Thin Film Center Inc

Tucson, AZ 85716-5227


About Thin Film Center Inc



2745 E Via Rotunda
Tucson, AZ 85716-5227
United States

More Info on Thin Film Center Inc

Specializes in software, training, and consulting for optical coatings. Software includes a professional package with links to machine controllers, and a modest package for occasional users. Courses cover software training and can be customized.


Software, optical

The Essential Macleod

The Essential Macleod is a comprehensive software package for the design, analysis, manufacture and trouble shooting of thin film optical coatings. It runs under Microsoft Windows...


(Credit: Angus Macleod)
Optical coating design expert Angus Macleod passed away on April 29, 2021.

Remembering H. Angus Macleod

“It's a small wonder that so many thin filmers have white hair!”
A dielectric multilayer stack coating, measuring 0.5 μm in total thickness, that has been intentionally released from the optic surface before imaging. The image was taken at 200x using a Nomarski microscope.

Advances in Optical Manufacturing: Measurement considerations when specifying optical coatings

Design, specification, and procurement of optical coatings all benefit when the designer has a good understanding of measurement techniques and uncertainties.
FIGURE 1. Polarizer performance in collimated light shows an extinction ratio as low as 0.000000001; however, in a 4° cone (semi-apex angle), it reaches 0.0012—almost exactly as predicted by the approximate expression.

SOFTWARE & COMPUTING: Development of optical thin-film modeling forges ahead

We use models in virtually everything we do, and the design and analysis of optical coatings is no exception.
(Courtesy of Optical Dynamics)
FIGURE 1. After indentation, a vacuum coating on plastic shows a brittle failure (top; a). Alternatively, no failure is seen after indentation using a vacuum-chamber-free liquid-polymer nanocomposite coating (top; b). The coatings can be tuned for either reflective or antireflective operation (bottom).

PHOTONICS APPLIED: THIN-FILM APPLICATIONS: Coatings for plastic optics step up to meet higher-end applications

Previously considered cheap and disposable, plastic optics have improved in performance and durability, and so too have the coatings that make them function in an increasing number...
(Courtesy of Thin Film Center Inc.)
FIGURE 1. In a simple example of process simulation, noise in the optical monitoring signal is simulated during a test of a run sheet for a 40-layer longwave-pass filter.

Progress in optical-coating design depends on progress in manufacture

Software tools for the design of optical coatings have become indispensable items in the kit of a coating designer. Nowadays these go well beyond straightforward calculation and...
Researchers at the University of Otago in New Zealand have used anisotropic antireflection coatings to select the direction of polarization of a helium neon (HeNe) laser beam.

Thin-film design software keeps up with the times

The demands on software for designing thin-film coatings are shifting significantly in response to new technology development and changing market demands.
Right-angle prisms with a polarizing beamsplitting coating will be assembled face-to-face to form beamsplitter cubes in distance-measuring interferometers from Zygo Corp. (Middlefield, CT).

Optical coatings enhance system performance

Careful application of thin layers of coating materials can transform glass, silicon, and other substrates into mirrors, filters, beamsplitters, or sensors.

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