The Ophir product portfolio consists of laser and LED measurement products, including laser power and energy meters, laser beam profilers measuring femto-watt to hundred-kilowatt lasers, high-performance IR and visible optical elements, IR thermal imaging lenses and zoom lenses for defense and commercial applications, OEM and replacement high-quality optics and sub-assemblies for CO2 and high-power fiber laser material processing applications.
The drive for higher power lasers in directed energy and production keeps Ophir at the forefront of innovation with measurement systems that deliver accurate and reliable measurements...
Assure your additive manufacturing (AM) laser is performing as needed to produce high-quality, consistent builds. New tools from MKS Ophir analyze laser power, spot size, waist...
The Ophir® BeamPeek™ integrated beam analysis and power measurement system provides fast, accurate, real-time measurement of lasers in additive manufacturing chambers. The system...
Ophir Photonics has a wide array of power and energy measurement systems to evaluate laser health. Spiricon's latest innovation is BeamWatch, a one-micron wavelength multi-kW ...
The 150K-W high-power meter measures powers from 10 to 150 kW. It is designed for a 100-mm-diameter beam to hit incident on the center of its deflecting cone and is calibrated...
The BeamWatch Plus non-contact beam profiling system measures focus shift, focus spot size, and position of high-power industrial YAG, fiber, and diode lasers.
The Ophir shortwave-infrared (SWIR) and near-infrared (NIR) lens is chromatically corrected to support a broad SWIR range, from 700 to 1700 nm, covering both NIR and SWIR bands...
The BeamWatch Integrated 500 industrial beam characterization system is a fully automated, noncontact laser measurement system designed for automotive and battery welding applications...
The PD300RM-UVA irradiance and dosage sensor, calibrated over the UVA and violet spectral range, provides a flat spectral response that forgives inexact wavelengths.
Measurement of high-power lasers requires efficient heat control in power meter sensors; choosing the right heat transfer method for the job is a key factor.
A cube-shaped, battery-powered laser power meter less than 80 mm on a side can measure laser powers up to 8 kW in the blue, green, or infrared wavelength regions.
The Wide Beam Imager (WB-I) is a compact, calibrated optical system for measuring the size and power distribution of large and divergent beams of VCSELs, LEDs, edge-emitting lasers...
For the third straight year, Laser Focus World held its Innovators Awards program, which celebrates the disparate and innovative technologies, products, and systems found in the...
StarLab 3.30 laser measurement software from Ophir supports expanded network access via the EA-1 Ethernet Adapter or Quasar Bluetooth Adapter, user-defined pass/fail limits, and...
An alternative approach to LED luminaire measurement requires only one calibration and can accommodate LED luminaires the same size as the measuring instrument itself.
The Fiberlens series of 1 μm collimating lenses, focusing lenses, and protective windows have uses with fiber, disk, and YAG lasers with powers up to 8 kW.
The 1000W-BB-120 thermal sensor for very-large-aperture lasers is a water-cooled thermopile detector with a 120 mm aperture for handling large beams and laser diode bars.
When laser beam profiles for materials-processing applications are not optimized, time and money are lost through lower cut speeds, increased dross on the edges of the cuts (resulting...
The new, fourth-generation Pyrocam IV pyroelectric camera adds greater sensitivity, better resolution, a larger active area, and more compact packaging to address next-generation...
The beam focus of high-power fiber lasers can be characterized via imaging of Rayleigh scattering in air-an indirect detection method that avoids damage to detectors due to ultrahigh...
(Courtesy of IPG Photonics and Ophir Photonics, respectively)
The first commercial 100 kW fiber laser, a surprisingly small system developed by IPG Photonics, has been sold to the NADEX Laser R&D Center, a materials-processing research laboratory...
With the appearance of commercial 100 kW near-IR lasers (such as the 1070-nm-emitting fiber laser recently developed by IPG Photonics of Oxford, MA), the question arises: How ...
Laser-beam diagnostic software has some surprising use—for example, as a machine-vision tool for inspecting the size and shape of holes during manufacture.
Laser measurement equipment maker Ophir Photonics has opened a new office in Darmstadt, Germany, dedicated to sales, service, recalibration, and repair of all of the company's...
The Photon M2-1780 laser beam profiling system measures the M2 beam propagation ratio and all associated ISO 11146 parameters at video rates over 20 Hz, with accuracy to -5%.
PE50BF-DIFH-C and PE100BF-DIF-C pyroelectric laser energy sensors feature a BF coating and diffuser that deliver a damage threshold of up to 6 J/cm2 for nanosecond pulses.
The Cache Chamber of Commerce recently honored laser measurement company Ophir-Spiricon, a Newport Corp. brand, as its Outstanding Technology Business of the Year.
The Quasar app for Android smartphones and tablets displays laser meter data when connected to the company's Quasar wireless power and energy meter via Bluetooth.
The Shock Absorber is a mounting post designed to allow the operation of sensitivepyroelectric laser power/energy sensors in an environment with vibration.
The UV ND family of modular, slide-in neutral density attenuators incorporates a C-mount holder to attenuate UV laser beams for CCD or pyroelectric cameras.
Ophir Optronics, which specializes in precision laser measurement, has acquired Photon Inc. (San Jose, CA), a developer of precision laser-beam-profiling optical-test equipment...
Ophir-Spiricon has announced Beam Cube, an integrated, industrial-laser beam analyzer designed for high-precision welding and cutting applications. Beam Cube measures beam profile...
Ophir Optronics CO2 Optics Group has developed an ultra-low absorption lens called Clear Magic, as a complement to its Black Magic lens known for its high durability and long ...
While high-power diode lasers are attractive for applications in which size and efficiency matter, other inherent characteristics have limited their use. Now the European Space...
Ophir-Spiricon has announced StarLab, laser-measurement software for Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, and Vista (32-bit). StarLab works with Ophir-Spiricon's smart displays and PC ...
Ophir-Spiricon (Logan, UT) is announcing today its new ModeCheck Industrial CO2 Laser Beam Profiler, a low-cost, portable system designed to help industrial parts manufacturers...
As applications push the boundaries of laser performance, the need to understand operation criteria is increasingly important. And that, says Ophir-Spiricon, is why it has designed...
Because scientific applications of lasers often push the aser to its operational limits, continuous or periodic measurement of the beam profile is necessary to ensure that the...
The system measures average power, energy per pulse and frequency, spatial beam profile, and temporal pulse shape. The measurement parameters can be recorded in digital form for...