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  • Quantum Innovators - Winter 2024

    (Image credit: Francesco Tani)
    This schematic shows the differences between classical optics vs. quantum optics for the team’s work.

    Bright squeezed vacuum pulses generate high harmonics

    Dec. 20, 2024
    Using a bright squeezed vacuum to generate high harmonics enhances their yields—compared to classical coherent light—and provides a route to probe material properties beyond the...
    (Image credit: K. Arjas et al., Nat. Commun., 15, 9544 [2024]; https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-53952-5)
    Vortex laser pattern from 12-fold rotationally symmetric quasicrystal structure.

    Novel quasicrystal design further ‘green lights’ topological study of light

    Dec. 16, 2024
    A new quasicrystal design process—that enabled a structure with a 12-fold rotational symmetry—may prove useful for many photonic applications beyond plasmonics.
    Digital Crossroads Data Center in Hammond, Indiana.
    Fiber Optics

    Quantum Corridor expands quantum comms network plans

    Dec. 11, 2024
    In this Q&A with Quantum Corridor’s CEO Thomas P. Dakich, he shares what it’s like to launch a quantum network, challenges involved, how the project’s goals quickly expanded, ...
    (Image credit: Benjamin Yuen)
    The “shape” (expected intensity distribution) of a single photon emitted by an atom on the surface of a silicon nanoparticle.

    Quantum electrodynamics theory unveils precise ‘shape’ of a single photon

    Dec. 2, 2024
    New theory developed by Angela Demetriadou and Benjamin Yuen at the University of Birmingham in the U.K. explains how light and matter interact at the quantum level—at last!
    (Image credit: Ryan Lavine for IBM)
    IBM Quantum Heron r2 is the second gen (r2) of IBM Heron processors.

    IBM envisions classical and quantum computing ‘blend’ for quantum-centric supercomputing

    Nov. 29, 2024
    In a Q&A with IBM Distinguished Research Scientist and Quantum Engine Lead Blake Johnson, he brings us up to speed on their latest quantum utility advances, unpacks Heron/Qiskit...

    More content from Quantum Innovators - Winter 2024

    FIGURE 1. A misaligned lens inserted into a Bessel beam pre-aligned to an ASM.

    Tabletop optical alignment: A nightmare for QED scientists (with a solution)

    Nov. 27, 2024
    Precision optical alignment is currently used for centering lenses within cells, but a call from a quantum computing company made us realize it would be more helpful to quantum...
    FIGURE 1. Quantum tech investment timeline (2020 to 2024). Investment of $7.06B across 296 funding rounds shows yearly distribution among major quantum players and smaller deals combined (excluding national quantum strategies and government programs).

    Follow the money: Two stories of quantum tech investment

    Nov. 22, 2024
    Three threads, three data sets, and two contradicting narratives. I’m about to walk you through quantum tech’s funding story that can be read as both a bull and bear market case...
    (Image credit: Phlux Technology)
    FIGURE 1. Cryptographic keys ensure controlled access to communication channels.
    Detectors & Imaging

    Quantum key distribution: Secure optical communications

    Nov. 18, 2024
    Avalanche photodiodes, infrared sensors capable of detecting single photons, are at the heart of many QKD systems. Their sensitivity allows them to discern the faintest of light...
    (Image credit: NTU Singapore)
    Two thin flakes of niobium oxide dichloride stacked on each other and photographed under a light microscope. One flake’s crystalline grain (gray flake) is positioned perpendicularly to the grain of the other flake (green flake).

    Photonics breakthrough can drastically shrink quantum computing parts

    Nov. 14, 2024
    Very thin materials can create entangled pairs of photons to be used as quantum bits.
    FIGURE 1. Depiction of the ultrahigh-density optical memory. Red dots represent rare earth ion impurities, and blue dots represent defects onto which the excitation is stored by using near-field energy transfer processes. Many optically addressable RE ions within the diffraction-limited excitation volume (red beam) result in an enhanced bit density.

    Near-field energy transfer provides route to ultrahigh-density solid-state optical memories

    Nov. 13, 2024
    A combined framework of quantum electrodynamics and quantum mechanical electronic structure theories reveals a promising pathway to exceed the current limitation on data storage...
    (Image credit: Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics)
    A neutral atom qubit register, which continuously reloads new atoms into the register.

    Continuously operated quantum registers with neutral atoms

    Nov. 7, 2024
    A qubit register of 1,200 neutral atoms within an optical lattice of laser light designed to ‘reload itself’ was kept in continuous operation for an hour—progress toward scaling...
    (Photo credit: Heriot-Watt University)
    Dr. Ross Donaldson and Professor Gerald Buller pictured with equipment that will be used in the new optical ground station.

    Optical ground stations push boundaries of space technology

    Oct. 24, 2024
    The Hub Optical Ground Station (HOGS) based at Heriot-Watt University will feature state-of-the-art equipment—single-photon detectors and adaptive optics systems—for quantum key...