Based on GaAs wafer material our semiconductor laser diodes cover wavelengths from 630 to 1.120nm serving industries such as aerospace, defense, spectroscopy, medical instrumentation, test and measurement and material analysis.
Space qualification is one of the most demanding qualifications within the industry. But there are ways to save time and money by using what space insiders call “heritage.”
A gallium arsenide (GaAs)-based DBR laser diode with a 14-pin butterfly package with window consists of an integrated thermistor, thermoelectric cooler, and a monitor diode.
Join us for a short introduction of eagleyard’s NEW STYLE, NEW ORDER AND NEW LOOK. A short video about company and product news displayed during Laser World of Photonics in Munich...
A gallium arsenide (GaAs)-based, distributed Bragg reflector laser diode family delivers 10 mW of power at 633 nm, with a spectral linewidth of 750 kHz and below.