Calmar Laser Inc

Palo Alto, CA 94303


About Calmar Laser Inc


951 Commerical St
Palo Alto, CA 94303
United States

More Info on Calmar Laser Inc

High pulse energy or high power femtosecond fiber lasers for the needs of industrial and scientific end users. Supplying fiber laser systems or OEM modules worldwide at 1.55, 0.78, 1.0um.



FIGURE 1. Schematic of a typical ultrafast fiber-laser oscillator (a); Calmar Laser’s palm-sized Mendocino ultrafast fiber laser offers output wavelengths from 780 to 1560 nm (b).
Lasers & Sources

Compact ultrafast fiber lasers enable applications in new spaces

Fiber-based ultrafast laser platforms enable medical and industrial applications from cancer diagnosis to terahertz imaging and 3D nanoprinting.
Calmar Laser
Lasers & Sources

Calmar Laser terahertz laser system offers output power up to 200 mW at 780 or 1550 nm

The Mendocino dual-wavelength benchtop femtosecond fiber laser system for terahertz generation offers output power up to 200 mW at 780 or 1550 nm.
(Copyright MPI, Menlo Systems)
FIGURE 1. Two-photon excited fluorescence images of a 300-µm-thick mouse brain slice stained with Alexa 647, with excitations at 780 nm (a) and 1300 nm (b). Measurements were taken in cooperation with the Max-Planck-Institute of Experimental Medicine (Göttingen, Germany).
Lasers & Sources

Picosecond and femtosecond fiber lasers serve industry and science

Two-photon microscopy, 3D printing, and other applications all benefit from the newest generation of ultrafast fiber lasers.
FIGURE 1. Using a Menlo Systems BlueCut microjoule femto fiber, a cross-sectional view of a bone sample cut with this laser (a; courtesy of ROWIAK GmbH), an intraocular lens fabricated out of PMMA (b), and a gold spiral for microwave applications (c; courtesy of Optec) are shown.
Lasers & Sources

Photonics Products: Femtosecond Lasers - Femtosecond fiber lasers probe and process materials in new ways

The earliest fiber lasers had a few tens of milliwatts of single-mode CW output. Today, multi-kilowatt-class fiber lasers have megahertz repetition rates and femtosecond pulse...
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Lasers & Sources

Femtosecond fiber lasers from Calmar Laser have use in nonlinear applications

The Carmel X-Series 780 nm femtosecond fiber laser includes power levels >1 W and repetition rates of 100 MHz with sub-90 fs output pulse widths and beam quality M2
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Lasers & Sources

Calmar Laser fiber-based femtosecond lasers have utility in multiphoton microscopy

Cazadero FLCPA-05O fiber-based femtosecond lasers are offered in both 1300 and 1700 nm wavelengths.
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Lasers & Sources

Calmar Laser's seed laser has selectable wavelength between 795 and 815 nm

The Mendocino 805 nm laser for seeding Ti:sapphire lasers has a customized user-tunable version available in the 780 to 900 nm range.
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Lasers & Sources

Ultrafast fiber laser from Calmar Laser provides 500 mW of output power at 780 nm

The Carmel CFL-05RFF0 fiber-based laser provides 500 mW of output power at 780 nm, with 10 nJ pulse energy and
(Courtesy Calmar Laser)
Laser incisions are shown for capsulotomy, followed by laser cuts to fragment the lens prior to aspiration in a typical cataract procedure using femtosecond fiber-based lasers.
Positioning, Support & Accessories

Femtosecond laser surgery affected by cavitation bubble dynamics

Sunnyvale, CA--Using a Calmar femtosecond laser, researchers at Laser Zentrum Hannover have demonstrated how cavitation bubbles affect surgical applications.

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Additional content from Calmar Laser Inc

Lasers & Sources

Femtosecond fiber laser from Calmar selected by SLAC and LBNL

Sunnyvale, CA--A femtosecond fiber laser from Calmar Laser has been selected by both SLAC and LBNL for time-resolved experiments that reveal unique structural changes in novel...

Fiber laser chirped-pulse amplifier from Calmar Laser includes a SESAM oscillator

The Cazadero fiber laser chirped-pulse amplifier provides high-energy pulses (>10 μJ) at 1030 nm.
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Calmar fiber laser provides more than 50 mW of output power

The Mendocino 780 nm laser features a pulsewidth less than 0.1 ps.