Seeking to get a more vibrant, varied fluorescence experience when viewing marine life during nighttime diving, Charles Mazel, Ph.D., principal research scientist at Physical ...
Data courtesy of Mark Sanders, Director, Twin Cities University Imaging Centers, University of Minnesota
Fluorescence microscopes and other scientific instruments still rely on mercury-based light sources -- despite associated costs and hazards and many mandates to eliminate the ...
(Image courtesy of Jenlab GmbH, Saarbrücken, Germany)
Tissue phantoms are useful as instrument-design aids, as tools for helping buyers compare different systems, and as training resources for helping personnel -- from clinicians...
Readily available components widely used in other markets can facilitate the development of medical digital imaging systems. The resulting systems can be not only less costly,...
One potential answer to reduced federal science funding: private foundation backing. The landscape is changing in terms of private financial support, but because biophotonics ...
Day 2 at the 2013 Stanford Photonics Research Center (SPRC) Symposium focused on biophotonics -- a rapidly growing discipline for Stanford University that is "stealing" lab space...
Mercury reduction has become a hot topic in biomedical imaging. Mercury is a toxic element, but because of its heretofore-unique capability to emit several color bands that appear...
As in past years, life sciences was a major focus of Frontiers in Optics (FiO) 2013 (October 6-10, Orlando, FL), the 97th annual meeting of The Optical Society (OSA).
For the first time, researchers are able to track the movement of molecules, cells, and fluids within tumors; examine abnormalities in the blood vessel network inside them; and...
Light enhances brain activity during a cognitive task, even in some people who are totally blind, according to a study conducted by researchers at the University of Montreal (...
Fractional ablative carbon dioxide (CO2) laser therapy has proven able to produce good cosmetic outcomes in people with mild to moderate rhinophyma, a condition characterized ...
A team of scientists from the University of Texas at Arlington and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT; Cambridge, MA) has overcome past limitations on quantitative...
With less than $100 in off-the-shelf commercial parts, researchers at the University of Texas at Austin (UT-Austin) have duplicated the performance of expensive, scientific-grade...
Compared to confocal microscopy, light sheet microscopy generates 3,000 times the amount of data. Now, a custom designed four-lens selective plane illumination microscope (SPIM...
Computerized systems can deliver intravenous (IV) medications in precise amounts, but cannot identify or determine concentrations of drugs in the tubing-a fact that sometimes ...
There were many good lessons for entrepreneurs and their supporters at the 2013 Massachusetts Medical Device Industry Council's (MassMEDIC's) MedTech Investors Conference (November...
Digital holograms—whether of DNA, cells, full-sized organs, or even the life-sized human body itself—can be holographically printed for a range of 3D analysis applications in ...