High pulse energy or high power femtosecond fiber lasers for the needs of industrial and scientific end users. Supplying fiber laser systems or OEM modules worldwide at 1.55, 0.78, 1.0um.
The earliest fiber lasers had a few tens of milliwatts of single-mode CW output. Today, multi-kilowatt-class fiber lasers have megahertz repetition rates and femtosecond pulse...
The Carmel X-Series 780 nm femtosecond fiber laser includes power levels >1 W and repetition rates of 100 MHz with sub-90 fs output pulse widths and beam quality M2
Sunnyvale, CA--Using a Calmar femtosecond laser, researchers at Laser Zentrum Hannover have demonstrated how cavitation bubbles affect surgical applications.
Sunnyvale, CA-- Developer of fiber based picosecond and femtosecond lasers, Calmar Laser, announced that it has received the International Organization for Standardization ISO...
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Sunnyvale, CA--A femtosecond fiber laser from Calmar Laser has been selected by both SLAC and LBNL for time-resolved experiments that reveal unique structural changes in novel...
Mendocino high power 780nm femtosecond fiber laser with ultra compact laser head, 150fs, average power 500mW, repetition rate 50MHz. Applications: Multiphoton microscopy, terahertz...