StellarNet Inc

Tampa, FL 33626


About StellarNet Inc



14390 Carlson Cir
Tampa, FL 33626
United States

More Info on StellarNet Inc

Manufactures miniature fiber-optic spectrometers for UV, visible, and near-IR. Low cost, high-performance spectrometers are used for colorimetry, radiometry, LIBS (laser induced breakdown spectroscopy), and spectroscopy. All software is free, including SpectraWiz, LabView, and Visual Basic development programs.


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StellarNet spectrometer controller assembly available

The SMART-Control device offers communication flexibility and application-specific customization for the company’s spectrometers.
(Image credit: StellarNet)
Among many other applications that benefit the goals of Earth Day including plastic recycling, spectrometers can monitor important environmental parameters both on the ground and from small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in the sky.

StellarNet highlights importance of spectroscopy as Earth Day approaches

As Earth Day approaches, StellarNet points out the many earth-friendly applications of spectroscopy.
(Courtesy of BaySpec)
FIGURE 1. This handheld 1064 Raman instrument for direct sampling (a) was released in 2010 by BaySpec (the handheld Raman product line was sold and transferred to Rigaku Raman Technology in 2011); a 1064 nm confocal Raman microscope was used to sample highly fluorescent amber at a 2 µm spot size (b).

Photonics Products: Raman Spectrometers: Emphasis on biosciences

Raman spectrometers sensitively detect organic materials for bioscience, medicine, food and agriculture, and forensics.
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Portable Raman spectrometer from StellarNet available with a 785 or 1064 nm laser

The StellarCASE-Raman spectrometer, available with a 785 or 1064 nm laser, performs material identification and composition analysis.
(Courtesy of Ocean Optics)
FIGURE 1. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are a logical platform for smaller, faster, and better handheld spectrometers.

Photonics Products: Handheld Spectrometers: How spectrometers have shrunk and grown since 2010

In 2010, Laser Focus World profiled a number of handheld spectrometer designs and their myriad applications. More than five years later, they continue to shrink in size and/or...
Content Dam Lfw Online Articles 2015 August 1509lfw Pro 19 Web

Portable spectrometer from StellarNet has use in environmental monitoring

The StellarCASE-LIBS portable spectrometer features a laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) sample chamber that mounts directly into the system’s acrylic mounting surface...
Content Dam Lfw En Articles 2014 05 Integrated Microscope From Stellarnet Couples With Spectrometer Systems Leftcolumn Article Headerimage File

Integrated microscope from StellarNet couples with spectrometers

The StellarSCOPE System allows users to couple StellarNet spectrometer to a microscope, which enables users to perform Raman, fluorescence, and CIELAB color measurements on a ...
SILVER-Nova spectrometer from StellarNet

StellarNet spectrometer performs in the 190 to 1110 nm range

The SILVER-Nova spectrometer has a ruggedized metal enclosure with a fiberoptic input for applications in the 190 to 1110 nm wavelength range that require high resolution and ...
StellarNet portable Raman spectrometers

StellarNet Raman NIR spectrometers capture at 1064 nm

Portable Raman spectrometers utilize InGaAs detectors to capture NIR spectra induced by 1064 nm lasers.
FIGURE 1. Optical depth contours from Titan (inset shows image of Titan; Courtesy of NASA JPL) show extinction layers (layers of higher optical depth) marked by enhanced absorption due to both aerosols and other species (a). The spectrum of optical depth (b; solid line) is averaged over the 700–750 km atmospheric range; other broken lines show contributions from different absorbers based on best-fit column densities. (Courtesy of University of Arizona)
Test & Measurement

PHOTONICS APPLIED: SPECTROSCOPY: Planetary and deep-space applications push spectroscopy to the outer limits

Deep-space and planetary instruments are challenged by extraordinary temperatures, vibration, radiation, space debris, and other performance-threatening conditions that require...

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Additional content from StellarNet Inc

(Image courtesy of B&W Tek)
Raman spectrometers, such as the NanoRam handheld spectrometer, require little to no sample prep for applications like drug identification or antioxidant measurement in skin.

PRODUCT FOCUS: Spectrometers

Spectrometers—instruments that measure light intensity or polarization across a specific segment of the electromagnetic spectrum to analyze and identify chemical composition—range...
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LABORATORY-BASED LIFE SCIENCE: Pittcon 2012: Life sciences flourishes in labs

Although Pittcon 2012 (March 11-15; Orlando, FL) was smaller than the last Pittcon event I attended, there were still plenty of offerings for biophotonics watchers.
(Courtesy of DeltaNu)
FIGURE 1. The RockHound Raman spectrometer brings spectral mineral analysis to the field. A database stores the spectral signatures of common minerals encountered by geologists.
Test & Measurement

PHOTONICS APPLIED: HANDHELD SPECTROMETERS: Spectrometer miniaturization redefines real-time sensing

Miniaturization of light sources and optical components has shrunk the spectrometer into a portable, handheld form factor that allows the spectrometer to leave the lab and enter...