Newport New Focus Products

Santa Clara, CA 95054


About Newport New Focus Products


3635 Peterson Way
Santa Clara, CA 95054
United States

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Leads in developing, manufacturing and delivering innovative, high-performance, easy-to-use photonics tools with exceptional support and service – Simply Better Photonics Solutions.


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Positioning, Support & Accessories

Newport picomotor actuators provide >30 nm resolution

New Focus 83xx-UHV-NM picomotor actuators with Kapton wires provide 12.7 or 25.4 mm of travel.
Content Dam Lfw Online Articles 2015 August Newfocus Web
Test & Measurement

New Focus optical wavemeter delivers 700–1650 nm measurements

The WM-1210 optical wavemeter provides wavelength measurements in the 700–1650 nm range with ±1 ppm accuracy and a 20 Hz update rate.
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Positioning, Support & Accessories

Optical chopper from New Focus can chop from 4 Hz to 10.65 kHz

The Model 3502 optical chopper has its chopping frequency phase-locked to its own internal frequency synthesizer.
(Credit: New Focus)
TLB-6736 tuning curve.
Lasers & Sources

New Focus unveils widely tunable laser diode for the 2 µm spectral region

New Focus (Santa Clara, CA), which is a part of Newport, has added a 2-µm-region laser to its Velocity line of wide-tuning-range laser diodes, a line that already has tunable ...
1311prod Newfocus
Positioning, Support & Accessories

Controller and driver from New Focus provides fine tuning

The model 8743-CL is a two-axis, two-channel closed-loop intelligent motion controller/driver that provides fine tuning and absolute positioning for driving the company's closed...
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Lasers & Sources

Tunable blue laser from New Focus operates at 461 nm

The Vortex Plus Blue TLB-6802 series singlemode, tunable laser operates at 461 nm, the critical wavelength for next-generation atomic clocks.
Clear Edge Picomotor Mount 8821 from New Focus, a Newport Corp. brand
Positioning, Support & Accessories

New Focus mirror mount features sapphire seats

The Clear Edge Picomotor Mount 8821 features two Picomotor actuators and a clear-edge mirror mount, with sapphire seats and optimized springs, to accomodate 25.4 mm optics ranging...
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Positioning, Support & Accessories

Beam steering from New Focus provides manual and active four-axis control

The GuideStar II mirror-mount-based laser beam steering correction system provides precision control of laser pointing and position drift.
(Courtesy of Caltech/MIT LIGO Laboratory)
FIGURE 1. New Focus UHV Picomotor actuators are used in the Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO) as part of the Transmission Monitor Suspended Optical Bench. This platform will monitor the light transmitted through the End Test Mass. The actuators will enable control of precision alignment from outside one of the world's largest vacuum systems.
Positioning, Support & Accessories

MOTION CONTROL: UHV environments require more from motion systems

As the number of applications for ultrahigh-vacuum (UHV) environments increases, motion systems must be modified to manipulate optics, particle beams, and measurement devices ...
New Focus GHz Nirvana high-speed photoreceiver
Fiber Optics

New Focus high-speed photoreceiver offers automatic balancing

The GHz Nirvana high-speed photoreceiver features the company's automatic signal balancing technology to eliminate background noise such as thermal drift and wavelength dependence...

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Additional content from Newport New Focus Products

FIGURE 1. Two-path interferometers include Michelson and Mach-Zehnder configurations. In this Michelson interferometer with single photodiode detection the sample and reference beams are split and recombined by the same beamsplitter (a). In the Mach-Zehnder interferometer with dual photodiode detection the sample and reference paths are recombined into a second optical combiner after passing through the reference delay and sample material (b).

INTERFEROMETRY: Emerging applications push receivers to higher speeds

Use of autobalanced detectors to monitor the sample and reference beams of an interferometric system delivers high bandwidth with improved gain and reduced noise for applications...
The spectral range of available laser diodes is steadily expanding along with higher powers especially in the near infrared. More manufacturers are now offering laser diodes in the blue and even in the green.

TUNABLE SEMICONDUCTOR SOURCES: Scientific applications benefit from external-cavity diode lasers

With an external cavity, diode lasers can meet research demands for a compact tunable and narrow-linewidth source, enabling these devices to address emerging opportunities in ...
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New Focus semiconductor tapered amplifiers protect chips from self-lasing

VAMP series semiconductor tapered amplifiers are designed to accept many fiber-coupled seed sources for easy alignment.
Test & Measurement

Bookham introduces compact single-wavelength laser controller

The New Focus low-cost compact laser controller enables Bookham to target Raman spectroscopy, metrology, and interferometry markets.
FIGURE 1. The impulse response (blue) of a 4-GHz receiver was measured with a 1-ps, 1530-nm pulse on a 50-GHz oscil­loscope. The step response (red) was then calculated by integrating the impulse response, which can be used to derive the eye diagram.
Detectors & Imaging

Photodetector impulse response yields eye-diagram information

The eye diagram of a photo­receiver is a key ingredient in assessing performance of an optical-communications network.
Fiber Optics

Tunable lasers enhance fiber sensors

Tunable lasers developed for telecommunications are well suited for use with fiber sensors, while existing high-volume manufacturing capabilities will help lower costs.
FIGURE 1. Ultrafast-pulse laser system requires compact, stable mirror mounts for precision beam steering.
Positioning, Support & Accessories

OPTICAL MOUNTING: Choosing the right optical mount

Selecting a mount for either manufacturing or laboratory use requires balancing size, ease-of-use, performance, and cost.
Scanning confocal etalon is used for routine analysis of laser spectra in Jeff Dixon’s laboratory. Output of an argon-ion laser is sampled by an angled flat mounted on the front of the confocal cavity mount (lower right). Electronic drive unit for the spectrum analyzer is positioned on top of an oscilloscope (background). Proper adjustment of the electronic drive unit and oscilloscope permit the longitudinal-mode spectrum of the argon-ion laser to be displayed.
Test & Measurement

Interferometric techniques characterize CW laser beams

Scanning interferometers provide a convenient and reliable method for longitudinal-mode analysis of laser beams.