Siskiyou Corp

Grants Pass, OR 97526


About Siskiyou Corp



110 SW Booth St
Grants Pass, OR 97526
United States

More Info on Siskiyou Corp

Siskiyou provides a diverse range of micromanipulators, microscope sample positioners, motion control systems and modular opto-mechanical building blocks to Life Science and Photonics researchers.  As a company, our goal is simple--to offer the highest quality product at an economical price, and to support our customers with superior service.



Siskiyou optical mount flipper can handle loads up to 0.45 kg

The optical mount flipper is a motorized platform that allows optical components to be rapidly moved in and out of a free-space beam path on an optical table or within ...
FIGURE 1. A major challenge with sorting bull sperm is their lack of cylindrical symmetry; most commercial instruments are configured for counting and/or sorting spherical objects.
Test & Measurement

Cytometry: Maximizing cytometer performance with optomechanical stabilization

High optomechanical stability is the key to discriminating nonstandard-shaped cells with trace variance in fluorescence intensity.
1909 Lfw Pro 10
Positioning, Support & Accessories

Lab jacks from Siskiyou vertically position entire optomechanical subassemblies

The Model 540 lab jack adjusts from 2.4 to 4.25 in. and the Model 560 adjusts from 3.0 to 6.0 in., with load capacities of 60 and 80 lbs., respectively.
FIGURE 1. The transparent zebrafish embryo enables paired patch clamp measurements of spinal neurons and locomotory muscle cells. Two chevron-shaped repetitive segments of tail muscle are shown. The two patch clamp recording electrodes are shown for an individual motoneuron and muscle cell. Only one electrode is visible in the field because placement of the electrodes during formation of whole-cell recording mode is done under very high magnification.
Test & Measurement

Neuroscience/Bioimaging: Optomechanics reveals transmitter roles in neuromuscular junctions

A clever optomechanical setup enables researchers to use patch clamp, Ca2+ imaging, and optogenetics to elucidate the roles of various neurotransmitters and correlate them with...
1905 Lfw Pro 16
Positioning, Support & Accessories

Kinematic optical mounts from Siskiyou deliver two-axis tilt adjustment

IVM Series kinematic optical mounts use a spring-loaded pivot construction to deliver two-axis tilt adjustment with zero crosstalk with no drift.
1903 Lfw Pro 5
Positioning, Support & Accessories

Beamsplitter mount from Siskiyou improves heat transfer

A new series of two-axis adjustable beamsplitter mounts are each fabricated entirely from a single metal block.
1810 Lfw Pro 11
Positioning, Support & Accessories

Mechanical switchers from Siskiyou available in left- and right-hand configurations

MXPZT-300 series switchers provide micron-scale motion with sub-nanometer resolution for fast theta stream switching, and other mechanical tasks.
(Courtesy of Seno Medical)
Masses initially categorized as BI-RADS 4a and suspicious on ultrasound because of irregular shape and microlobulation (a) were ultimately downgraded as nonsuspicious (BI-RADS 3) with OA/US technology (b) because of benign-appearing internal and capsular vessels.

Optoacoustic Imaging: Breast-cancer diagnostic tool can eliminate some physical biopsies

The breast-tissue imager, which combines optoacoustic technology with B-mode ultrasound, has ultrastable optomechanics to increase reliability.
1805 Lfw Pro 4
Positioning, Support & Accessories

Siskiyou diffraction grating mounts support reflective and transmissive optics

GMx series mounts combine rotational adjustment of square components in all three orthogonal axes, and support both reflective and transmissive optics.
1709 Lfw Pro 12

Siskiyou optics clip prevents lateral movement of an optical part

This optics clip is specifically designed to securely hold high-flatness components in optical mounts without significantly degrading their wavefront performance.

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Additional content from Siskiyou Corp

1701 Lfw Pro 15
Fiber Optics

Fiber collimators from Siskiyou use a precision aspheric lens

SMFCx products accept FC/PC, FC/APC, or SMA connectorized fibers.
(Courtesy of Asphericon)
FIGURE 1. Two monolithic beam expansion systems are shown with spherical surfaces (top) and with a convex aspheric surface (center) for an enlargement of M=2. Incoming beam diameter is 10 mm. The wavefront aberrations for the aspheric approach are four orders of magnitude smaller. Three cascade systems are shown for beam expansion based on monolithic individual systems (bottom: 10.5x enlargement (a), 21x enlargement (b), and 9.3x enlargement (c). System (b) differs from (a) by the addition of an element with M=2. System (c) differs from (b) by the inversion of the last element with M=1.5.

Technology Review: Laser Focus World's top 20 photonics technology picks for 2016

This year's Tech Review Top 20 list concludes with an especially robust selection of science topics from the past year of Laser Focus World.
1611 Lfw Pro 3

Cube beamsplitter assembly from Siskiyou provides open access in two orthogonal axes

The CBH-1.0 cube beamsplitter assembly is designed to sit in the infinity space of a conventional microscope.
(3D reconstruction courtesy of Ben Prosser, UPenn)
A heart cell, labeled with the membrane staining dye Di-8-ANEPPS (green), attached to MyoTak biological adhesive (red). Di-8 labels the sarcolemmal and t-tubule membranes of the heart cell, while the adhesive coats two glass micro-rods (not seen), which are used to attach and stretch single heart cells.
Positioning, Support & Accessories

Cell Biology/Cardiology: Ultra-stable micromanipulators enable nanoscale force measurement

Leading-edge heart disease research requires the capabilities of next-generation optical instrumentation. Behind the scenes, three-axis micromanipulators let researchers pick ...
(Courtesy of Siskiyou)
High-stability flexure mounts were crucial to Opotek's miniaturized, shippable OPO with its shipping-based technical support model (a). Thermal stability (averaged over both x and y axes) is shown for a Siskiyou IXF1.0i monolithic flexure mount and for high-stability kinematic mounts from two other manufacturers (b). Thermal performance data for the latter two are from manufacturers' published literature.
Lasers & Sources

Ruggedized Components: Tunable OPO source is shippable via FedEx

Opotek set out to produce an easy-to-use, highly reliable optical parametric oscillator, and to offer rapid worldwide service for it.
1606 Lfw Pro 23
Positioning, Support & Accessories

Linear stages from Siskiyou provide 12 mm of linear travel

The 50.5cr crossed roller-bearing linear stages have utility in space- or weight-constrained applications.
Siskiyou Fiber Optic Coupler
Fiber Optics

Siskiyou to showcase single-mode fiber couplers at SPIE Photonics West 2016

A line of single-mode fiber couplers incorporates optics for focusing laser light into a FC connectorized single-mode fiber optic, together with tip/tilt mechanical adjustment...
1512 Lfw Pro 25
Positioning, Support & Accessories

Siskiyou manual actuator come in travel lengths of 0.125 and 0.250 in

The 4-100EAS manual actuator consists of a 4-100 (100 threads/in.) hex head screw within a brass mounting body, enabling OEMs to construct small, high-precision optical mounts...
A segmented approach is essential to measuring large-amplitude deflections with high resolution using DTMS. The inset photo is one of the bi-directional modules with the cover removed to show the two laser cross-hair modules each mounted in a dual-axis adjustable mount (Siskiyou IAG100P).
Test & Measurement

Deformation Measurement: Crosshair laser method is new twist on wind turbine measurement

A deflection and twist measurement system enables deformations to be measured in real time, at high spatial resolution, and over large displacement ranges.
1508 Lfw Pro 14

Siskiyou optics clip matches optical components with 0.5, 1, and 2 in. diameters

An optics clip secures optics with a flatness of λ/10 or better in optical mounts without significantly degrading their wavefront performance.
(Credit: Andrew H Moberly and Minghong Ma)
Olfactory bulb (OB) neurons receiving olfactory sensory neuron input exhibit light-evoked responses. (a) An OB slice shows the axons of olfactory sensory neurons co-expressing the odorant receptor M72 and ChR2 (left), and in another slice under fluorescent illumination (right, top) and differential interference contrast (right, bottom), the OB neurons are visible. (b) Whole-cell recording in voltage clamp configuration (Vhold= -70 mV) from an OB neuron: Laser stimulation causes large, inward post-synaptic currents, indicating that light-sensitive olfactory sensory neurons form synapses with this cell.
Detectors & Imaging

Microscopy/Optogenetics: Boosting conventional microscopes for optogenetics

A simple, modular optomechanical tool breaks barriers by enabling the seamless addition and control of a secondary light source in standard microscopy setups. The cost-efficient...
1506 Lfw Pro 9
Positioning, Support & Accessories

Siskiyou optical mounts have use in applications with limited mount accessibility

IXF2.0t series optical mounts enable 4.5 arcsec adjustment in two rotational axes with long-term stability.
(Courtesy of Edmund Optics)
FIGURE 1. Kinematic tip/tilt mounts by Edmund Optics use the classic cone, groove, and flat constraint system (left). Three adjustment screws fit into the cone, groove, and flat; two rotational axes (turning either of the black knobs) and one translational axis (turning all three knobs equally) remain adjustable.
Positioning, Support & Accessories

Photonics Products: Mounts and Accessories: Tip/tilt mirror mounts deliver accuracy, stability

Whether they are three-point kinematic mounts or another form such as flexure or gimbal mounts, tip/tilt mounts are essential for many optical setups.