
Vilnius LT-02300


About Ekspla



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Vilnius LT-02300

More Info on Ekspla

Innovative manufacturer of solid state and fiber lasers tailored for specific applications and/or according to specific requirements.


Lasers & Sources

Industrial femtosecond laser delivers pulse repetition from single shot to 4 MHz

The FemtoLux 30 femtosecond industrial-grade laser also delivers 30 W of power.
Lasers & Sources

Tunable picosecond laser integrates a DPSS pump laser

The PT403 series tunable picosecond laser provides output from 210 to 2300 nm.
(Copyright MPI, Menlo Systems)
FIGURE 1. Two-photon excited fluorescence images of a 300-µm-thick mouse brain slice stained with Alexa 647, with excitations at 780 nm (a) and 1300 nm (b). Measurements were taken in cooperation with the Max-Planck-Institute of Experimental Medicine (Göttingen, Germany).
Lasers & Sources

Picosecond and femtosecond fiber lasers serve industry and science

Two-photon microscopy, 3D printing, and other applications all benefit from the newest generation of ultrafast fiber lasers.
Photosonus Plius
Lasers & Sources

Ekspla photoacoustic imaging laser source delivers up to 250 mJ of pulse energy

The PhotoSonus+ photoacoustic imaging laser source delivers up to 250 mJ of pulse energy at a 10 Hz repetition rate over a wavelength tuning range of 660 to 2300 nm.
Lasers & Sources

Ekspla femtosecond laser system has 50 mJ pulse energy

The UltraFlux FF/FT 5000 laser is a 2 TW tabletop femtosecond optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification-based system.
Ekspla and Light Conversion
Shown is the team working on the SYLOS laser.
Lasers & Sources

SYLOS ultrashort-pulse laser could solve nuclear waste problem

The peak power of SYLOS exceeds the power of a nuclear plant by thousands of times; pulses of this kind can nullify the impact of nuclear waste.
Photo: Messe München
Lasers & Sources

LASER World of PHOTONICS 2019 exhibition to showcase latest in photonics

Here at Laser Focus World, we reached out to companies to learn ahead of time what photonics products and technologies they will be demonstrating on the exhibit floor.
FIGURE 1. Using a Menlo Systems BlueCut microjoule femto fiber, a cross-sectional view of a bone sample cut with this laser (a; courtesy of ROWIAK GmbH), an intraocular lens fabricated out of PMMA (b), and a gold spiral for microwave applications (c; courtesy of Optec) are shown.
Lasers & Sources

Photonics Products: Femtosecond Lasers - Femtosecond fiber lasers probe and process materials in new ways

The earliest fiber lasers had a few tens of milliwatts of single-mode CW output. Today, multi-kilowatt-class fiber lasers have megahertz repetition rates and femtosecond pulse...
(Courtesy of National Energetics)
FIGURE 1. 3D CAD rendition of the 10 PW laser system.
Lasers & Sources

National Energetics and Ekspla awarded contract to build ten-petawatt laser system

A consortium led by National Energetics (Austin, TX), in partnership with Ekspla (Vilnius, Lithuania), has been awarded a contract in excess of $40 million to develop and install...
1 Lfw 17 Ekspla
Lasers & Sources

EKSPLA nanosecond lasers feature diode pumping

The NL230 line of DPSS Q-switched Nd:YAG nanosecond lasers produce pulse energies up to 50 mJ at 100 Hz or up to 140 mJ at a 30 Hz pulse repetition rate.

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