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  • Volume 41, Issue 7
  • Volume 41, Issue 7

    FIGURE 1. The impulse response (blue) of a 4-GHz receiver was measured with a 1-ps, 1530-nm pulse on a 50-GHz oscil­loscope. The step response (red) was then calculated by integrating the impulse response, which can be used to derive the eye diagram.
    Detectors & Imaging

    Photodetector impulse response yields eye-diagram information

    July 1, 2005
    The eye diagram of a photo­receiver is a key ingredient in assessing performance of an optical-communications network.
    Th 0507lf05f1
    Detectors & Imaging

    Terahertz imaging brings new capabilities to QC applications

    July 1, 2005
    An underused part of the spectrum offers new imaging and spectroscopic abilities for nonstructive testing and quality control.
    Th 0507lf02f1

    Ultrafast dips into the attosecond range

    July 1, 2005
    With the use of chirped-phase mirrors to reduce dispersion, and carrier-envelope phase stabilization to control the waveform, ultrafast lasers allow the generation of subfemtosecond...
    Th 181949

    Optically extended MEMS scanning transforms imaging ladar

    July 1, 2005
    The scanning range of a MEMS mirror can be increased by adding optics that amplify the scanning angle.
    Th 0507lfwf1f1

    Barcode scanners aren’t just for groceries anymore

    July 1, 2005
    Barcode scanning-also known as “automated identification and data capture”-has moved way beyond its retail and manufacturing roots.

    More content from Volume 41, Issue 7

    Th 181229

    Two-phase cooling will benefit large lasers

    July 1, 2005
    The laser of choice for military directed-energy-weapons (DEW) research has traditionally been the chemical ­laser.
    Th 0507lfne04
    Fiber Optics

    Refractive-index profile is measured nondestructively

    July 1, 2005
    The industry standard for the determination of refractive-index profiles for axially symmetric optical fibers is the refracted-near-field (RNF) technique.
    Th 0507lfwnwsbk1


    July 1, 2005
    Building on an earlier demonstration of quantum-dots-in-a-well (DWELL) detectors that sense multiple wavelengths in the middle-wavelength infrared (MWIR) and in the longer-wave...
    Th 0507lfne02

    Erbium is so cool

    July 1, 2005
    Laser cooling of atoms has led to some striking advances in physics research, including the first demonstration of “slow light,” in which a cloud of 50-μK sodium atoms in a degenerate...
    Th 0507lf06f1

    Optical interconnects aim for faster, smaller, cheaper, and lower power

    July 1, 2005
    The challenge for optical interconnects is to span shorter distances at higher speeds, with signals sent through many parallel fibers or waveguides.
    Th 0506lfne09

    Surface plasmons visualized as rainbow jets

    July 1, 2005
    Surface plasmons propagate along the interface between a conductor and a nonconductor or dielectric; they are bound to the interface and exponentially decay in both media.
    Th 0507lfne05

    Thin-film coatings form 10-km-radius surfaces

    July 1, 2005
    Although gravitational waves-ripples in the space-time continuum due to moving matter-have never been detected, the Large Scale Cryogenic Gravitational Wave Telescope (LCGT; Honshu...
    Th 0507lfwn9

    CLEO/QELS and PhAST offer something for everyone

    July 1, 2005
    Whether you’re a researcher, engineer, or manager interested in the application of lasers and optoelectronics to materials processing, defense and security, medicine, communications...
    Th 0507lfwn6f1

    SPIE’s 50-year history powers its future

    July 1, 2005
    In August of 1955, 74 individuals attended the first formal meeting of SPIE-Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers in Hollywood, CA, to exchange ideas and discuss ...
    Th 0507lf03f1
    Detectors & Imaging

    Carbon-nanotube coatings promise better thermal detectors

    July 1, 2005
    With high thermal conductivity and resistance to damage, carbon-nanotube coatings are a promising new technology for thermal detectors.
    Th 181952

    Combination pupil filter enables efficient superresolution

    July 1, 2005
    The point-spread function (PSF) of an optical system can be altered by inserting a spatially varying filter at the pupil plane; if the filter is properly designed, the width of...