Optimax Systems Inc

Ontario, NY 14519


About Optimax Systems Inc


6367 Dean Pkwy
Ontario, NY 14519
United States of America

More Info on Optimax Systems Inc

Optimax implements an engineered solutions approach to help our customers achieve breakthroughs in the aerospace, defense, semiconductor, research, and medical industries. Optimax has a wide range of capabilities to support your programs, including aspheres, cylinders, free forms, prisms, spheres, advanced e-beam, APS, IAD, and IBS coatings.





Aspheric Optics

Optical systems integrators rely on Optimax to deliver high-quality aspheric lenses with the most precise focusing properties. Precision asphere manufacturing requires the right...

Press Releases


Optimax Named as one of Americas Best Small Business by Forbes

To help potential job seekers assess the landscape of small employers, Forbes  introduced a new list: America’s Best Small Employers, defined here as companies employing...



Optical Coatings for Ultrafast Lasers

Ultrafast lasers generate extremely short pulses of light, typically in the femtosecond range. This short pulse duration allows them to deliver instantaneous high peak power with...


(Courtesy of Optimax)
Preparing an optical surface for precision optics requires a number of sophisticated considerations.

Emerging laser applications—New demands on optics

Talking about optics assumes a well-prepared optical surface—and that was what Jessica DeGroote Nelson, Director of Technology & Strategy, Optimax Systems, talked about.
Seminar 630x270 (002)

Lasers & Photonics Marketplace Seminar: Get to know our 2020 speakers

The Lasers & Photonics Marketplace Seminar's 2020 speaker and panelist lineup of industry experts will take a deep look at emerging opportunities, niche markets, and changing ...
FIGURE 1. PVD thin film processes, including (a) evaporation, (b) plasma ion-assisted deposition (PIAD), and (c) ion beam sputtering (IBS).

Advances in Optical Systems: Laser mirror design tradeoffs impact optical system performance

In addition to tradeoffs between mirror reflectivity, wavefront, laser-damage threshold, and cost, new low stress coatings offer weight, geometry, and thermomechanical performance...
(Courtesy of Thorlabs)
FIGURE 1. A spectral transmission curve for a high-LIDT polarizing beamsplitter (PBS) cube made by Thorlabs designed for use at 532 nm has a high polarization selectivity. A similar cube designed for use at 1064 nm is shown in the inset.

Optical Coatings: Coatings for laser optics achieve high LIDT

For optics used with high-power and high-energy lasers, a high laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) is crucial.
Conard 720

Riding the winds of change: Photonics in 2019

As you will read in this Report on the 31st annual Lasers & Photonics Marketplace Seminar, the revenue numbers remain good for lasers and across many photonics markets - but the...
The Optics Panel (left to right: Moderator Tom Hausken, Todd Jaeger, Jannick Rolland, Groot Gregory, and Jessica DeGroote Nelson) started with a question probing the importance of freeform optics.

Technology and Markets Panel: How advances in precision optics are driving new applications

Within this discussion, Tom Hausken guided the panelists through major questions of the promising technology of freeform optics.
FIGURE 1. Fiducials can be manufactured into a freeform optic for metrology purposes; shown is a model of a freeform optic with x-, y-, and z-axis fiducials designed into the part (a) with a desired absolute position of the optic's surfaces relative to the fiducials, as well as the irregularity map for each optical surface (b).

Aspheres: Finding the right tool: metrology for the manufacture of freeform optics

Three metrology tools for the measurement of freeform optics are compared: the coordinate measurement machine, a high-accuracy profilometer, and a noncontact optical technique...
A dielectric multilayer stack coating, measuring 0.5 μm in total thickness, that has been intentionally released from the optic surface before imaging. The image was taken at 200x using a Nomarski microscope.

Advances in Optical Manufacturing: Measurement considerations when specifying optical coatings

Design, specification, and procurement of optical coatings all benefit when the designer has a good understanding of measurement techniques and uncertainties.
The final panel discussion at Strategies in Biophotonics, which focused on disruptive innovation and the future of biophotonics, highlighted the struggle that emerging technologies can face in addressing established standards. Left to right: Howard Shapiro, MD, Gary Tearney, MD, Ph.D., Aydogan Ozcan, Ph.D., and Dan Gareau, Ph.D. Tearney, who delivered a popular keynote at the event, will also speak at the Lasers and Photonics Marketplace Seminar on Monday, February 9, 2015, in San Francisco, CA.

BIOPHOTONICS-BASED INNOVATION: Strategies in Biophotonics highlights moral imperative, practical matters

With its focus on helping system and device developers prepare and launch biophotonics-based innovations, the Strategies in Biophotonics conference covered a range of topics from...
FIGURE 1. High magnification reveals images of high-energy laser-induced damage on coated surfaces.

Optical Systems: Transmissive high-energy laser optics: Manufacturing and testing considerations

There are many decisions to make when designing, specifying, manufacturing, and testing optical components for high-energy laser systems-each is a potential failure mechanism ...

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Additional content from Optimax Systems Inc

New optical coating chamber is part of Optimax's expanison.

Optimax completes coating facility expansion

Ontario, NY--Optimax has completed the third and final phase of a $10 million optical coating facility project that has created more than 50 jobs.
FIGURE 1. Global shape descriptors are shown for some common optical components.

DESIGN FOR MANUFACTURING: Practical design software eases asphere manufacturability

Recent design methods and software advances make it much easier to design aspheric surfaces that actually work in production and test by considering manufacturability issues at...
FIGURE 1. A schematic diagram depicts traditional pitch polishing of a sphere (a) and an asphere (b; exaggerated shape). The black arrows indicate the long strokes (>3 cm) made during polishing as the pitch lap is rubbed against the optic. In the VIBE compliant polishing process (c), the black arrow indicates the short strokes (1–2 mm) made during polishing as the conformal VIBE polishing lap is rubbed against the optic.

OPTICS MANUFACTURING: High frequency and random motion rapidly smoothes optical surfaces

The VIBE process is a full-aperture, conformal polishing process that uses high-frequency, random motion to rapidly remove sub-surface damage and eliminate mid-spatial-frequency...
Positioning, Support & Accessories

Lidar/ladar lenses from Optimax available for defense and space applications

Lenses for lidar and ladar devices are made with a CNC lens centering system to position lens axes and measure how well they are aligned.
FIGURE 1. The optical transmission of spinel, AlON, and sapphire in the mid-IR all reach to the 5 μm region.
Detectors & Imaging

MID-IR OPTICS: Common-aperture IR imaging systems handle multispectral demands

Appropriate choice of optical materials and fabrication techniques enables common-aperture imaging systems that are extremely light and stable.