Burlington, MA 01803


About COMSOL Inc


100 District Ave
Burlington, MA 01803
United States

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COMSOL Multiphysics is a simulation software for modeling any physics-based system. A strength is its ability to account for multiphysics phenomena.



COMSOL applications in optics and photonics

Laser Focus World Senior Editor John Wallace interviews COMSOL technical product manager Christopher Boucher, discussing special topics in the area of optical simulation in detail...
Christoper Boucher Introduces COMSOL

Introduction to COMSOL Multiphysics software

Laser Focus World Senior Editor John Wallace interviews COMSOL technical product manager Christopher Boucher broadly introducing the concept of simulation, what its purpose is...


FIGURE 1. The metal-dielectric interface in a plane at y = 0. This system supports SPPs propagating in the x direction and exponentially decaying in the y direction.
Software & Accessories

Simulation of surface plasmon polaritons

The hunt is on for better plasmonic designs, and optical simulation software will play an important role.
(Image made using COMSOL Multiphysics® software and provided courtesy of COMSOL)
Software & Accessories

Modeling and simulation software offers direct modeling operations

Multiphysics version 6.1 modeling and simulation software provides direct modeling operations to allow parametric sweeps of imported CAD models with optimization.
FIGURE 1. At the end of the fiber, the output field is no longer the same as the input field. To absorb the outgoing wave, a general absorbing artificial material is used (aka a perfectly matched layer).
Software & Accessories

Full-wave multiphysics simulation of optical fibers

Full-wave multiphysics simulations for optical fibers require sophisticated modeling and simulation techniques.
Software & Accessories

Modeling and simulation software update adds asset management

The Multiphysics software version 6.0 update includes a Model Manager server with an asset management system.
FIGURE 1. Scattering of light by a gold nanoparticle embedded in a substrate. The finite element mesh is also shown.

Multiscale optical simulations pose unique challenges

Simulation is used for design, optimization, and diagnostics in diverse applications including optical fibers, lasers, smartphones, and autonomous vehicles. However, optical simulation...
In a single-mode optical fiber with a 10-μm-diameter core, a high-refractive-index rod is placed a distance S away in the cladding; the rod itself supports a mode, in addition to the mode supported by the core (a). The idea is for the rod to couple resonantly to the core, drawing light in certain spectral regions away from the core and absorbing it, thus serving as a spectral filter. The width of the peak bandwidth narrowed as the rod was moved farther from the core (b).
Fiber Optics

Single-mode fiber with absorbing rod serves as spectral filter

A single-mode silica fiber has a high-refractive-index rod placed in the cladding that resonates with the core, absorbing light at certain wavelengths.
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Test & Measurement

Microreflector boosts Raman signal in 3D SERS chip

Adding a four-sided etched microreflector to a SERS chip results in higher intensity at the surface and a higher signal-collection efficiency.
(Image by Bill Ebbesen, licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons)
FIGURE 1. An example assortment of multielement optical lenses.

Full-wave simulation extends the range and depth of lens analysis

In this tutorial, the differences between physical-optics and full-wave-optics analyses are described, as well as when each type of analysis is best used.
Content Dam Lfw Online Articles 2019 03 1903lfw Pro 4

COMSOL Multiphysics software update features four new tutorial models

Multiphysics Version 5.4 features COMSOL Compiler, among other new features.
(Courtesy of COMSOL)
FIGURE 1. A Petzval lens, shown here in a ray diagram, includes (from left to right) a first focusing lens, the aperture stop, a second focusing lens, a field-flattening lens, and the image plane.
Optics & Design

Ray-tracing Software: Structural-thermal-optical performance analysis: The quintessential multiphysics model

Optical ray tracing software reveals temperature effects by performing a coupled analysis of a lens system’s structural, thermal, and optical performance.

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Additional content from COMSOL Inc

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Optics & Design

3D eye simulation directs noninvasive process to prolong glasses-free vision

By modeling the complete optical parameters of the human eye using COMSOL Multiphysics software, a prescription for a series of noninvasive laser procedures for presbyopia patients...
FIGURE 1. Light propagates clockwise (dashed line) and counterclockwise (solid line) along the edge of a circle, which is also rotating.

Modeling Software: Understanding the Sagnac effect through ray optics simulation

Rotation effects on laser ring gyroscopes and other rotating optical devices can now be straightforwardly modeled.
(Image credits: [a] H. Y. Fu et al., Appl. Opt., 47, 15, 2835–2839 (2008); [b] A. Anuskiewicz et al., Opt. Express, 20, 21, 23320–23330 (2012); [c] J. H. Osório et al., Appl. Opt., 53, 17, 3668–3672 (2014); and [d, e] Unicamp)
Photonic-crystal optical fibers (a), microstructured fibers with a triangular lattice of holes (b), and side-hole photonic-crystal fibers (c) used as pressure sensors are significantly more complex than an embedded-core capillary fiber design (d and e) that can be fabricated using standard drawn-fiber techniques.
Fiber Optics

Fiber-optic Sensing: Pressure-sensing, embedded-core capillary fibers improve on complex microstructured optical fiber designs

Embedded-core capillary fibers are a less-complex pressure-sensing alternative to microstructured/photonic-crystal fiber designs.
COMSOL adds ability to simulate Sagnac interferometers and other rotating optical systems.

COMSOL adds ability to simulate Sagnac interferometers and other rotating optical systems

The Ray Optics Module, an add-on for the COMSOL Multiphysics software, now simulates optical phenomena in laser and fiber ring gyroscopes.
Content Dam Lfw Print Articles 2018 01 1801lfw Nb F1

Varifocal microlens array is solid, not the usual liquid

Researchers have designed and fabricated a robust varifocal microlens array that operates by applying a voltage across a flexible transparent dielectric elastomer to force the...
FIGURE 1. A full-wave finite-element analysis is done of electromagnetic waves that scatter off a metallic sphere. The electric-field variations make it necessary to use a fine mesh throughout the computational domain. As a consequence of the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem, each wavelength needs to be resolved with a minimum of two sampling points to avoid aliasing. In practice, this leads to a requirement of at least a handful of finite elements per wavelength in each spatial direction.

Wave Optics: Beam-envelope method efficiently analyzes photonic components

Optics-modeling electromagnetics software beats the Nyquist criterion while saving computation time.
Content Dam Lfw Online Articles 2017 07 1708lfw Pro 2

COMSOL modeling software features more than 50 new and updated tutorials

Version 5.3 of Multiphysics and Server software for modeling and simulation includes the boundary element method for modeling electrostatics and corrosion effects.
(Courtesy of AFIT)
A calculation showing the effects of a linear phase gradient created by a row of varying V-antennas and modeled in COMSOL depicts a normal plane wave striking the metasurface from the bottom and exiting the metasurface at an angle (a); a scan of the focal region produced by a fabricated cylindrical metalens with a focal length of 5 cm and operating at an 8 μm wavelength shows a high-quality focal region (b).

Numerical Modeling: Modeling metasurface lenses points way toward refining their performance

Researchers are using the COMSOL Multiphysics software package to numerically model several metasurface-lens designs.
FIGURE 1. A schematic of a multilayer OLED structure that shows various types of light losses.

Simulation and Modeling: Surface-plasmon modeling drives OLED design, cutting efficiency loss

Surface-plasmon modeling and nanostructured electrode design show promise for increased light output and efficiency in organic LED (OLED) systems.
FIGURE 1. Light guidance is shown in a 1.8-μm-diameter silicon fiber at a 1.55 μm wavelength.

Modeling: Multiphysics software models multimaterial optical fibers fabricated via HPCVD

Computer modeling of semiconductor-core optical fibers made using high-pressure chemical vapor deposition reveal the fibers' useful properties.
Content Dam Lfw Online Articles 2016 08 1609lfw Pro 9

Simulation software environment from COMSOL includes three new solvers

The COMSOL Multiphysics 5.2a and COMSOL Server simulation software environment includes three new solvers to deliver fast, memory-efficient computations.

COMSOL simulation software includes an applications builder

Part of the Multiphysics version 5.2 simulation software, LiveLink for SOLIDWORKS connects software simulations and 3D design.
(Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons/Gah4)
FIGURE 1. Bendix G15 was an early vacuum tube computer with 450 vacuum tubes and 300 germanium diodes. The main unit is in the middle; tape drives are to the sides. Control was through the digital typewriter at right.

Photonic Frontiers: Optical Design Software: Looking Back/Looking Forward: The growing power of software drives photonic innovation

Optical design was among the first computer applications. Today's software is vastly smarter, far more powerful, and has many more applications throughout the laser and optics...

Modeling software from COMSOL includes 20 demo apps

COMSOL version 5.1 upgrades functionality in the company’s software, including Multiphysics, the application builder COMSOL Server, and add-on modules.

COMSOL establishes direct operations in Moscow, Russia

Services include technical support, training sessions, local sales, and on-site workshops, seminars, and customer visits.
Content Dam Lfw En Articles 2015 01 Simulation Software From Comsol Includes Application Builder Leftcolumn Article Thumbnailimage File

Simulation software from COMSOL includes application builder

Multiphysics software version 5.0 now includes an Application Builder for use by engineering and manufacturing departments.
(Courtesy of COMSOL)
A pair of singlet lenses collimates and then focuses a 3 kW light beam. Absorption of light by the lenses and the resulting optical and thermomechanical effects on the lenses are modeled; ray traces determine the resulting focal shift and change in spot size.

Computer Modeling: COMSOL Multiphysics software adds ray-tracing capabilities

The COMSOL Multiphysics software package, a well-known suite produced by COMSOL, Inc. that can numerically model many different types of physical processes, now has a new addition...
John Wallace
Photo of a Ray Optics Module simulation taken from a figure in a press release from the COMSOL Conference 2014 Boston.

COMSOL prereleases version 5.0 of its Multiphysics software; unveils ray optics, 'Application Builder' for industry

On October 8, 2014, COMSOL (Burlington, MA) announced the prerelease of the newest version of the company's Multiphysics software, version 5.0, at the COMSOL Conference 2014 Boston...
(Courtesy of NTU)
A scanning electron microscope (SEM) image shows the fabricated concentric circular grating (CCG) terahertz quantum-cascade laser (QCL); the yellow color highlights the gold layers and the concentric rings allow electrical pumping of the whole grating. The dual-lobed far-field emission is typical of a CCG terahertz QCL.
Lasers & Sources

TERAHERTZ SOURCES: Concentric-grating terahertz QCLs five times more powerful than ridge QCLs

An alternative terahertz quantum-cascade laser (QCL) developed by an international team of researchers takes advantage of the circular symmetry of concentric circular gratings...
COMSOL has formed a Chinese subsidiary to expand the presence and availability of its Multiphysics simulation software for optoelectronics to the Chinese market; product descriptions are now translated into Chinese.

COMSOL forms Chinese subsidiary to expand Multiphysics simulation software presence

COMSOL announced the formation of a new subsidiary located in China with offices in Shanghai and Beijing to expand presence and availability of Multiphysics simulation software...
A typical FBG accelerometer includes a cantilever, a mass, and the FBG itself. Simulations and experiments show that a 1-mm-thick Teflon patch placed between the FBG and the cantilever increases sensitivity by a factor of three.
Test & Measurement

FIBER BRAGG GRATINGS: Teflon patch increases FBG accelerometer sensitivity

The fiber-Bragg-grating (FBG) accelerometer—a small, rugged, electromagnetic-field-interference (EMI)-free device used for measuring strains in bridges and other architectural...
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Modeling software from COMSOL features a nonlinear solver

Multiphysics 4.3 software includes modules for nonlinear structural materials, pipe flow, and corrosion.
Researchers are computationally modeling plasmonic optical wave plates that consist of a periodic array of cross-shaped nanoapertures in a silver film

Silver film with cross-shaped nanoapertures is plasmonic quarter-wave plate

Researchers at the University of Melbourne and Casix are computationally modeling plasmonic optical wave plates that consist of a periodic array of cross-shaped nanoapertures ...

$400,000 software license agreement: KTH Schools to use COMSOL

Burlington, MA--COMSOL Multiphysics simulation software will be provided to all the Schools within The Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) under a three-year, $400,000 site license...
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Multiphysics software from COMSOL integrates with CAD

Version 4.0 Multiphysics simulation software has a new user interface that provides streamlined model-building.
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COMSOL software approaches photonics from many angles

While the COMSOL (Burlington, MA) Multiphysics modeling and simulation software can be directly applied to the simulation of photonics-related phenomena, it has indirect applications...

COMSOL Community goes live

COMSOL (Burlington, MA), the maker of COMSOL Multiphysics modeling and simulation software, has launched a new networking site to allow users of its software to connect with their...

The commercial conference that isn’t: COMSOL

BOSTON, MA—What looks and sounds like a commercially sponsored event but acts more like a technical conference for engineers and developers? The answer is COMSOL Users Conferences...

Photonics design leverages the power of multiphysics modeling

Multiphysics modeling, the modeling of coupled-field phenomena, has become a standard research and design tool in industry and academia.