Teledyne Princeton Instruments

Trenton, NJ 08619


About Teledyne Princeton Instruments



3660 Quakerbridge Rd
Trenton, NJ 08619
United States

More Info on Teledyne Princeton Instruments

Designs and manufactures high-performance CCD, ICCD, EMCCD, sCMOS cameras and spectrographs, for research, industrial and OEM applications. PI takes pride in partnering with researchers to solve their most challenging problems.



Teledyne Princeton Instruments
Detectors & Imaging

Large-array camera designed for mission-critical astronomy operations

The 66 Mpixel deeply cooled COSMOS camera features large-area CMOS image sensor technology.
Photo 236693909 © Marek Uliasz |
Dreamstime Xl 236693909
Executive Forum

Photonics business roundup: April 2022

Let’s recap all the photonics business news that was announced in April 2022.
Teledyne Princeton Instruments
Detectors & Imaging

CCD cameras feature deep-depletion design

The LANSIS 261 CCD cameras also feature a 30.72 × 3.96 mm sensor.
Teledyne Princeton Instruments
Test & Measurement

Spectrograph has uses in multichannel spectroscopy and hyperspectral imaging

The IsoPlane 320A spectrograph features a patented astigmatism-free Schmidt-Czerny-Turner aberration-corrected optical system design.
FIGURE 1. Triple spectrograph in additive dispersive mode of operation.
Test & Measurement

Efficient Raman spectroscopy for materials science

With multistage spectroscopy, researchers can garner crucial information about materials’ internal properties, making them better able to investigate quantum and 2D materials....
Teledyne Imaging
Detectors & Imaging

Large-format CMOS camera provides >90% peak quantum efficiency

The COSMOS large-format, back side-illuminated CMOS camera delivers over 50 fps for capturing dynamic events in astronomy.
La Cera Pr Image
Detectors & Imaging

Large-area CMOS imaging technology delivers quantum efficiency over 90%

LACera CMOS imaging technology has uses in applications such as next-generation genomics, astronomical photometry, and ultra-high-resolution x-ray and electron imaging.
FIGURE 1. Spectral and spatial information on a two-dimensional spectroscopy camera.

An introduction to multitrack spectroscopy and its applications

Multitrack spectroscopy collects and analyzes data from several input sources with just one spectrometer and detector.
Teledyne Princeton Instruments

Teledyne Princeton Instruments Raman spectrometer uses an f/2 spectrograph

The TPIR-785 Raman spectrometer is optimized for the near-infrared region.
FIGURE 1. The key components of a Raman spectroscopy system are the laser, detector, spectrograph, and probe.

High-performance near-infrared Raman for clinical application

Technology advances are enabling Raman spectroscopy for application as a clinical tool.

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Additional content from Teledyne Princeton Instruments

(Photo credit: SPIE)
Attendees make their way into the SPIE Photonics West 2022 exhibition hall.

SPIE Photonics West 2023 exhibitor products (UPDATED 1/27)

Get a first look at what will be shown on the SPIE Photonics West 2023 exhibit floor.
Teledyne Princeton Instruments

Teledyne Princeton Instruments spectrograph features deep-cooled CCD detector

The IsoPlane 81 compact, aberration-free, imaging spectrograph for UV to near-infrared wavelengths has use in microspectroscopy techniques such as Raman, fluorescence, and absorption...
Detectors & Imaging

Teledyne Princeton Instruments SWIR camera provides imaging speeds up to 250 fps

The NIRvana SWIR camera has an InGaAs 640 × 512 focal plane array and a 20 µm/pixel sensor.
FIGURE 1. Raman spectra of lipid-rich fat tissue (orange) and protein-rich muscle tissue (purple); the broadband, autofluorescence background is clearly visible in both spectra, each of which was collected using a similar acquisition time.

Spectrometers: Super-deep-depletion CCDs optimize bio-Raman spectroscopy

New CCDs deliver 2–7X higher sensitivity in the wavelength range relevant for bio-Raman measurements and allow greater detection limits or shorter experiment times.
The University of Tokyo, Japan Science & Technology Agency, Astrobiology Center, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, and Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias
Content Dam Lfw Online Articles 2019 02 Muscat2 With Pixis Cameras See News Release For Credit
Detectors & Imaging

Teledyne Princeton Instruments PIXIS cameras aiding in search for Earthlike planets

The 2nd-gen Multicolor Simultaneous Camera (MuSCAT2) at the Teide Observatory (Canary Islands) will find transiting exoplanets.

Augmenting scientific imaging offerings, Teledyne makes new acquisitions

Teledyne Technologies will acquire Princeton Instruments, Photometrics, and Lumenera.
Content Dam Lfw Online Articles 2018 10 1810lfw Pro 13 Web
Detectors & Imaging

Princeton Instruments in-vacuum CCD cameras are liquid-cooled

PI-MTE3 in-vacuum CCD cameras are engineered for direct detection in vacuum ultraviolet, extreme ultraviolet, and x-ray imaging applications.
Content Dam Lfw En Articles 2018 05 Princeton Instruments Collaborates With C Sops On New Pharmaceutical Technology Leftcolumn Article Thumbnailimage File

Princeton Instruments collaborates with C-SOPS on new pharmaceutical technology

Collaboration uses spectrometer on a novel pharmaceutical technology that enables close monitoring and control of drug manufacturing processes.
FIGURE 1. A comparison (a) of the signal-to-noise ratio vs. photon intensity for two types of Zyla cameras made by Andor Technology to that of the company’s iXon back-illuminated electron-multiplying CCD (EMCCD) shows that the EMCCD is best for the lowest photon rates, including single photon counting, while sCMOS takes over for higher (but still very low) photon rates). The quantum efficiency (QE) of Andor’s Zyla cameras is optimized for use with a range of fluorophores (b).
Detectors & Imaging

Photonics Products: Scientific CMOS Cameras: sCMOS cameras reach new levels of capability

sCMOS cameras are now widely used in a variety of leading-edge microscopy techniques, as well as in astronomy and elsewhere.
(Courtesy of BaySpec)
FIGURE 1. This handheld 1064 Raman instrument for direct sampling (a) was released in 2010 by BaySpec (the handheld Raman product line was sold and transferred to Rigaku Raman Technology in 2011); a 1064 nm confocal Raman microscope was used to sample highly fluorescent amber at a 2 µm spot size (b).

Photonics Products: Raman Spectrometers: Emphasis on biosciences

Raman spectrometers sensitively detect organic materials for bioscience, medicine, food and agriculture, and forensics.
Content Dam Lfw Online Articles 2018 02 1712lfw Pro 13 Web

Princeton Instruments spectrograph/monochromator has use in multichannel fiber applications

The SpectraPro HRS-500 500 mm focal length spectrograph and scanning monochromator features high spectral resolution.
FIGURE 1. Atomic emission lamp spectra acquired using InGaAs (blue) and CCD arrays (red) with a HRS-300 spectrograph and 600 g/mm grating at 1000 nm blaze are compared.

Spectroscopy: Back-illuminated CCDs enable advanced spectroscopy instrumentation

Cameras with exceptional detection capabilities can be designed around high QE, back-illuminated CCD sensors, combined with advanced imaging spectrographs.
Analysis of high-resolution intravital z-section imagery enables generation of 3D flow maps depicting the microvascular network in a healthy mouse brain; velocity is noted in μm/s.

Near-IR Optical Imaging: Shortwave-infrared particles and camera combine for breakthrough in vivo imaging

The particles provide a dramatically higher emission quantum yield, and can be easily modified for various functional-imaging applications.
Content Dam Lfw Online Articles 2017 05 1706lfw Pro 5 Web

Princeton Instruments imaging spectrograph includes spectral deconvolution technology

The SpectraPro HRS-300 imaging spectrograph delivers the spectral resolution and astigmatism correction needed for advanced microspectroscopy and multichannel fiber applications...
FIGURE 1. Absorption and emission cross-sections were determined for a Fe:CdMnTe sample at 80 K; the plot includes absorption features of water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2).
Lasers & Sources

Mid-IR Lasers: Ternary-crystal mid-IR laser shows power-scaling promise

Specially grown Fe:CdMnTe crystal that emits in the 5 μm spectral region could be made wavelength-tunable in the future.
(Pseudo-color image courtesy of Eliot Young, Southwest Research Institute, and R.J. Smith, Sommers-Bausch Observatory, Boulder, CO)
FIGURE 1. A M37 star cluster image acquired using a Princeton Instruments KURO:1200B back-illuminated sCMOS camera.
Detectors & Imaging

CMOS Cameras: Back-illuminated sCMOS technology boosts low-light imaging and spectroscopy applications

Back-illuminated sCMOS cameras provide the sensitivity and frame rates needed for applications with relatively short integration times, such as hyperspectral imaging, astronomy...
Princeton Instruments introduces first back-illuminated scientific CMOS camera
Detectors & Imaging

Princeton Instruments introduces first back-illuminated scientific CMOS camera

Back illumination boosts sensitivity while maintaining high frame rates.
Content Dam Lfw Online Articles 2016 09 Fergie Spectrometer System Princeton Instrumetns

Princeton Instruments spectroscopy system delivers aberration-free imaging

The FERGIE aberration-free spectroscopy system features a low-noise, cooled detector that permits high-sensitivity spectral capture from 190 nm to 1100 nm.
(Courtesy of BaySpec)
FIGURE 1. Confocal measurements of fossil feathers embedded in epoxy and amber show keratin, but no carotenoid (yellow) contributions in their Raman spectra.1 The measurements were done with a BaySpec Nomadic confocal microscope (bottom) at 1064 nm, one of the microscope's three Raman excitation wavelengths (the other two are 532 and 785 nm).
Test & Measurement

Photonics Products: Raman Spectrometers - Raman microscopes serve science and industry

When paired with a high-resolution microscope, Raman spectroscopy opens a world of knowledge for scientists, doctors, and industrial researchers.
Content Dam Lfw Online Articles 2016 03 1604lfw Pro 4 Web
Detectors & Imaging

Princeton Instruments scientific cameras have use in low-light-level scientific applications

The SOPHIA ultra-low-noise cameras for low-light-level scientific applications use the company’s ArcTec thermoelectric cooling technology to bring the back-illuminated CCD to
FIGURE 1. A typical spectroscopy system consists of a light source, optical fiber, spectrograph, and a CCD detector.

Spectrometers: Spectroscopic calibration uses LEDs and nonlinear optimization

Accurate, repeatable wavelength and intensity information is possible for a spectrometer using an LED source and nonlinear optimization by taking into account variations in system...
FIGURE 1. The shape of Horiba's iHR550 imaging spectrometer is dictated by its requirements.

SPECTRAL IMAGING: Imaging spectrometers look at life in two ways

Spectral imaging is finding more and more applications in life sciences, from noninvasive disease diagnosis to food processing. Various imaging spectrometers make those applications...
(Image: Princeton Instruments)

Monitoring of singlet oxygen in individual cells made simple by Princeton Instruments 2D array InGaAs camera

Researchers at the Optical Spectroscopy Group, Charles University (Prague, Czech Republic) and the Center for Oxygen Microscopy and Imaging, University of Aarhus (Aarhus, Denmark...
Image courtesy of Saulius Juodkazis, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Array of golden chiral nanoparticles.

Princeton Instruments IsoPlane Spectrometer detects distortion-free extinction spectrum of nanoparticles

Princeton Instruments, which makes low-light imaging and spectroscopic instruments, has highlighted the recent work of Saulius Juodkazis, professor of nanophotonics at Swinburne...
(Courtesy of Headwall Photonics)
FIGURE 1. A hyperspectral image from Headwall Photonics' Micro-Hyperspec sensor was taken from a fixed-wing aircraft.

Photonics Products: Spectrometers: Imaging spectrometers examine the world around us

Imaging spectrometers capture enormous quantities of data in a 2D form that is relevant to areas from science and security to industry and art.
Content Dam Lfw Print Articles 2013 11 1311lfwnbf3web

IsoPlane and VHGs measure low-frequency Raman spectra

While the 802 cm-1 Raman shift band of cyclohexane measured with a traditional Czerny-Turner spectrograph has a peak width of 9.16 cm-1, the same peak measured with an IsoPlane...
1210 Lfw Prod14 Princeton
Detectors & Imaging

EMCCD cameras from Princeton Instruments for scientific imaging and spectroscopy

The ProEM+ series of professional-grade electron-multiplying CCD cameras for scientific imaging and spectroscopy applications is designed for very low-light applications.
7 Lfw 8 Princeton

Princeton Instruments imaging spectrograph eliminates astigmatism

The IsoPlane imaging spectrograph features a new optical design that eliminates the primary aberrations present in traditional imaging spectrographs.
(Image courtesy of B&W Tek)
Raman spectrometers, such as the NanoRam handheld spectrometer, require little to no sample prep for applications like drug identification or antioxidant measurement in skin.

PRODUCT FOCUS: Spectrometers

Spectrometers—instruments that measure light intensity or polarization across a specific segment of the electromagnetic spectrum to analyze and identify chemical composition—range...
1206lfw 34

LOW-LIGHT IMAGING: Scientific InGaAs FPA cameras heighten sensitivity for NIR imaging

With their high quantum efficiency and sensitivity in the important near- and shortwave infrared range, deep-cooled, large-format InGaAs focal-plane-array cameras have many applications...
Princeton Instruments
FIGURE. The Princeton Instruments SCT design eliminates field astigmatism, producing sharp point images across the field (top). A conventional Czerny-Turner design shows field varying astigmatism (bottom).

Princeton Instruments spectrograph has Schmidt corrector, eliminating field astigmatism

Trenton, NJ--Princeton Instruments has introduced a new toroidal-mirror-based imaging spectrograph that includes a Schmidt corrector in its optics, completely eliminating astigmatism...
3 Lfw 15 Princeton

NIR InGaAs camera from Princeton Instruments for SWIR imaging

The PIoNIR:640 scientific-grade camera utilizes a 640 × 512 pixel indium gallium arsenide (InGaAs) focal-plane array with thermoelectric cooling down to -90°C.
Content Dam Etc Medialib Platform 7 Laser Focus World Articles Online Exclusive Articles 2010 Global 14742
Detectors & Imaging

High-res camera from Princeton Instruments includes sensor cooling

The Megaplus ER11000 CCD camera has up to 96 megapixel resolution, based on a 36 × 24 mm, 11 megapixel sensor.
FIGURE 1. Typical QE is compared for traditional front-illuminated CCDs, standard thinned back-illuminated CCDs, and back-illuminated deep-depletion CCDs (left); a similar comparison is done for eXcelon back-illuminated CCDs and standard back-illuminated CCDs (right).
Detectors & Imaging

LOW-LIGHT IMAGING: Novel back-illuminated CCD enhances low-light-level detection

Conventional CCDs come in several forms, each with certain disadvantages for low-light imaging; a new take on back-illuminated technology resolves these issues while maintaining...
FIGURE 1. Results produced with a low groove density grating (600g/mm blazed at 800 nm ) demonstrate the capability of the new calibration routine. The black line is the observed Ar/Ne emission line spectrum, while red overlaid curves are the result of a Lorentzian peak fit to selected lines in the spectrum. Located above and to the right of each red peak fit are the known and calculated wavelengths of the emission lines. The spectrum was taken on an Acton Series 500 mm spectrograph with a PIXIS 1340 x 400 pixel camera and 20 micron slit width.

SPECTROSCOPY: New calibration routine promises unprecedented accuracy

How accurate is your spectroscopy data? If only you really knew.