Meller Optics Inc

Providence, RI 02904


About Meller Optics Inc



120 Corliss St
Providence, RI 02904
United States

More Info on Meller Optics Inc

Manufactures lenses, prisms, mirrors, and windows from sapphire, quartz, germanium, silicon, II-VI materials, and common laser glasses. Distributes Microlux R and Microlux RZ submicron alumina polishing powder as well.


Optical components

High Precision Optics

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(Image credit: Meller Optics)

Sapphire windows have use in unmanned underwater surveillance vehicles

Custom sapphire windows for unmanned underwater surveillance vehicles feature Mohs 9 hardness.

Custom LiDAR optics available with or without AR coating

Custom-fabricated LiDAR optics use germanium, sapphire, silicon, UV glass, zinc selenide, and zinc sulfide substrates.
Meller Optics

Sapphire optical domes and windows protect missile guidance systems

Sapphire optical domes and 360° windows feature Mohs 9 hardness, and withstand 10,000 psi and 1000°C.
Meller Optics

Sapphire lenses, windows, and domes offering available with antireflection coatings

A line of custom-fabricated sapphire lenses, windows, and domes protects all types of vision systems and sensors on drones that are exposed to harsh environments.
Meller Optics

Sapphire and ruby balls have use in drone vision systems

Ultra-miniature sapphire and ruby balls, unaffected by fast-moving dirt and impervious to most chemicals, are used as lens systems in micro-air vehicles.
Meller Optics

Meller Optics sapphire optics available as lenses or windows

Sapphire lenses and windows are optically clear, chemically inert, and transmit from the UV to 4.7 µm.
Meller Optics

Meller Optics maritime sapphire optics withstand water pressure to 10,000 psi

Custom-manufactured sapphire lenses, windows, and domes, in sizes from 0.25 in. to 10 in. OD, for use in submersibles and other deep-water undersea applications, feature Mohs ...

Meller Optics sapphire prisms are fabricated to OEM specs

Custom fabricated sapphire prisms and light guides for use in applications that require superior mechanical and optical properties have Mohs 9 hardness.
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Meller Optics sapphire lenses have utility in military vision systems

Sapphire lenses for military vision system applications in severe environments can be custom-fabricated in concave, convex, and meniscus configurations.
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Panoramic sapphire window from Meller Optics available

A truncated hyper-hemisphere 360° sapphire window provides transmission from the UV to IR and SWIR.

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Additional content from Meller Optics Inc

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Meller Optics sapphire domes have utility in deep-water UAVs

Custom-engineered sapphire optical domes for deep-water UAVs extend the viewing angle of cameras by up to 160°.
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Sapphire and ruby balls from Meller Optics have utility in lens systems

A full line of sapphire and ruby balls for use as fiber-optic and endoscope lens systems come with a calibration certificate validating diameter and sphericity.
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Meller Optics polishing pitch is made from wood resin

Gugolz optical polishing pitch comes in five grades from very soft to very hard, with melting points from 52° to 87°C.
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Calcium fluoride optics from Meller Optics have utility in spectroscopy

Calcium fluoride optics operate over the range of 200 nm to 9 μm for use in spectroscopy, laser, and front surface protection applications.
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Meller Optics sapphire windows have uses in subsea UAV applications

Sapphire windows for subsea UAV applications withstand pressure to 10,000 psi, and resist salt water, chemicals, and fast-moving particles.
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Meller Optics optical polishing powders are offered in two grades

Microlux alumina optical polishing powders are ready to mix with de-ionized water, and are offered in two grades and seven particle sizes from 0.05 to 3.0 microns.
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Meller Optics sapphire windows available in sizes up to 10 in diameter

Custom-fabricated sapphire windows for installation on the outboard of aircraft protect sensors from water, wind, and high-speed particulates.
Biophotonics Tools

Sapphire optics by Meller Optics

A range of chemically inert, custom sapphire optics transmits from the UV through 4.7 µm for use in blood gas monitors and other medical devices.
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Detectors & Imaging

Optical domes from Meller Optics protect electronic sensors and detectors

Sapphire and spinel optical domes protect electronic sensors and detectors.

Meller Optics introduces x-ray-diffraction analysis of crystalline optical materials

If you happen to be looking for an analysis of the crystalline structure of your single-crystal optical material, you might want to check with Meller Optics.