Fraunhofer-Institut für Lasertechnik ILT

Aachen D-52074


About Fraunhofer-Institut für Lasertechnik ILT



Steinbachstr 15
Aachen D-52074

More Info on Fraunhofer-Institut für Lasertechnik ILT

Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT is worldwide one of the most important development and contract research institutes of its specific field.


(Photo credit: Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen, Germany)
Using custom optics, the laser radiates a larger area on the copper foil coated with graphite paste. The interaction between the graphite particles and the light energy generates heat and the liquid evaporates.
Executive Forum

Finding efficiencies and improving performance fuel Fraunhofer ILT research efforts

As startups and global transportation manufacturers continue to explore and make commitments to expand e-mobility, improving batteries ultimately takes center stage.
(Image credit: Infineon Technologies)
German chipmaker Infineon Technologies applies several different approaches to develop qubits based on its own chip technologies.

How do European companies develop quantum technologies?

Industrial quantum technology was a big topic at the International Laser Technology Congress AKL ‘22 in Aachen, Germany.
(Courtesy of Frank Lison, Toptica)
The booth parties at LASER World of PHOTONICS 2022 were plenty and crowded.

LASER & World of Quantum 2022

Germany’s biggest photonics trade show came back this year with plenty of new technology. Beyond all the fancy quantum programs, there are several surprising trends in areas including...
(© Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen, Germany/Volker Lannert)
FIGURE 1. In 1996, Fraunhofer ILT had the process for metallic 3D printing patented; shown is the laser powder-bed fusion (LPBF) exposure process.
Industrial Laser Solutions

The age of the laser has only just begun

How Europe's largest center for applied laser research is morphing from laser engineering to systems engineering.
© Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen, Germany
The gripper arm, which is the central tool for the high-precision alignment of space components, consists of a static and a moving part.
Lasers & Sources

3D-printed gripper arm builds ultra-precise optical systems

The gripper arm, made using a novel 3D printing process, is lighter than its predecessor and yet stable enough to mount and adjust heavier laser optics with ultra-precision.
Fraunhofer ILT
Significant increases in energy efficiency and output power for laser bars are the result of the EKOLAS research project.
Lasers & Sources

EKOLAS research project leads to novel laser bars with 70% wall-plug efficiency

The Efficient High-Performance Laser Beam Sources (EffiLAS) association has a project, EKOLAS, aimed at producing next-gen laser bars.
Conard Holton2

COVID-19 crisis management for photonics businesses

Innovation and leadership will be the keys to successful short- and long-term responses to the pandemic.
(Courtesy of Fraunhofer ILT)
FIGURE 1. The diode-pumped Innoslab design can be upscaled to 5 kW average power with 800 fs pulses.
Lasers & Sources

High-power ultrafast lasers: The door to new applications swings open

Ultrafast lasers offer two unique advantages: The highest precision in material processing and the ability to process almost every material.
Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT
1967 Akl Header 01
Lasers & Sources

The May, 2020 International Laser Technology Congress has been canceled due to the coronavirus

The Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT has canceled the Aachen, Germany based International Laser Technology Congress AKL'20 due to the spread of Covid-19.
A new study (portion of cover image for the report shown here) describes how photonics-based technologies will be instrumental in reducing carbon-dioxide pollutants.
Test & Measurement

Photonics-based technologies to reduce CO2 by 3 billion tons per year

According to a new study supported by Photonics21 and several other photonics institutions, photonics technologies can contribute to three billion tons less carbon dioxide per...

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Additional content from Fraunhofer-Institut für Lasertechnik ILT

FIGURE 1. A 500 W-class Innoslab amplifier in a seven-pass configuration with gain = 53 (top) and a 500 W-class, single-pass Innoslab power booster with gain = 2 (bottom) are shown.
Lasers & Sources

Ultrashort-pulse Lasers: Ultrashort-pulsed laser sources with kilowatt power for industrial applications

Scaling picosecond and femtosecond laser sources and process technology to 10 kW and beyond.
Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen, Germany
Dr. Constantin Häfner.
Lasers & Sources

Constantin Häfner named new director of Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT

Effective November 2019, laser physicist Dr. Constantin Häfner will be taking on the Directorship of Fraunhofer ILT in Aachen, Germany. He is currently Program Director for Advanced...
Rsz Pr Ehla Coating Brake Discs Image1
Industrial Laser Solutions

Laser coating process improves protection for brake discs

As opposed to conventional coatings that can show pores and cracks, the coating from the laser process remains intact.
(Courtesy of Andreas Thoss)
Reinhart Poprawe with some of his 200 PhD students.
Lasers & Sources

Business Forum: An era ends—Reinhart Poprawe retires

After 23 years shaping industrial laser technology development in Germany and worldwide, Reinhart Poprawe retires from Fraunhofer ILT and RWTH Aachen University.
Danke 720

An era ends

Reinhart Poprawe is retiring from his positions as director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT and from his Chair of Laser Technology at RWTH Aachen University...
Danke 720

Femto goes macro

Attendees of the UKP Workshop in Aachen, Germany discussed raising the power of ultrafast lasers to the levels at which continuous-wave lasers now do cutting and welding.
Content Dam Lfw Print Articles 2019 04 1904lfw Nb 2 9
Positioning, Support & Accessories

Ultrafast laser drills 12,000 holes per second with 1 µm diameter

Used with an ultrafast laser, a diffractive optical element generates more than 200 beamlets, allowing drilling of more than 12,000 holes per second.
Danke 720

Record 3.5 kW from an ultrafast fiber laser

An all-fiber amplifier setup coherently combines four separately amplified beams; pulse duration is 430 fs.
(Courtesy of FBH)
FIGURE 1. Shown is the structure of a typical diode laser (a); the inset shows the triple-asymmetric active region where the laser radiation is generated. The active diode structures of even high-power diode lasers are quite small, as revealed by a close-up photo (b).
Lasers & Sources

Diode Lasers: Research gives high-power diode lasers new capabilities

R&D at Berlin Adlershof has resulted in design improvements for high-power diode lasers that are boosting efficiency, peak power, brilliance, and range of emission spectra.
Courtesy Fraunhofer ILT
From September 12-13, experts from all over the world will meet for the third time in Aachen for the Conference on Laser Polishing – LaP.
Danke 720

Fraunhofer institutes to develop 20 kW USP laser

12 institutes to develop a whole new laser generation for industry and research
Courtesy Fraunhofer ILT/ Andreas Steindl
The finalists of the Innovation Award Laser Technology 2018: 1st prize for the team around Axel Luft, Laserline (front, 4.f.l.), 2nd prize for the team around Gerald Jenke, Saueressig (back, right) and 3rd prize for the team around Alejandro Bárcena, Talens Systems (back, 2.f.l.), presented by. Reinhart Poprawe, Fraunhofer ILT (front, left), Alexander Olowinsky, ELI (back, 4.f.l.) and Ulrich Berners, Arbeitskreis Lasertechnik (front, right).
Lasers & Sources

Report from AKL’18--Lasers conquer large-scale manufacturing

At this year’s AKL–International Laser Technology Congress visitors had the chance to see where industrial laser technology will be tomorrow.
(Image credit: Fraunhofer ILT & Rapid Shape)
Using the new 'TwoCure' process, a 3D printed ring-in-ring structure is manufactured without support structures and without platform contact.
Lasers & Sources

LED-based TwoCure 3D printing process cures resin without need for support structures

Fraunhofer ILT and Rapid Shape are working together to further develop resin-based 3D printing.
Content Dam Lfw En Articles 2017 10 Lia Gives Reinhart Poprawe Leadership Award Names Nathaniel Quick New Director Leftcolumn Article Thumbnailimage File
Lasers & Sources

LIA gives Reinhart Poprawe leadership award, names Nathaniel Quick new director

During ICALEO, the Peter M. Baker Leadership Award was made to Reinhart Poprawe, and Nat Quick was named executive director.
FIGURE 1. Not an insider tip anymore—the Toptica booth party is traditionally the best at the LASER fair.
Lasers & Sources

LASER World of PHOTONICS Review: What was new at the LASER trade fair?

LASER World of PHOTONICS 2017 didn't disappoint, with a record-breaking crowd and plenty of evidence showing a thriving laser industry.
(Image credit: Fraunhofer ILT)
The INSPIRE project will focus on interferometric sensors for testing shape and positional tolerances on objects such as camshafts.
Test & Measurement

INSPIRE project goal is nanometer-accurate shape and position sensors

Since current inline measurement technology is not accurate enough, Fraunhofer ILT is collaborating on INSPIRE.
(Courtesy of Fraunhofer ILT)
Different CO2 laser pulse modes (Q-switched and modulated laser pulses) enable different functions for finishing optical glass materials, from ablation through surface correction polishing (a). The secret is a carefully constructed scan pattern and optimized laser parameters (b), allowing the laser to create complex, freeform structures such as this honeycomb glass element (c).
Lasers & Sources

Laser Materials Processing: Pulsed CO2 laser increases ablation rates for improved glass processing

Ablation of fused silica and other glass materials can be accomplished using CO2 or ultrafast lasers.
Copyright: Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen, Germany/Volker Lannert
A team from Aachen, Germany, developed an ultra-high-speed laser material deposition procedure where the metal powder is molten before it hits the workpiece.
Lasers & Sources

Laser material deposition gets 100 times faster

A new laser material deposition method may offer an economical alternative to hard chrome plating.
Danke 720

Say farewell to cold laser ablation

The 4th UKP Workshop: Ultrafast Laser Technology united experts from the academic and industrial ultrafast laser community in Aachen.
Fraunhofer FEP, Dresden, Germany
The Fraunhofer CeGlaFlex project is developing very thin, malleable, and transparent protective covers for organic LED (OLED) screens made using the roll-to-roll process.
Detectors & Imaging

The CeGlaFlex project aims to produce wafer-thin, unbreakable, flexible ceramic and glass for displays

Transparent ceramics will be more rugged than glass while retaining the ability to be molded.
(Image credit: Fraunhofer ILT)
A laboratory demonstration shows a diode-pumped alexandrite laser for climate-relevant measurements in high-altitude atmospheres.
Lasers & Sources

Fraunhofer ILT satellite-based lasers goal of ALISE climate project

Fraunhofer ILT is developing satellite-based laser beam sources for climate research through project ALISE.
Courtesy of Mesago/Thomas Klerx
The aircraft manufacturing industry is pioneering the development of additive manufacturing for large industrial solutions.
Lasers & Sources

formnext: up-and-coming as the biggest trade show for additive manufacturing

Two-year old Frankfurt trade show sets a fast pace for additive manufacturing vendors and customers.
Photo copyright Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen
A DWDM prototype is based on actively cooled DFB mini-bars.
Lasers & Sources

BRIDLE develops cost-efficient diode lasers for industrial applications

High-brightness direct-diode lasers are another result of the project.
Fraunhofer ILT/AKL´14
Finalists of the Innovation Award Laser Technology 2014.
Lasers & Sources

Proposals for the 2016 Innovation Award Laser Technology are now open

The European research and technology prize of 10,000 euros is awarded every two years to recognize innovative work in laser technology.
The logo is shown for the Innovative Manufacturing CRC in Melbourne, Australia.
Lasers & Sources

Fraunhofer ILT named Melbourne IMCRC additive manufacturing center partner

In Melbourne, Australia, a new cooperative research center for innovative manufacturing technology is being established.
Fraunhofer ILT
Simulated and ablation under variation of the focus position are shown at the left and an enlarged removal profile is shown at the right.
Lasers & Sources

HALO project results: Optimized beam profiles for laser machining

Fraunhofer ILT has participated in the EU's HALO project; results will be presented at LASER World of Photonics Munich.
Image credit: Fraunhofer ILT
A near-field microscope is shown analyzing a fragment of a GaN wafer.

Fraunhofer ILT optical technique analyzes GaN on the nanometer scale

In collaboration with fellow researchers from RWTH Aachen University, scientists from Fraunhofer ILT have developed a broadband tunable laser system based on near-field microscopy...
Conard 720

Industrial lasers: tools from the future

When the industrial laser community talks about advanced manufacturing, it’s talking about the tools it has been making and using for decades--the tools just keep getting better...
FIGURE 1. A snapshot image from a time-domain field simulation shows the scattered-light generation from an incident terahertz-pulse plane wave at an air void within a laser-welded polymer; here, the terahertz field amplitude refers to the field vector component in the transverse direction from the void.
Test & Measurement

Terahertz Imaging: Terahertz microprobes inspect laser-welded polymers

For laser-welded polymers, final inspection of the weld is often associated with the costly destruction of the product since current nondestructive testing methods such as optical...
Conard 720

Next-generation industrial laser systems compete for European laser prize

The Innovation Award Laser Technology 2014 prize of 10,000 euros will be awarded during AKL'14 to one of three finalists announced by the Arbeitskreis Lasertechnik e.V. and the...
Conard 720

Fraunhofer meetings in May bring focus on lasers and CMOS imaging

AKL'14, organized by Fraunhofer ILT, and the Workshop on CMOS Imaging: From photon to camera, organized by Fraunhofer IMS, will bring international focus on their respective fields...
Dr. Ingomar Kelbassa
Executive Forum

Business Forum: Finding selective markets, additive manufacturing becomes competitive

Here, I interview Dr. Ingomar Kelbassa, deputy director at the Laser Technology LLT at RWTH Aachen University and Department Head at the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology...
Lasers & Sources

EU BRIDLE project seeks to develop affordable 2 kW direct laser diode

European Union--The BRIDLE project brings together seven European industrial and academic partners that seek to develop an affordable direct diode laser source for industrial ...
Fraunhofer IPMS
The Fraunhofer IPMS micromirror measures 6 x 8 mm, allowing it to guide large-diameter femtosecond laser beams for such delicate procedures as cranial bone removal.

Femtosecond lasers to replace trephine drills in cranial bone removal

Dresden, Germany--Because a trephine drill can injure the outermost layer of the brain and lead to meningitis, researchers at several Fraunhofer Institutes intend to replace the...
Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen
Laser-soldered glass/silicon sensor package.

Laser-based glass soldering packages temperature-sensitive glass/glass and glass/ceramics

Aachen, Germany--To package temperature-sensitive glass/glass and glass/ceramics components, especially those with large substrate surfaces to be sealed, a laser-based joining...
Image courtesy of Fraunhofer ILT
Untreated and laser-polished component of the ventricular assist system INCOR, which is made out of titanium.

Laser polishing speeds surface finish of dental and blood-carrying implants

The MediSurf project, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology and led by the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology (ILT), has found that laser polishing...
Courtesy Fraunhofer ILT
The particle density distribution is shown for different layers of a powder gas stream from a three-beam powder nozzle used in laser materials deposition.
Positioning, Support & Accessories

Laser-based 3D nozzle quality test from Fraunhofer ILT improves laser material deposition

Aachen, Germany--Fraunhofer ILT scientists have performed a laser-based qualitative/quantitative characterization of the powder gas stream in laser deposition processes.
Images copyright Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT, Aachen
A laser cuts FRP (left). A glass-fiber-reinforced plastic component after laser cutting and welding (right).
Lasers & Sources

Fraunhofer working on laser fabrication of complex lightweight mass-market components

Aachen, Germany--As part of the FibreChain and InProLight projects, researchers at Fraunhofer ILT are developing better and lower-cost laser-based ways of structurally joining...
Image copyright Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT, Aachen
Small gold spots are laser-clad onto stainless steel.

Laser-based cladding of switch contacts saves on gold

Aachen, Germany--Scientists at the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT have come up with a laser-based approach for fabricating clad-gold contacts for electrical switches...
Image courtesy of Fraunhofer ILT
The ArtiVasc 3D project team at the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT in Aachen.

Consortium forms to tackle artificial tissue generation

Under the leadership of the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology (ILT), a consortium of 16 European partners from industry and the research community are tackling artificial...
Lasers & Sources

Green femtosecond laser from Fraunhofer ILT achieves record power

Aachen, Germany--Fraunhofer ILT installed an ultrafast green femtosecond laser based on an Yb:INNOSLAB amplifier with frequency doubling with average output power of 280 W at ...

Joining Technologies partners with Fraunhofer ILT

East Granby, CT--Joining Technologies is partnering with Germany's Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology (ILT; Aachen, Germany) and its Fraunhofer USA subsidiary, Fraunhofer...

2011 Marketplace Seminar presentation to highlight optical molecular imaging

Nashua, NH--The science of optical molecular imaging (OMI) will be among the presentations at the 2011 Lasers & Photonics Marketplace Seminar.
(Image courtesy of Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen)
Resonator of the Yb:Innoslab femtosecond amplifier.
Lasers & Sources

Fraunhofer ILT shows new femtosecond amplifier concept

Aachen, Germany--Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology (ILT) have developed an amplification concept for femtosecond lasers that achieves mean output power...

Laser glass soldering provides low-temperature hermetic seal

Aachen, Germany--The Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology has developed a packaging process for microcomponents that is based on laser glass soldering.
Fiber Optics

Fraunhofer ILT puts TWIST on plastic welding

The Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology (ILT; Aachen, Germany) has developed a novel, compact, and industry ready plant concept to laser weld plastics using fiber lasers...