Designs and manufactures high-performance CCD, ICCD, EMCCD, sCMOS cameras and spectrographs, for research, industrial and OEM applications. PI takes pride in partnering with researchers to solve their most challenging problems.
PIXIS-XO x-ray cameras utilizes back-illuminated (BI) CCDs without AR coating, for direct detection of the widest range of X-rays between ~ 10 eV and 30 keV. With a 2048 x 2048...
PIXIS-XO x-ray cameras utilizes back-illuminated (BI) CCDs without AR coating, for direct detection of the widest range of X-rays between ~ 10 eV and 30 keV.
SOPHIA-XO high-sensitivity, high-speed, thermoelectrically cooled x-ray cameras utilize back-illuminated CCDs for direct detection of the widest range of VUV and x-rays and are...
SOPHIA-XO high-sensitivity, high-speed, thermoelectrically cooled x-ray cameras utilize back-illuminated CCDs for direct detection of the widest range of VUV and x-rays and are...
PIXIS CCD cameras utilize proprietary eXcelon back-illuminated and deep depletion sensor technology to provide significant improvements in sensitivity and fringe suppression and...
With multistage spectroscopy, researchers can garner crucial information about materials’ internal properties, making them better able to investigate quantum and 2D materials....
LACera CMOS imaging technology has uses in applications such as next-generation genomics, astronomical photometry, and ultra-high-resolution x-ray and electron imaging.
The IsoPlane 81 compact, aberration-free, imaging spectrograph for UV to near-infrared wavelengths has use in microspectroscopy techniques such as Raman, fluorescence, and absorption...
New CCDs deliver 2–7X higher sensitivity in the wavelength range relevant for bio-Raman measurements and allow greater detection limits or shorter experiment times.
The University of Tokyo, Japan Science & Technology Agency, Astrobiology Center, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, and Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias
Cameras with exceptional detection capabilities can be designed around high QE, back-illuminated CCD sensors, combined with advanced imaging spectrographs.
The SpectraPro HRS-300 imaging spectrograph delivers the spectral resolution and astigmatism correction needed for advanced microspectroscopy and multichannel fiber applications...
Back-illuminated sCMOS cameras provide the sensitivity and frame rates needed for applications with relatively short integration times, such as hyperspectral imaging, astronomy...
The FERGIE aberration-free spectroscopy system features a low-noise, cooled detector that permits high-sensitivity spectral capture from 190 nm to 1100 nm.
The SOPHIA ultra-low-noise cameras for low-light-level scientific applications use the company’s ArcTec thermoelectric cooling technology to bring the back-illuminated CCD to
Accurate, repeatable wavelength and intensity information is possible for a spectrometer using an LED source and nonlinear optimization by taking into account variations in system...
Spectral imaging is finding more and more applications in life sciences, from noninvasive disease diagnosis to food processing. Various imaging spectrometers make those applications...
Researchers at the Optical Spectroscopy Group, Charles University (Prague, Czech Republic) and the Center for Oxygen Microscopy and Imaging, University of Aarhus (Aarhus, Denmark...
Image courtesy of Saulius Juodkazis, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Princeton Instruments, which makes low-light imaging and spectroscopic instruments, has highlighted the recent work of Saulius Juodkazis, professor of nanophotonics at Swinburne...
While the 802 cm-1 Raman shift band of cyclohexane measured with a traditional Czerny-Turner spectrograph has a peak width of 9.16 cm-1, the same peak measured with an IsoPlane...
The ProEM+ series of professional-grade electron-multiplying CCD cameras for scientific imaging and spectroscopy applications is designed for very low-light applications.
Spectrometers—instruments that measure light intensity or polarization across a specific segment of the electromagnetic spectrum to analyze and identify chemical composition—range...
With their high quantum efficiency and sensitivity in the important near- and shortwave infrared range, deep-cooled, large-format InGaAs focal-plane-array cameras have many applications...
Trenton, NJ--Princeton Instruments has introduced a new toroidal-mirror-based imaging spectrograph that includes a Schmidt corrector in its optics, completely eliminating astigmatism...
The PIoNIR:640 scientific-grade camera utilizes a 640 × 512 pixel indium gallium arsenide (InGaAs) focal-plane array with thermoelectric cooling down to -90°C.
Conventional CCDs come in several forms, each with certain disadvantages for low-light imaging; a new take on back-illuminated technology resolves these issues while maintaining...