Daily Photonics Insights - Jun 19th, 2023
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June 19, 2023
Editor's Choice
DARPA’s Quantum-Augmented Network (QuANET) mission: Blend the best of classical and quantum comms to build a scalable, vastly more secure networking infrastructure.
Recent News
Here’s your Photonics Hot List for June 16, 2023, covering laser spectroscopy tech that dives deep, the realistic possibility of sapphire photonic chips, and nonlinear metasurfaces that boost frequency changes.
Ivan Nikitski, EPIC’s Photonics Technology program manager, talks to Mirella Koleva, CEO and cofounder of Quantopticon, makers of simulation software to streamline the design of photonic quantum technologies.

With over 30 years of experience, Jenoptik is your design and manufacturing partner for optical components, modules, and systems for the semiconductor, life science and medical technology, laser material processing, communication, mobility and safety industries.

A revolutionary organic light-emitting diode (OLED) could someday transform technologies including wearable health sensors and computer screens.
Researchers from the University of Konstanz establish guidelines to design ultraprecise femtosecond frequency combs that maximize the passive frequency stability of scientific measurements.
Worth a Look
A June 22nd Laser Focus World-hosted webinar sponsored by Alluxa and PI
Currently under review by the U.S. FDA, a handheld imaging probe may help surgeons detect residual cancer after surgery via a contrast agent.
A new class of integrated nanophotonic devices, based on leaky-wave metasurfaces, simultaneously controls all four optical degrees of freedom: amplitude, phase, polarization ellipticity, and polarization orientation.
University of Oxford researchers show integrated sapphire photonic chips are a realistic prospect, thanks to the ability to write hundreds of waveguides in sapphire.
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