ACS Motion Control

Eden Prairie, MN 55344


About ACS Motion Control


6575 City W Pkwy
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
United States

More Info on ACS Motion Control

ACS Motion Control is a global company providing EtherCAT® network based high performance machine control systems for motion centric applications.


SCANLAB and ACS Motion Control have proven that integrating a scanner and synchronized mechanical stage enables a new class of accuracy for large-field processing by introducing the XL SCAN concept.
Lasers & Sources

Variable multibeam tool enables high accuracy and throughput

A multibeam optical engine that integrates a scanner and a synchronized mechanical stage enables a new class of accuracy and throughput for processing of large scan-field areas...
Acs Motion Control
Software & Accessories

Multiaxis drive provides up 10 A peak per axis

The IDMsm intelligent drive module is a 2- or 4-axis universal servo drive with unique control algorithms.
Acs Motion Control
Fiber Optics

Encoder multiplier and splitter has use in motion control

The EM1024 is a single-channel analog SinCos encoder multiplier and splitter for motion control applications.
1509 Lfw Pro 3 New
Positioning, Support & Accessories

ACS Motion Control servo drive modules allow positioning system speeds above 2 m/s

NPMPM series dual-axis EtherCAT servo drive modules use an optional 10 MHz laser encoder interface.

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