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  • Volume 54, Issue 02
  • Volume 54, Issue 02

    (Courtesy of Igor V. Minin)
    A wedge prism and cuboid (a) bends the wavefront of an incoming plane wave to produce a photonic hook (b) or curved light beam that can be used for particle manipulation similar to an Airy beam.
    Lasers & Sources

    Novel Light Beams: Curved 'photonic hook' easier to produce than Airy beams

    Feb. 15, 2018
    A simpler way to produce a curved beam of light works by focusing a plane wave into a simple wedge prism and cuboid structure.
    (Courtesy of Nazarbayev University School of Engineering)
    Linear thermal gradients using the CFBG setup are reconstructed as a function of time and distance along the sensor during a thermal ablation procedure (a); the setup can also resolve Gaussian temperature profiles as shown (b).
    Fiber Optics

    Fiber-optic Sensing: Chirped FBGs measure thermal gradients for biomedical applications

    Feb. 15, 2018
    The technique can resolve submillimeter-scale temperature patterns and estimate temperature gradients to advance a variety of thermal biomedical applications.
    (Courtesy of TU Wien)
    A prototype porous silicon carbide (SiC) optical structure has a porosity (a) and thus a refractive index (b) that varies periodically with depth; individual 70-nm-thick porous layers in SiC are clearly visible in a scanning electron micrograph (c), and a prototype porous SiC optical structure designed to pass green and near-IR light and reflect red demonstrates the ability to create precise layers of different porosities and thus refractive indices (d).

    Rugate Optics: Chemically resistant porous silicon carbide spectral optics could have biosensing uses

    Feb. 15, 2018
    Extremely fine porous structures can be generated in semiconductors, opening up new possibilities for novel sensors, optics, and electronics -- experiments in this area have already...
    Content Dam Lfw Print Articles 2018 02 1802lfw Nb F4
    Lasers & Sources

    Fiber-laser in-band pumping enables novel 2 μm high-power short-pulse laser

    Feb. 15, 2018
    A research team has developed novel 2 μm high-power short-pulse lasers based on a new technique of fiber-laser in-band pumping at 1611 nm and Kerr-lens mode locking with a new...
    Content Dam Lfw Print Articles 2018 02 1802lfw Nb F1
    Lasers & Sources

    High-energy picosecond OPO produces 30.5 μJ pulses at 10 kHz rep rate

    Feb. 15, 2018
    Researchers have developed a high-energy ultrafast OPO via intracavity pumping in a regenerative amplifier with Nd:YAG as the gain medium.

    More content from Volume 54, Issue 02

    Detectors & Imaging

    Nanotechnology-based VIS-SWIR detectors challenge limits of InGaAs designs

    Feb. 15, 2018
    Recognizing that the high cost of InGaAs-based photodetectors in the visible through SWIR region is limiting certain emerging applications, research groups and sensor companies...
    1802 Lfw Nb 5
    Positioning, Support & Accessories

    Fast milliDelta piezoelectric actuator looks useful for optics and photonics labs

    Feb. 15, 2018
    A group at Harvard University has come up with a miniature version of a "delta" robot that looks to be quite handy for laboratory use, including in photonics and biophotonics ...
    Content Dam Lfw Print Articles 2018 02 1802lfw Nb 3
    Lasers & Sources

    Perovskite quantum dots are brighter, faster than other dot designs

    Feb. 15, 2018
    A team of researchers has made headway in understanding why quantum dots composed of cesium-lead-halide compounds are much brighter and radiate much faster than other engineered...
    Courtesy of Fraunhofer ILT
    The next generation of additive manufacturing devices will be bigger and ready for large scale manufacturing as the device presented by the Fraunhofer ILT at the recent formnext.
    Lasers & Sources

    Business Forum: Five photonics trends for 2018

    Feb. 15, 2018
    This year, these photonics trends will lead the list: lidar, VCSELs, additive manufacturing, quantum technologies, and high-intensity laser systems.
    Conard Holton2
    Detectors & Imaging

    Bio and photonics -- no coincidence

    Feb. 15, 2018
    Biophotonics benefits from technology and component advances in both obvious and less obvious.
    FIGURE 1. A Nano-MTA2 nanopositioner is commanded with a 25 nrad peak-to-peak square wave at 1 Hz; the external angular-displacement measurement (a) and position-sensor output voltage (b) are shown as a function of time.
    Test & Measurement

    Nanopositioning: Piezo nanopositioners are at the core of nanoscale instrument design

    Feb. 15, 2018
    Nanoscale systems from atomic-force microscopes to the Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) achieve their feats through piezo nanopositioning.
    (Courtesy of Xenics)
    FIGURE 1. Shown is the top view of the high-speed XLIN-FC linear SWIR array that achieves line rates up to 400 kHz for 512-, 1024-, or 2048-pixel resolutions.
    Detectors & Imaging

    Photodetectors: 4th International WORKshop on Infrared Technologies highlights IR photodetector advances

    Feb. 15, 2018
    Whether type-II superlattice or other exotic semiconductor architecture forced to operate in cryogenic, room-temperature, or hot conditions, infrared photodetectors are advancing...
    FIGURE 1. This small two-dimensional barcode mark produced on metal is of a type used in the automotive industry.
    Lasers & Sources

    Ultrafast Lasers: Picosecond lasers perform subsurface marking of stainless steel medical devices

    Feb. 15, 2018
    A picosecond laser technique satisfies the need for permanent unique device identifier (UDI) marking of stainless steel medical devices without requiring postprocessing.
    (Courtesy of the Holst Centre)
    FIGURE 1. A microLED panel shows how the tiny, closely spaced pixels can be integrated into flexible materials for personal wearable displays.
    Test & Measurement

    Photonics Applied: Wearable Photonic Technology: Photonics gets up close and personal: Advancing wearable technology with light

    Feb. 15, 2018
    Augmented and virtual reality, illuminated clothing, and health monitoring are just the beginning of a photonic wearable industry enabled by low-cost, miniaturized optoelectronic...
    FIGURE 1. Fiducials can be manufactured into a freeform optic for metrology purposes; shown is a model of a freeform optic with x-, y-, and z-axis fiducials designed into the part (a) with a desired absolute position of the optic's surfaces relative to the fiducials, as well as the irregularity map for each optical surface (b).

    Aspheres: Finding the right tool: metrology for the manufacture of freeform optics

    Feb. 15, 2018
    Three metrology tools for the measurement of freeform optics are compared: the coordinate measurement machine, a high-accuracy profilometer, and a noncontact optical technique...
    An example of an image taken in a single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) setup from the Department of Biotechnology & Biophysics at Julius-Maximilian-University of Würzburg; the three-color image is a BPAE cell with mitotracker (red), actin (cyan), and nucleus (DAPI; blue) staining (recording time: 4 s per channel, with 2048 × 2048 pixel image detail).

    Fluorescence Microscopy/Illumination: Highly stable multi-line lasers for next-generation imaging

    Feb. 14, 2018
    Advances in laser manufacturing are enabling extremely compact multi-line illumination devices that ease instrumentation design and serve researchers' needs for fuss-free reliability...
    (Photo credit: Carolyn Richardson)
    Dr. Unil Perera of Georgia State University has led research that proves ATR-FTIR spectroscopy's value in identifying biomarkers for melanoma and non-Hodgkin lymphoma; the method indicates the possibility of low-cost screening for a range of diseases using only blood samples.

    Spectroscopy/Disease Diagnosis: Blood test IDs two cancers, promises more low-cost disease detection

    Feb. 14, 2018
    Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy in attenuated total reflection (ATR) sampling mode has diagnostic potential as a rapid, reliable, and minimally invasive screening...