B&W Tek

Newark, DE 19713


About B&W Tek



19 Shea Way
Newark, DE 19713
United States

More Info on B&W Tek

Produces optical spectroscopy, laser instrumentation and laboratory, portable and handheld Raman systems. We provide solutions for the pharmaceutical, biomedical, physical, chemical, LED lighting and research communities.


B&w Tek

B&W Tek portable Raman spectrometer has multicomponent testing capability

The QTRam portable transmission Raman spectrometer uses patented STRaman technology for rapid, nondestructive quantitative analysis for content uniformity testing of finished ...
FIGURE 1. Spectra of sodium benzoate in a white polyethylene bottle in the standard Raman configuration (a), defocused laser excitation covering a larger-area, deeper into the sample (b), and with the reflective cavity of STRaman technology with much-enhanced signal over the larger area and depth beneath the surface (c).

Portable Raman spectroscopy system identifies samples through opaque packaging

Collinear laser excitation and Raman scattering collection enables measurement of samples inside of packaging to increase field safety.
Bw Tek

B&W Tek Raman spectrometer features a 1064 nm laser

The STRam-1064 high-throughput Raman spectrometer is a portable device that can overcome the fluorescence of kraft paper, a common pharmaceutical packaging material.
(Image credit: SPIE)
Avenda Health's Brittany Berry-Pusey during her 2019 SPIE Startup Challenge's winning pitch.

2020 SPIE Startup Challenge semifinalists address critical photonics needs

On February 4, 2020, during SPIE Photonics West, 42 photonics business startups from 14 countries will participate in the 2020 SPIE Startup Challenge semifinals.
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Handheld Raman analyzer from B&W Tek identifies raw materials

The NanoRam-1064 is a handheld Raman analyzer for nondestructive identification of raw materials.
Content Dam Lfw En Articles Print Volume 54 Issue 05 Features Laser Focus World Announces 2018 Innovators Awards Leftcolumn Article Thumbnailimage File
Positioning, Support & Accessories

Laser Focus World announces 2018 Innovators Awards

For the first time, Laser Focus World has held its Innovators Awards program, which celebrates the disparate and innovative technologies, products, and systems found in the photonics...
(Image credit: B&W Tek)
B&W Tek and Spinco Biotech are partnering in the launch of a spectroscopy Center of Excellence in India that will promote B&W Tek solutions.

B&W Tek opens spectroscopy Center of Excellence in India with Spinco Biotech

The opening of the Center of Excellence Lab also included a seminar on pharmaceutical spectroscopy solutions.
(Image credit: B&W Tek)
Three patents were awarded for technology advances in the NanoLIBS handheld laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy instrument.

B&W Tek granted three spectroscopy patents for handheld NanoLIBS analyzer

B&W Tek was awarded three patents for its handheld laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) instrument.
(Courtesy of Ocean Optics)
FIGURE 1. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are a logical platform for smaller, faster, and better handheld spectrometers.

Photonics Products: Handheld Spectrometers: How spectrometers have shrunk and grown since 2010

In 2010, Laser Focus World profiled a number of handheld spectrometer designs and their myriad applications. More than five years later, they continue to shrink in size and/or...

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Additional content from B&W Tek

Content Dam Lfw Print Articles 2015 06 1506lfwnb4 Web

Portable spectrometer eases carbon black material characterization

A portable Raman spectrometer can clearly distinguish the defect band that characterizes the disorder parameters for carbon black.
Content Dam Lfw En Articles 2014 06 B W Tek Offers Handheld Raman Spectrometer For Narcotic Identification Leftcolumn Article Thumbnailimage File

B&W Tek offers handheld Raman spectrometer for narcotic identification

This TacticID enhanced handheld Raman spectrometer has new functionality and safety features.
i-Raman EX portable Raman spectrometer from B&W Tek

B&W Tek portable Raman spectrometer features a 1064 nm excitation laser

The i-Raman EX portable Raman spectrometer features a 1064 nm excitation laser to measure biological substances and other highly fluorescent samples.
FIGURE 1. Typical optical components in a miniature spectrometer.

SPECTROMETERS: Miniature spectrometer designs open new applications potential

With embedded, onboard microprocessors for rapid spectral manipulation, a USB 3.0 communication port for faster data transfer, and an ultrafast trigger delay to monitor up to ...
B&W Tek NanoRam handheld Raman spectrometer with enhancements

Handheld Raman spectrometer by B&W Tek has batch scanning capabilities

New features on the NanoRam handheld Raman spectrometer include an embedded 2D barcode scanner, batch scanning capabilities, IP-64 rated housing, Ethernet connectivity, and other...
(Image courtesy of B&W Tek)
FIGURE 1. This NIR spectrophotometer, used for monitoring female eggs during in-vitro fertilization (IVF), contains a constant current tungsten-halogen light source and an indium gallium arsenide (InGaAs) array-based spectrometer.

PRODUCT FOCUS: NIR light sources

Infrared (IR) light—which is invisible to the human eye—has broad application in many areas because its energy, in the form of heat, is easiest to discern. When something is not...
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Miniature spectrometer from B&W Tek provides data transfer of 900 spectra/s

The Exemplar miniature spectrometer includes an embedded processor for onboard data processing, including averaging, smoothing, and automatic dark subtraction.
(Image courtesy of B&W Tek)
Raman spectrometers, such as the NanoRam handheld spectrometer, require little to no sample prep for applications like drug identification or antioxidant measurement in skin.

PRODUCT FOCUS: Spectrometers

Spectrometers—instruments that measure light intensity or polarization across a specific segment of the electromagnetic spectrum to analyze and identify chemical composition—range...

B&W Tek obtains patent for mounting fiber spectroscopic probes onto microscope

Optical spectroscopy and laser systems producer B&W Tek has garnered a new patent that covers the design of a spectroscopic probe that mounts directly to a standard microscope...

B&W Tek reaches 15-year anniversary; works to expand academic program

Optical spectroscopy instrumentation maker B&W Tek marks its 15th anniversary in serving the photonics industry.
Content Dam Lfw Online Articles 2011 12 Bw Tek 122911

B&W Tek debuts polymer identification and quantification system

The PolymerIQ polymer identification and quantification system combines the company's i-Raman portable Raman spectrometer system with PolymerIQ chemometric software from Gnosys...
B&W Tek BWIQ chemometrics software

Chemometrics software from B&W Tek adds new algorithm

BWIQ is a multivariate analysis software package that analyzes spectral data to find internal relationships between spectra and response data or spectra and sample classes.
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Raman spectrometer from B&W Tek includes CCD array

The Glacier T high-resolution, CCD array spectrometer is preconfigured for Raman spectroscopy applications, with 532 or 785 nm excitation, a resolution as fine as 3 cm-1, and ...
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B&W Tek preconfigured spectrometers for low-light-level applications

The preconfigured Glacier X miniature fiber-coupled spectrometer is designed for low-light-level applications.

B&W Tek fiber-optic spectrometers feature a 2048 element linear CCD array

Quest miniature fiber-optic spectrometers have a thermal drift spectrum of ~19 counts/C typical and a readout speed >2.0 MHz.

B&W Tek opens European office in Germany

B&W Tek announced its European office, B&W Tek Europe, based in Lübeck, Germany.

LED testing: B&W Tek and Konica Minolta partner and launch low-cost LED irradiance meter

Konica Minolta Sensing Americas has partnered with B&W Tek on a new low-cost TE-cooled miniature spectral irradiance meter, the SpectraRad.
(Courtesy of DeltaNu)
FIGURE 1. The RockHound Raman spectrometer brings spectral mineral analysis to the field. A database stores the spectral signatures of common minerals encountered by geologists.
Test & Measurement

PHOTONICS APPLIED: HANDHELD SPECTROMETERS: Spectrometer miniaturization redefines real-time sensing

Miniaturization of light sources and optical components has shrunk the spectrometer into a portable, handheld form factor that allows the spectrometer to leave the lab and enter...
Test & Measurement

Raman spectrometer has integrated touch-screen computer

Pacer International has released innoRAM, the first Raman spectrometer system featuring an integrated touch-screen computer and research-grade performance. Its portability and...
FIGURE 1. A galvanometer laser scanner uses a mirror pair sized to the input beam aperture over a range of rotation angles for the required scan field. Larger beam diameters can be focused to smaller spot sizes, but large mirrors can inhibit scan speed.

Optical Materials: Silicon carbide mirrors benefit high-speed laser scanning

Light weight, high stiffness, and good thermal conductivity make silicon carbide an ideal substrate for galvanometer mirrors in high-speed laser scanning systems.