.
Elizabeth Illy, head of marketing for HÜBNER Photonics and director of marketing, regional sales at Cobolt, a HÜBNER company.
Lasers & Sources

Faces in Photonics: Elizabeth Illy, HÜBNER Photonics

Meet Elizabeth Illy, the head of marketing for HÜBNER Photonics and director of marketing, regional sales at Cobolt, now a HÜBNER company.
Hubner Photonics
Lasers & Sources

532 nm Q-switched laser has use in lidar, among other applications

The Cobolt Tor XE 532 nm air-cooled, Q-switched laser delivers 0.25 mJ per pulse at up to 1 kHz repetition rate in a compact laser head.
FIGURE 1. The spectral demixing principle shows normalized spectra of two typical red dyes, AF647 and CF680, with the long-pass dichroic filter at 700 nm to separate the two emission (a); an example of PSF recordings on Cam1 and Cam2 (b, top), zoom-in (b, middle), and 2D Gaussian PSF representation to evaluate center position and photon counting (b, bottom); photon ratio distribution and an example of ranges chosen for ƛ assignment (c); an optical pathway adopted for the spectral separation, with a first dichroic separate excitation from emission—the emission light is then split with a second long-pass dichroic into the two cameras (d); and an example of image reconstruction of a Cos7 cell labeled for tubulin AF647 and Clathrin CF680 (e).
Bio&Life Sciences

STORM made easy for high-throughput research

Single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) methods are now vital to accessing biological information at the nanoscale. Now, a novel solution involving just a single laser ...
Hubner Photonics
Lasers & Sources

Single-frequency laser covers the 355–1064 nm wavelength range

The Cobolt 05-iE is an integrated model single-frequency laser for the 355–1064 nm wavelength range.
Hubner Photonics
Lasers & Sources

Q-switched laser has use in photoacoustic microscopy

The Cobolt Tor XE compact Q-switched laser operates at 1064 nm with 0.5 mJ/pulse.
FIGURE 1. Schematics of a laser process based on population inversion and stimulated emission in a four-level gain medium (a) and optical parametric conversion in a nonlinear crystal (b). The process is subject to conversion of photon energy (wp = ws + wi) and photon momentum (kp = ks + ki).
Lasers & Sources

Colors expanded: Widely tunable lasers are tailored for quantum research

Extended wavelength coverage of OPOs advances studies on diamond-based quantum emitters.
Hubner Photonics
Lasers & Sources

HÜBNER Photonics 488 nm laser is designed for Raman spectroscopy

The 08-NLD 488 nm laser, part of the Cobolt 08-01 series, provides 40 mW output power with wavelength stability of less than 1 pm.

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Additional content from HÜBNER Photonics - a div of HÜBNER GmbH & Co KG

FIGURE 1. The parametric process in optical parametric oscillators (OPOs) can be perceived as splitting of an incoming pump photon of high energy into two photons of lower energy (usually denoted as signal and idler) and is subject to the conservation principles of photon energy and photon momentum.
Detectors & Imaging

Optical Parametric Oscillators: Novel tunable lasers enable new nanoimaging techniques

State-of-the-art OPO technology delivers laser light for excitation-tunable tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy.
FIGURE 1. Detector sensitivity vs. wavelength for silicon (Si) and InGaAs photodiodes.
Lasers & Sources

How to choose a laser for Raman spectroscopy

Here, in detail, are the lasers that can be used for Raman spectroscopy and why.
An example of an image taken in a single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) setup from the Department of Biotechnology & Biophysics at Julius-Maximilian-University of Würzburg; the three-color image is a BPAE cell with mitotracker (red), actin (cyan), and nucleus (DAPI; blue) staining (recording time: 4 s per channel, with 2048 × 2048 pixel image detail).

Fluorescence Microscopy/Illumination: Highly stable multi-line lasers for next-generation imaging

Advances in laser manufacturing are enabling extremely compact multi-line illumination devices that ease instrumentation design and serve researchers' needs for fuss-free reliability...
FIGURE 1. A schematic shows the components of a typical LIBS setup.

Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy: Compact industrial LIBS systems can assist aluminum recycling

Industrial laser processes based on laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), including scrap-aluminum sorting for recycling, can benefit from the use of compact, high-repetition...
FIGURE 1. The 355-nm Cobolt Zouk laser in a total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy setup. Zouk is a single-mode DPSS laser offering 10 mW CW in a 5 × 2.8 × 1.8-in. hermetically sealed package, with very low-intensity noise, and in a high-quality TEM00-mode and low-divergent beam.

CELL BIOLOGY/BIOMEDICAL IMAGING: Ultraviolet becomes accessible

UV lasers are attractive for excitation of fluorophores growing in popularity for DNA analysis and calcium imaging applications.