Despite its middle-aged standing in the laser community, the excimer laser is a high-power source of UV and DUV light with no equal in certain critical applications.
Once an unattainable concept, cellular-resolution, functionally defined optogenetics has arrived—promising deep insight into the causal relationships between neuronal operations...
Laser technology enables surface functionalization that greatly improves material properties and enables new applications, and the laser systems developed for such applications...
Lidar vs. competing sensor technologies (camera, radar, and ultrasonic) reinforces the need for sensor fusion, as well as careful selection of photodetectors, light sources, and...
Laser diodes are efficient, narrowband, bright, and long-life, making them the ideal laser-pump source, and can be made to produce extremely high optical powers.
The Amon-Hen program targets an interferometer system cost of less than $25 million in a footprint smaller than existing ground-based interferometry sites.
The need for quantitative, nondestructive tools led a team of scientists to develop quantitative volumetric Raman imaging, a novel, label-free method of imaging multiple biomolecules...
Christie sheds light on the technical comparison between RGB laser projection and LED modules when used as the light engines for cinema-scale display applications.
After years of development, KMLabs has commercially introduced the first titanium:sapphire (Ti:sapphire) ultrafast laser oscillator directly pumped with blue-emitting laser diodes...
A broadband, compact, and low-cost diffuser-based wavefront sensor works by simply placing a thin diffuser near a camera to allow sensing of the local wavefront gradient by measuring...
The instrument is suited to water-quality research and monitoring, wine-constituent analysis, protein purity, and vaccine quality-assurance applications.
A miniaturized Stirling and Joule-Thomson (J-T) cooling platform, which was the prototype design for the cooler launched in 2009 onboard an Ariane 5 rocket as part of the Planck...