4D Technology is a leader in innovative metrology products for measuring surface quality and surface defects on precision surfaces, as well as the surface and wavefront quality of optics. 4D’s patented Dynamic Interferometry®technology enables 4D’s laser interferometry products to measure in difficult environments, where vibration, air turbulence or rapid motion have traditionally prevented accurate measurement.
4D Technology is a subsidiary of Onto Innovation. For more information visit www.4dtechnology.com.
Producing NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope’s sophisticated optical system required new technology and methods to ensure its components can perform as designed—and it presented...
Combining a short coherence source with an adjustable path-match mechanism makes it possible to isolate and measure the front and back surfaces of transparent components as thin...
Digital-, discrete-, and continuous-zoom configurations can optimize testing of large and small optics with modern interferometers; however, each method has tradeoffs that users...
While at SPIE Optics + Photonics 2022, Erik Novak, vice president and general manager of 4D Technology, an Onto Innovation business, discusses the company’s PhaseCam 6110 dynamic...
PolarCam™ polarization cameras capture a snapshot of multiple polarized images from each video frame, enabling a range of image enhancement techniques and polarimetric measurements...
The NanoCam Sq measures surface roughness despite vibration and turbulence. Applications include surface roughness of small and large coated/uncoated optics, on-machine surface...
Easy to-position, fiber-coupled and fully motorized, the compact and lightweight PhaseCam is ideal for on-machine metrology, remote mounting, in measurement towers or pressure...
The compact AccuFiz offers an unmatched combination of performance, quality and value, for high accuracy shape and transmitted wavefront quality measurements of optical surfaces...
Meter-scale optical elements present a set of unique challenges, not just in fabrication but also to ensure conformance to specification. Dynamic interferometry offers speed and...