Blue Sky Research

Milpitas, CA 95035


About Blue Sky Research



510 Alder Dr
Milpitas, CA 95035
United States

More Info on Blue Sky Research

Volume manufacturer of fiber-coupled, free-space and multi-wavelength laser modules, semiconductor laser devices, and OEM laser components. Offering "off the shelf" or custom solutions. Vis - IR wavelengths available.


FIGURE 1. The active element of a tunable DBR laser is based on a resonant cavity, formed by controlling the reflectivity of the cleaved reflecting facets at the ends of the device.

Optical networks promote tunable laser development

Semiconductor sources that deliver multiple wavelengths are critical to the success of emerging optical networks. Many design approaches address these network requirements.
Fiber permits flexible delivery of high-power CW output. With up to 40 W of infrared radiation, this type of laser can be used for many applications.
Lasers & Sources

Fibers turn free-space beams into guided waves

Simple techniques for efficiently matching laser beams to optical fibers and waveguides are key to the development of optoelectronic and laser products.

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