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  • Volume 50, Issue 02
  • Volume 50, Issue 02

    FIGURE 1. A diagram details post-objective scanning technology for laser materials processing.
    Positioning, Support & Accessories

    Scanners: Three-axis laser scanning technology improves demanding materials processing applications

    Feb. 10, 2014
    Post-objective, three-axis, all-digital laser scanning systems provide the large field of view, small spot size, high speed, and high accuracy that next-generation remote laser...
    FIGURE 1. A plano wavefront propagates through, and is aberrated by, a right-angle prism.
    Optics & Design

    Test and Measurement: MRF fabricates 'perfectly bad' surfaces

    Feb. 10, 2014
    Magnetorheological finishing (MRF) can be used to modify and characterize a surface in an optical system so that it is "perfectly bad," or precisely compensating for all other...
    FIGURE 1. Constellation diagrams illustrate the levels of coding possible with different systems: Binary coding with 1 bit set to 0 or 1 gives two-level coding (a); quaternary coding gives four levels, the equivalent of 2 bits independently set to 0 or 1-this example is for QPSK (quadrature phase-shift keying) with 90° phase shifts (b); and 16-QAM coding with 16 different characters or symbols, the equivalent of the 16 values of a 4-bit binary code from 0000 to 1111 (c).
    Fiber Optics

    Photonic Frontiers: Extreme Fiber Bandwidth: The quest for extreme fiber bandwidth

    Feb. 10, 2014
    Innovations in data encoding are pushing fiber transmission efficiency close to Shannon's limit -- going beyond will require multipath transmission using multiple cores or multiple...
    FIGURE 1. Each panel shows the same object imaged with an increasing exposure, but scaled for identical display; above each image is the minimum and maximum on the full intensity scale. The mean intensity in ADUs (and photons) is shown in the top left of each image. The first image only uses a fraction of the camera's dynamic range, but is still visually acceptable. Although the images look similar, image-scaling can deceive, possibly resulting in the use of an image with fewer photons and therefore lower signal to noise.
    Detectors & Imaging

    Scientific Imaging: A guide to choosing and using scientific imaging cameras

    Feb. 10, 2014
    Just like any other tool, having a bit of insight into how scientific imaging cameras work in the context of the project at hand -- from the simplest brightfield application to...
    From S. Baker et al., Science, 312, 5772, 424 (2006); reprinted with permission from AAAS
    FIGURE 1. PACER can be considered a pump-probe technique-the ionization step of HHG acts as a pump, launching a nuclear wavepacket on the cation ground-state potential surface and, in conjunction, an electron wavepacket in the continuum. The recollision step of HHG acts a probe of the nuclear motion that has occurred in the time elapsed since ionization.

    Ultrafast Lasers: High-harmonic-generation spectroscopy is extended to new types of molecules

    Feb. 10, 2014
    High-order harmonic generation, a revolutionary tool for studying electronic and nuclear dynamics and molecular structure, is now being extended to new molecular species by optimizing...

    More content from Volume 50, Issue 02

    (Courtesy of Renishaw)
    FIGURE 1. Research shows that dental implants such as Renishaw's laser-sintered cobalt chrome LaserBridges have equivalent reliability to machined or milled versions.

    Photonics Applied: Laser Additive Manufacturing: How does additive manufacturing 'stack up' against subtractive methods?

    Feb. 9, 2014
    While metal and polymer components fabricated using laser additive manufacturing (LAM) are becoming commonplace for jewelry and dental implants, companies are racing to improve...
    Conard Holton2

    Questions, questions

    Feb. 9, 2014
    The great French philosopher Voltaire wrote that we should "judge a person by their questions, rather than their answers." This advice should be applied to the articles we publish...
    John Dexheimer
    Executive Forum

    Business Forum: Getting investor attention

    Feb. 6, 2014
    Here, I interview John Dexheimer, president of LightWave Advisors, who has advised over 100 financings or partnerships in photonics, Internet/software, communications, and electronics...
    FIGURE 1. The target spectral-transmittance curve for the optical filters entered in the 2013 OIC Manufacturing Problem Contest is shown in black. The actual performance of the winning filter sample (S1), as measured by the participant, ODA, and NIST, is shown in blue, green, and red (they overlay well enough that the colors are hard to distinguish). This sample, one of the three contest winners, was designed and fabricated at JDSU (Santa Rosa, CA); it had 123 layers and was 8.580 μm thick. The other two winning filters were created at Advanced Thin Films (Boulder, CO) and Nikon Corporation (Tokyo, Japan).

    THIN-FILM COATINGS: OSA contest highlights optical coaters' abilities

    Feb. 1, 2014
    Every three years, the Optical Society (OSA) holds the Optical Interference Coatings (OIC) conference, always at a location that somehow is also attractive for vacationing. And...
    The design of a photonic structure that can enable high-performance daytime radiative cooling uses multiple materials and layers and a photonic crystal.

    PHOTONIC CRYSTALS: Photonic structures enable daytime radiative cooling

    Jan. 31, 2014
    With demand for air conditioning skyrocketing worldwide, reducing the need for electricity to cool buildings is an important part of meeting growing global energy demand.
    (Courtesy of NTU)
    A scanning electron microscope (SEM) image shows the fabricated concentric circular grating (CCG) terahertz quantum-cascade laser (QCL); the yellow color highlights the gold layers and the concentric rings allow electrical pumping of the whole grating. The dual-lobed far-field emission is typical of a CCG terahertz QCL.
    Lasers & Sources

    TERAHERTZ SOURCES: Concentric-grating terahertz QCLs five times more powerful than ridge QCLs

    Jan. 30, 2014
    An alternative terahertz quantum-cascade laser (QCL) developed by an international team of researchers takes advantage of the circular symmetry of concentric circular gratings...
    Content Dam Lfw Print Articles 2014 02 1402lfwnbf4web
    Lasers & Sources

    Femtosecond laser carves refractive-index-sensing F-P cavity in optical fiber

    Jan. 29, 2014
    Harbin Institute of Technology researchers have created a high-quality Fabry-Perot interferometer (FPI) cavity with flat axial surfaces suitable for sensing the refractive index...
    Content Dam Lfw Print Articles 2014 02 1402lfwnbf2web
    Lasers & Sources

    Laser zoom optics enable real-time machining

    Jan. 29, 2014
    Materials processing depends on different optical laser beam delivery options to ensure the proper beam profile at the workpiece.
    Lasers & Sources

    Injected SLD light broadens laser-diode spectrum for OCT

    Jan. 29, 2014
    Incoherent light sources based on superluminescent diodes (SLDs) are useful for optical coherence tomography (OCT) and in optical gyroscopes.
    Content Dam Lfw Print Articles 2014 02 1402lfwnbf1web
    Lasers & Sources

    Er:YAG separates ablation and coagulation in aesthetic procedures

    Jan. 29, 2014
    Scientists at Sciton have demonstrated that erbium yttrium aluminum garnet (Er:YAG) lasers -- due to extremely efficient absorption by water in the skin -- allow doctors to control...
    Content Dam Lfw Online Articles 2014 01 Fig 1 Nicholas Frost Web

    Secret signal: My introduction to optical steganography

    Jan. 3, 2014
    Over the summer of 2013, I interned with MIRTHE -- the National Science Foundation (NSF)-sponsored Engineering Research Center for Mid Infra-Red Technologies for Health and the...