Applied Scientific Instrumentation

Eugene, OR 97402


About Applied Scientific Instrumentation


29391 W Enid Rd
Eugene, OR 97402
United States

More Info on Applied Scientific Instrumentation

Manufactures hardware for microscope automation and fluorescence microscopy. Products include closed-loop DC servo drives for ultra-precise xyz-axis control, precision micromanipulation devices, and complete imaging and photometric systems.


Shared User Prc5ec4938a77b47a7a850bf1bbe50d025
Positioning & sensing equipment


Specifically designed for manufacturers to be configurable and easily integrated into their systems. The OE-1250 Stage has custom mounting options, flat top designed with multiple...
Shared User Pr3f1ad46b59684b5f900cb35db3c44da5
Positioning & sensing equipment

PZ-2000 FT

The perfect solution for your super resolution microscopy applications. The stage is capable of XY resolutions down to the 10-20 nm range and Z resolutions to the 1nm range. It...
Fiber-Coupled MEMS-Mirror Laser Scanners

Fiber-Coupled Laser Scanner

A compact and versatile 2D galvo unit designed for generating SPIM light sheets. A user-provided light beam enters the scanner on a standard fiber optic connecter. The beam is...

FW-1000 16 Position Filter Wheel

Utilizing a closed-loop DC servomotor to provide high speed and low vibration operation (less than 3 x 10-4 kg-m2/s maximum vibration torque impulse). It employs a high-resolution...

Modular Infinity Microscope (MIM)

Automated high-speed XY stages, precision piezo and motorized Z focusing. The solid platform is excellent for super Resolution microscopy, SI, PALM, high throughput screening,...


(Courtesy of Coherent)
Neuroscience 2015 featured rotating poster presentations in the exhibit hall.

Neuro15 exhibitors meet exacting demands: Part 1

Increasingly, neuroscientists are working with researchers in disciplines such as chemistry and physics. This trend has been noticed by exhibitors at the Society for Neuroscience...
NIGHTSEA's Stereo Microscope Fluorescence Adapter (SFA) system, shown with the Royal Blue setup, lets stereomicroscope owners add fluorescence capability with very little expense.

BIOIMAGING/MICROSCOPY/NEUROSCIENCE: Low cost and advanced imaging apply beyond Neuroscience audience

Low cost was a theme at the 2013 Society for Neuroscience annual meeting (November 9–13, San Diego, CA), as vendors demonstrated their responses to the effect of funding cuts ...
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Positioning, Support & Accessories

ASI autofocus system works with most normal microscope objectives

The Continuous Reflective Interface Sample Placement (CRISP) autofocus system is designed to compensate for thermal and other factors that may cause a sample to drift out of focus...

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