Prehistory is written in rock, and hydrogeologist Cynthia Gefvert, P.G., studies slices of cores drilled from the earth to understand its impact on life today.
(Images courtesy of the Campagnola lab, University of Wisconsin-Madison)
A new generation of 1055 nm ultrafast fiber lasers maximizes the productivity of nonlinear microscopy systems. The lasers promise to enable the translation of such label-free ...
Sometimes, small size means big power. Micro-optics, for instance, can enable manipulation at resolution similar to cell size, and the creation of go-anywhere optical microsystems...
Photo courtesy of Chitose Suzuki for Boston University Photography
Optics and photonics are minimally invasive and enable the rapid acquisition of quantitative data. For these reasons, they are driving innovations in point-of-care (POC) devices...
A workflow protocol illustrates that successful cell biology experiments can be performed using correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM), which combines data from live...
The Optical Society (OSA; Washington, DC) has honored Rebecca Richards-Kortum, Ph.D., with the 2014 Michael S. Feld Biophotonics Award, recognizing her work in "advancing the ...
New approvals of biophotonics-based tools by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration include Pinnacle Biologics' premarket supplemental approval for its Optiguide DCYL700 Fiber ...
A surgical microscope with integrated heads-up 3D display was used for the first time to facilitate ophthalmic surgery at the Klinikum Frankfurt Höchst; performed by Prof. Dr....
"Our vision is to change the course of Alzheimer's disease by enabling early diagnosis at the point of care," Paul Hartung, president and CEO of Cognoptix (Acton, MA) told analysts...
Aerospace, defense, information, and services company Exelis (NYSE:XLS) and private medical imaging company NIRF Imaging have entered into a long-term, exclusive agreement to ...
Imaging of whole brains at single-cell resolution normally involves not only preparing a highly transparent sample (to minimize light scattering), but also imaging fluorescence...
While doing research for security-related radiation detection, University of Texas at Arlington physics professor Wei Chen discovered unexplained decreases in the luminescence...
New work in optogenetics "creates a powerful tool that allows neuroscientists to apply a brake in any specific circuit with millisecond precision, beyond the power of any existing...
A device able to detect the earliest signs yet of diabetic retinopathy leverages adaptive optics and promises important implications for the millions of Americans dealing with...
A new optical method for continuous bedside monitoring of cerebral blood flow (CBF) incorporates a noninvasive probe placed on the surface of a patient's head to measure fluctuations...
Using optical excitation and acoustic detection, Washington University researchers have developed a functional connectivity photoacoustic tomography (fcPAT) system, which, for...
A new method that uses light to control muscles holds potential to restore function to muscle tissue paralyzed by conditions such as spinal cord injury and motor neuron diseases...
To offer system and device developers important inspiration and guidance that will help bring to market biophotonics-based tools able to substantially improve the future of healthcare...