DRS Daylight Solutions

San Diego, CA 92128


About DRS Daylight Solutions



15378 Ave of Science
Suite 200
San Diego, CA 92128
United States

More Info on DRS Daylight Solutions

In 2005, three high-tech entrepreneurs founded DRS Daylight Solutions in San Diego, California, with the goal of developing breakthrough technologies and products around the company’s core technology: mid-IR quantum cascade lasers (QCLs). Our products and technology are equipping experts worldwide with cutting-edge capabilities to help pioneer advances in scientific research, chemical imaging, sensors and analyzers, and defense and security. Whether you need laser sources, OEM sensor engines, or complete sensor systems, Daylight Solutions delivers off-the-shelf products and custom solutions to meet your most rigorous requirements.

Visit www.daylightsolutions.com for more information


FIGURE 1. A schematic of the compact ammonia QPML shows a 50 cm x 5 mm copper laser cavity containing ammonia with pinhole couplers on either end, pumped by an external cavity QCL, tunable from 920 to 1194 cm-1. The resulting ammonia QPML laser creates 24 distinct terahertz frequencies ranging from 0.763 to 4.459 THz at power levels up to 0.45 mW.
Lasers & Sources

Unprecedented terahertz lasers have wide tunability

The use of quantum-cascade pump lasers will enable a new class of compact terahertz sources that are widely tunable across a broad range of wavelengths.
(Courtesy of the Capasso Lab/Harvard SEAS)
Schematic of the team’s experimental setup; a gold-plated silicon wafer was used as a beamsplitter to reflect a small portion into the reference gas cell, while the rest entered the terahertz cavity.
Science & Research

‘Leap-ahead technology’ generates terahertz radiation

A new terahertz laser has potential to bridge the ‘terahertz gap’ for imaging, security, and communications applications.
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Laser Focus World announces 2021 Innovators Awards

For the fourth straight year, Laser Focus World held its Innovators Awards program, which celebrates the disparate and innovative technologies, products, and systems found in ...
(Credit: SPIE)
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SPIE Quantum West virtual event announces program lineup

Organized in partnership with the Quantum Economic Development Consortium (QED-C), the first SPIE Quantum West will be held online during the SPIE Photonics West Digital Forum...
(Courtesy of Pranalytica)
FIGURE 1. The VeloXscan QCL by Pranalytica shows simultaneous two-frequency operation.
Lasers & Sources

Photonics Products: Tunable Lasers: Commercial quantum-cascade laser technology matures

Four example innovations by quantum-cascade laser companies show us where the industry is going.
(Courtesy Daylight Solutions)
Lasers & Sources

Daylight Solutions acquired by Leonardo DRS for $150 million

Daylight Solutions, maker of quantum cascade lasers (QCLs), has been acquired by the U.S. subsidiary of Italian defense giant Leonardo.
(Courtesy of Daylight Solutions)
FIGURE 1. A Daylight Solutions MIRcat QCL (upper right) is embedded as the laser source in an experimental apparatus used for conducting standoff IED detection research [1,2].
Lasers & Sources

Photonics Products: Mid-IR Quantum-cascade Lasers - QCLs cover the mid-IR spectrum

Small and rugged when packaged properly, the quantum-cascade laser is the light source of choice for many applications operating in the mid-IR.
(Image credit: Daylight Solutions)
The Spero infrared microscope from Daylight Solutions improves on legacy microscopy technologies, enabling the capture of wide-field-of-view, high-resolution, real-time spectral images.
Detectors & Imaging

Daylight launches QCL-based IR microscope for real-time spectral imaging

Daylight Solutions launched what they are calling the world's first commercially available laser-based infrared microscopy platform with real-time spectral capability.
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PHOTONICS APPLIED: BIOPHOTONICS: Breath analysis research approaches clinical practicality

Clinicians anticipate practical, compact photonic test instrumentation to easily identify the several hundred different molecular species in exhaled breath that can indicate disease...

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Additional content from DRS Daylight Solutions

FIGURE 1. Comparison of the data logs collected simultaneously by the Swept Sensor (blue trace) and the MIRAN SapphIRe (green trace). The gray shaded areas represent three background measurements during which the Swept Sensor was not monitoring the air in the surgery room.

TUNABLE SOURCES: Quantum cascade lasers enter industrial applications

Known as a mid-IR tool for research or military applications, tunable quantum cascade laser-based systems are now available for spectroscopy applications that include detecting...
(Courtesy Northrop Grumman)
Dr. Timothy Day, chairman and CEO of Daylight Solutions, Paul Larson, president, COO, Daylight Solutions, Carl Smith, VP of infrared countermeasures for Northrop Grumman, and Jeffrey Palombo, VP and GM of Northrop Grumman's Land and Self Protection Systems Division, unveil the companies' CIRCM laser and pointer-tracker offering.
Lasers & Sources

QCL-based IR countermeasures solution announced by Northrop Grumman-Daylight Solutions

Rolling Meadows, IL--The Daylight Solutions Solaris QCL-based laser system was successfully integrated into Northrop Grumman's CIRCM program.
Lasers & Sources

Daylight Defense completes testing of QC countermeasures laser

San Diego, CA--Daylight Solutions subsidiary, Daylight Defense LLC, has successfully completed environmental testing of its quantum cascade laser (QCL) based JammIR Series B.4...
(Courtesy of DeltaNu)
FIGURE 1. The RockHound Raman spectrometer brings spectral mineral analysis to the field. A database stores the spectral signatures of common minerals encountered by geologists.
Test & Measurement

PHOTONICS APPLIED: HANDHELD SPECTROMETERS: Spectrometer miniaturization redefines real-time sensing

Miniaturization of light sources and optical components has shrunk the spectrometer into a portable, handheld form factor that allows the spectrometer to leave the lab and enter...
(Courtesy of Daylight Solutions)
FIGURE 1. The infrared (IR) absorption spectrum of acetone from a Fourier-transform IR (FTIR) spectrometer shows the chemical 'fingerprint' of strong absorptions from skeletal vibrations in the 5 to 20 µm region [10].
Detectors & Imaging

SPECTROSCOPY: External-cavity QCLs broaden capabilities for molecular detection

External-cavity, mid-infrared quantum-cascade lasers (QCLs) enable molecular "fingerprint" analysis with high sensitivity and selectivity for spectroscopy applications including...
Content Dam Etc Medialib Platform 7 Laser Focus World Articles Online Exclusive Articles 2010 Global 29152
Lasers & Sources

External-cavity QC laser tunes from 7.71 to 10.28 microns

Daylight Solutions has achieved 324 cm-1 of continuous narrowband tuning from a single quantum-cascade (QC) gain structure in an external-cavity configuration.
FIGURE 1. Basic geometries for QC-based lasers include FP-QCL (top), DFB-QCL (middle), and ECqcL (bottom). The gain medium is shown in gray, wavelength-selection mechanism in blue, facet coatings in orange, and output in red.

QUANTUM-CASCADE LASERS: Applications multiplyfor external-cavity QCLs

Combining quantum-cascade media with external-cavity laser geometries produces mid-IR quantum-cascade lasers with narrowband output, ultrabroadband single-mode tuning abilities...
An eye-safe quantum-cascade laser sends pulses of IR light onto a remote target. A collecting mirror focuses the reflected light onto a quartz tuning-fork sensor. The amplitude of the photoacoustic vibrations on the tuning fork is recorded as a function of illumination wavelength.

OPTICAL SENSING: Laser-acoustic device detects explosives residue from a safe distance

The ability to detect explosives remotely may soon be possible using “standoff” photoacoustic spectroscopy, say scientists at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL; Oak Ridge, TN...
FIGURE 1. An adiabatic inverted-taper structure couples light from an InP laser diode (not shown) from a polyimide waveguide layer into an SOI waveguide (green) on silicon.

TECHNOLOGY REVIEW 2006: The exotic and the everyday spur innovation

Basic research nourishes the growth of photonic metamaterials and plasmonics, while the desires of the consumer result in laser TV and higher-capacity optical disks. At the center...
FIGURE 1. The mid- to longwave IR region of the spectrum contains absorption features of many molecules that could be optically sensed using wavelength-tunable lasers.
Detectors & Imaging

Tunable QC laser opens up mid-IR sensing applications

Miniaturized external-cavity quantum-cascade lasers are ready to provide tunable laser light for a new generation of mid-IR optical sensors for chemical detection and other optical...