Menlo Systems Gmbh

Martinsried D-82152


About Menlo Systems Gmbh


Bunsenstr 5
Martinsried D-82152

More Info on Menlo Systems Gmbh

Is a leading developer and supplies instrumentation for high-precision metrology. Product lines include optical frequency combs, time and frequency distribution, terahertz systems, ultrafast and ultra-stable lasers, and corresponding control electronics.


Laser systems, ultrafast

Femtosecond Erbium Laser

• High Stability • Low Amplitude and Phase Noise • All-PM Solution • Single Mode-Lock State Menlo Systems’ fiber-based femtosecond laser sources integrate the latest achievements...
Smart Comb
Instrumentation, metrology

Compact Optical Frequency Combs

SmartComb is an optical metrology system in a revolutionary compact package. The first fully automated turn-key optical frequency comb is designed and built for use in- and outside...
Tera Smart

Compact Industry-Proven Terahertz Spectrometer

The compact terahertz spectrometer TeraSmart integrates the latest achievements in broadband Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy (THz-TDS) into an easy-to-use turnkey solution....
Fc1500 Quantum
Laser systems, ultrafast

Complete solution for Quantum 2.0 applications

The FC1500-Quantum is the all-in-one ultra-stable frequency comb-based solution providing ultra-low noise comb and CW light over a wide frequency range in a fully rack-mounted...
Ors Mini
Instrumentation, metrology

Ultrastable Lasers

The compact ORS-Mini Ultrastable Laser System for field applications and OEM integration delivers ultra-narrow linewidth laser light with excellent frequency stability. A high...

Press Releases

Image provided by Menlo Systems
Menlo Smartcomb
Instrumentation, metrology

SmartComb 250: Compact, Stable, Reliable.

Menlo Systems introduces its newest platform for metrology: The SmartComb 250, a compact, robust, high-end, and fully automated Frequency Comb system. This turnkey all-in-one ...
Image provided by Menlo Systems

Enabling laser stabilization through Optical Reference Cavities with an unprecedented form factor

Menlo Systems announces the release of the ORC-Micro: the optical reference cavity with the most compact form factor, perfect for all applications that require short-term (10 ...
Courtesy of Menlo Systems Gmbh
Instrumentation, metrology

Highest precision metrology in the mid-infrared

Menlo Systems introduces the Mid-IR Comb, the latest development in their family of optical frequency combs, pushing precision metrology into the 3 – 14 µm mid-infrared...


(Courtesy of RÜBIG)
(Courtesy of RÜBIG)
Test & Measurement

Industrial surface hardening: Shining a light on process control

Mid-infrared frequency comb spectroscopy shines the way to dynamic process control of plasma nitriding.
Menlo Systems
Lasers & Sources

Optical frequency combs feature 15 kHz free running linewidth

The FC1500-ULNnova optical frequency comb synthesizer model uses a redesigned comb laser oscillator.
(Image credit: Infineon Technologies)
German chipmaker Infineon Technologies applies several different approaches to develop qubits based on its own chip technologies.

How do European companies develop quantum technologies?

Industrial quantum technology was a big topic at the International Laser Technology Congress AKL ‘22 in Aachen, Germany.
Menlo Systems
Lasers & Sources

Tunable mid-IR fiber laser supports broadband spectroscopy

The YLMO Mid-IR tunable fiber laser delivers less than 400 fs duration pulses with tunable spectrum in the 3–5 µm range.
Menlo Systems
Lasers & Sources

Mini ultrastable laser is available at 1542 and 1064 nm

Designed as an optical reference in field applications, the ORS-Mini ultrastable laser has less than 2 Hz linewidth.
Courtesy of Christoph Hohmann, MCQST
FIGURE 1. Two crossed optical resonators are located inside a vacuum chamber. Each resonator’s mirrors consist of the end faces of two opposing optical fibers. These fibers are barely visible as a cross of thin dark lines in the center of the image.

Bringing quantum networks to life

Control over the interaction between photons with atoms promises quantum systems to serve as transmitters, receivers, and memory elements for information in a future quantum network...
Menlo Systems
Laser system for an optical strontium lattice clock.
Lasers & Sources

Complete laser system for cold-atom applications fits in three racks

The FC1500-Quantum by Menlo Systems includes a subhertz-linewidth laser, a frequency comb, and other lasers, all with stability from an ultrahigh-finesse optical cavity.
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Test & Measurement

Menlo fiber-optic timing system advances relativistic geodesy

An ultrastable erbium-doped fiber laser oscillator delivers femtosecond-accurate timing signals over dispersion-compensated fiber to enable global time-based coordinate reference...
1904 Lfw Pro 12
Lasers & Sources

Ultrastable laser from Menlo Systems features a turnkey metrology system

The ORS-Cubic ultrastable laser is based on a rigidly mounted 5 cm cubic cavity, allowing the laser to be transported without needing realignment.
Menlo Systems
Tilo Steinmetz, Menlo's AstroComb product manager, inspects comb modes of the ESPRESSO-AstroComb projected onto a screen by means of an echelle spectrograph.
Test & Measurement

Menlo Systems frequency comb helps analyze combined light from four telescopes in the VLT

ESO's Very Large Telescope has four main telescopes; their light, combined in a single spectrograph, is analyzed using the 'AstroComb.'

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Additional content from Menlo Systems Gmbh

Courtesy of Menlo Systems Gmbh
Instrumentation, metrology

Ultrastable Microwave Systems: Revolutionizing microwave and RF generation

Menlo Systems release their range of Ultrastable Microwave Systems (UMS): a groundbreaking advancement in microwave technology for the synthesis of ultra-high spectral purity ...
Lasers, fiber (non-telecom)

ELMO 780 XHP: Industry proven. Output power multiplied.

Menlo System’s launches ELMO 780 XHP, the most recent development within their industry-grade femtosecond erbium fiber laser series. The new high-power version delivers ...
Instrumentation, metrology

Menlo Systems Inc.: New General Manager Jens Schumacher

Menlo Systems is pleased to announce the appointment of Jens Schumacher as the new General Manager of Menlo Systems Inc., its US subsidiary. Jens brings with him more than 20 ...
Time Domain
Sources, terahertz

High-Power Fiber-Coupled Photo-conductive Antennas

Menlo Systems present their novel TERA15-HP-TX high-power fiber-coupled broadband terahertz (THz) antennas in their TERA15 series, thereby setting the benchmark for efficiency...
Menlo Systems
Shown is the FOKUS II dual comb system.
Test & Measurement

Menlo Systems launches next-gen optical clock into space

The payload consisted of two separate units--the FOKUS II frequency comb and an iodine stabilized laser.
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Menlo Systems terahertz time-domain spectrometers provide >5 THz spectral bandwidth

THz-TDS systems with an optomechanical scanning unit provide >5 THz spectral bandwidth and >90 dB signal-to-noise ratio.
This in vivo two-photon fluorescence image of a mouse brain depicts calcium-indicating protein that is fluorescent in the green channel, while the light-sensitive ion channel is labeled with the red fluorescent mCherry protein to help identify cells for potential targeting by the stimulation laser; the 100 numbered circles mark selected target neurons.

Neuroscience/Optogenetics: All-optical, high-precision functional optogenetics

Once an unattainable concept, cellular-resolution, functionally defined optogenetics has arrived—promising deep insight into the causal relationships between neuronal operations...
1709 Lfw Pro 7
Lasers & Sources

Menlo Systems femtosecond fiber laser delivers pulse duration

The C-Fiber 780 erbium-doped femtosecond fiber laser provides output power levels at 780 nm and at 1560 nm.
1702 Lfw Pro 9
Lasers & Sources

Menlo Systems optical reference system achieves sub-hertz linewidths

The ORS-DL optical reference system uses interference filter cateye design external-cavity diode lasers from MOGLabs.
(Courtesy of Menlo Systems)
Thanks to careful engineering, the FOKUS optical frequency-comb module has been launched into space for a second time, performing without error and setting an important precedent for future research.
Content Dam Lfw Online Articles 2015 July 1507lfw Pro 9 New Web
Lasers & Sources

Menlo Systems optical frequency combs use a femtosecond fiber laser

A line of optical frequency combs offers stability and accuracy >10-18 for use on optical clocks.
Still from
Content Dam Lfw Online Articles 2015 February Frequency Comb Still

Laser frequency comb in single-mode fiber can aid search for exoplanets (with video)

A solar telescope can be combined with a laser frequency comb to allow spectral analysis of distant stars.
1411prod Menlo
Test & Measurement

Terahertz time-domain spectrometer from Menlo Systems provides up to 80 dB SNR

The TERA K15 terahertz time-domain spectrometer provides up to 4.5 THz bandwidth and up to 80 dB signal-to-noise ratio.
T. Wilken
The frequency difference (fr) between two neighboring lines in a frequency comb is always exactly the same. It is kept stable by comparing it with an atomic clock. The comb light is guided to the spectrograph in an optical fiber. The light is separated into its its frequency components by the spectrograph and imaged on the CCD detector. The comblike spectrum appears as a row of dots, of which each dot corresponds exactly to one line of the frequency comb. This 'laser ruler' can now be used to calibrate the spectrograph.

Laser frequency combs aid the search for exoplanets

Garching, Germany--A team of scientists headed by Theodor W. Hänsch from the Laser Spectroscopy Division at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics has collaborated with researchers...
(Courtesy of Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics)
FIGURE 1. A microresonator is used to generate a mid-IR frequency comb centered at 2.5 µm through four-wave-mixing effects.

FREQUENCY COMBS: Mid-IR frequency combs use microresonator and thulium-fiber designs

Interest in the mid-infrared (mid-IR) spectral region continues to grow for applications in molecular fingerprinting, IR countermeasures, near-field microscopy, and materials ...
FIGURE 1. A high-resolution spectrometer used in combination with a telescope measures changes in the wavelength of light coming from a star over the course of days, months, and years. The change in color is caused by the Doppler shift of the light, resulting from the star orbiting a common center of mass with a companion planet (referred to as stellar wobble). Because of the large size of the star in comparison to the planet, the center of mass of a planet-star pair is often located within the star.

Ultrafast lasers: Frequency combs refine Doppler search for distant planets

Detecting the exceedingly small Doppler shifts from parent stars and orbiting planets in other solar systems will require extremely sensitive instruments.