Excelitas Technologies Corp

Waltham, MA 02451


About Excelitas Technologies Corp



200 West St
Suite E403
Waltham, MA 02451
United States

More Info on Excelitas Technologies Corp

Excelitas Technologies is a leading industrial technology manufacturer delivering innovative, market-driven photonic solutions to meet the illumination, optical, optronic, sensing, detection and imaging needs of customers. Serving the biomedical, scientific, semiconductor, industrial manufacturing, safety, security, consumer products, defense and aerospace sectors, Excelitas stands committed to enabling our customers’ success.


Product Photo Ssl U Pax 3 Light Sources
Lamps & flashlamps

µPAX-3 2W Pulsed Xenon Light Sources

The Excelitas μPAX-3 is the next generation 2-Watt Pulsed Xenon Light Source, with a smaller, more robust design that is 17% smaller than its µPAX-2 predecessor (the new μPAX-...
Product Photo Pd C30733 Eh 1

C30733EH-1 - InGaAs APD, 30um, TO-18 Low-Profile

The Excelitas C30733EH-1 Small-Area InGaAs Avalanche Photodiode provides a 30 µm active diameter in hermetic TO-18.
Product Photo Pdc30645 L 080 1075 X 1095px Web

C30645L-080 - InGaAs APD, 80um, SMD Package

Excelitas’ C30645L-080 Avalanche Photodiodes are high speed, large area InGaAs APDs that provide high quantum efficiency and high responsivity at low noise in the spectral range...

Press Releases

Product Photo Ssl U Pax 3 Light Sources
Lamps & flashlamps

Excelitas Technologies Introduces µPAX-3 Pulsed Xenon Light Source

New Small Form Factor, Precision-Aligned 2-Watt Light Source for Analytical Instrument Applications
Product Photo Pd C30733 Eh 1

Excelitas Technologies Introduces C30733 Series InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes

The high speed, high gain, low noise lnGaAs APDs provide high quantum efficiency (QE), high responsivity, low noise and fast recovery in the spectral range between 1000 nm and...
Pd Product Photo C30645 L 080 And C30662 L 200 In Ga As Smd Apd

Excelitas Technologies Announces C30645L-080 and C30662L-200 InGaAs SMD Avalanche Photodiodes

New Compact, Cost-Effective Package Enables Easy Integration for High-Volume Range Finding and LiDAR Applications


(Image credit: Excelitas Technologies)

VIS-NIR lens series features diffraction-limited design

The LINOS inspec.x L 5.6/105 visible/near-infrared (VIS-NIR) lens series provides achromatic correction with broadband coatings from 400 nm to 1150 nm.
(Image credit: Excelitas Technologies)
Detectors & Imaging

Excelitas Technologies silicon avalanche photodiode: Booth #641

The C30683 series silicon avalanche photodiode (APD) features a discrete transimpedance amplifier (TIA). Designed for low-noise, high-speed operation in a hermetically sealed ...
(Image credit: Excelitas Technologies)
Lasers & Sources

Xenon short-arc lamps offer power range of 180 to 320 W

Cermax PE300BFX and PE322BFX Xenon short-arc lamps are used in hospital diagnostic, surgical endoscopy, and microscopy OEM applications.
(Image credit: Excelitas Technologies)

UV F-theta lens handles up to 100 W power

The low-outgassing LINOS UV F-Theta Ronar Lens is designed for the 340–360 nm wavelength range.
Lasers & Sources

LED illumination system has use in fluorescence imaging applications

The updated X-Cite XYLIS II broad-spectrum LED illumination system is designed to replace arc lamps in fluorescence imaging applications.
Excelitas Technologies

Machine vision lenses feature large apertures

LINOS d.fine HR-M 2.6/50 lenses are offered in two magnification ranges, including 0.15x.
Excelitas Technologies
Lasers & Sources

905 nm pulsed laser diode has utility in smart devices

The TPG3AD1S09 905 nm pulsed laser diode offers 120 W output power for long-distance rangefinding and power efficiency for short- to mid-range systems.
Excelitas Technologies
Detectors & Imaging

Photodiodes for radon detection available in two chip geometries

The VTH21 series of photodiodes for radon detection are offered in chip form for optimal alpha particle detection.
U Pax 3 Img 8140 Adj Silo Adj 4x6 Copy
Lasers & Sources

Pulsed xenon light source has use in analytical instrumentation

The µPAX-3 pulsed xenon light source generates microsecond-duration pulses over a continuous spectrum from UV to IR.
Excelitas Technologies
Detectors & Imaging

Silicon avalanche photodiodes are designed for low-light applications

Intended for use with optical powers less than 1 pW, the C30902SH silicon avalanche photodiodes provide quantum efficiency of 84% typical at 800 nm.

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Additional content from Excelitas Technologies Corp

Excelitas Technologies
Detectors & Imaging

InGaAs avalanche photodiodes provide bandwidth over 2 GHz

C30733 avalanche photodiodes provide quantum efficiency of 75% at 1300–1550 nm, and responsivity of 9.4 A/W at 1550 nm.
FIGURE 1. The photoelectric effect in a solid.
Detectors & Imaging

The evolution of single-photon detection

A century of scientific advances is enabling some of the future’s most exciting technologies, including those enabling quantum communications and other applications that are continuing...
Excelitas Technologies
Lasers & Sources

Spot UV curing system features Industry 4.0 communication capabilities

The OmniCure S2000 Elite spot UV curing system automatically monitors and maintains optical output for a repeatable curing process.
Lasers & Sources

Light module is suited for point-of-care analytics, environmental analysis

The nPAX-N2 2 W pulsed xenon light module contains a flashlamp, trigger circuit, and power supply in a small cylindrical format.
Excelitas Technologies
Software & Accessories

Online lens configurator provides complete optical performance values

The MachVis OnLine Lens Configurator identifies and configures all required lens solutions and mechanical accessories for optical applications.
Ribbon-cutting ceremony (L-R): Jürgen Trittin and Fritz Güntzler (Members of the German Bundestag), Robert Vollmers (Excelitas VP), Ursula Haufe (GWG Managing Director), Rolf-Georg Köhler (Mayor of Göttingen), and Konstantin Kuhle (Member of the German Bundestag).
Executive Forum

Excelitas Technologies opens Göttingen, Germany facility

The new facility in Göttingen, Germany expands the company’s capacity for assembly of highly sophisticated optomechanical systems and components for the semiconductor industry...
Pco Image Edge Meets Panda[4]
Executive Forum

Excelitas Technologies finalizes PCO acquisition

PCO’s camera technology will expand Excelitas’ offerings in high-performance scientific and industrial imaging.
Excelitas Technologies
Detectors & Imaging

InGaAs PIN photodiodes offer quantum efficiency from 800 to 1700 nm

C30619GH-LC, C30641GH-LC, C30642GH-LC, and C30665GH-LC low-capacitance InGaAs PIN photodiodes have uses in commercial and military lidar, among other applications.
Excelitas Technologies
Detectors & Imaging

Analog pyroelectric detectors are connected in serial opposed format

The PYD 1378, 1388 and 1398 pyroelectric detectors are used for analog circuits in intrusion alarms and smart light control applications.
Excelitas Pco Acquisition 300 Dpi
Executive Forum

Expanding scientific CMOS offerings, Excelitas Technologies to acquire PCO

Excelitas will expand its photonics portfolio with PCO’s scientific CMOS camera technologies for high-performance imaging in scientific research and industrial quality control...
Excelitas Technologies
Detectors & Imaging

InGaAs avalanche photodiodes are optimized for 1550 nm

C30645L-080 and C30662L-200 InGaAs avalanche photodiodes are designed for high-volume eye-safe laser rangefinding and lidar time-of-flight systems.
Excelitas Technologies
Lasers & Sources

Point-source LEDs offering has use in night vision applications

SharpDot point-source LEDs can be operated down to 15 nA for night vision applications.
Lasers & Sources

Pulsed semiconductor laser diode has utility in industrial lidar applications

The Generation 2 905 nm high-volume pulsed semiconductor laser diode includes a multilayer monolithic chip design.
Excelitas Technologies

Excelitas Technologies telecentric lens features 14 mm entrance aperture

The LINOS Telecentric F-Theta-Ronar 250 mm lens for 515–540 nm includes finite element method simulation.
Test & Measurement

Excelitas Technologies industrial microscope has use in noncontact measuring

The Qioptiq mag x system 125 added built-in autofocus components to create an automated industrial microscope system.
(Credit: Excelitas Technologies)
Offerings from the SolidTRON product line from Silicon Power Corp.
Executive Forum

Expanding defense & aerospace offerings, Excelitas acquires Silicon Power product line

Products include solid-state discrete firing switches and pulsed power products.
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Positioning, Support & Accessories

Excelitas Technologies Faraday isolator includes a fiber-coupling option

The LINOS FI-1064-MP-UP medium-power, polarization-insensitive Faraday isolator enables protection of high-power, randomly polarized lasers.
(Photo credit: Beisert)
The Qioptiq groundbreaking ceremony for the new Göttingen facility took place May 18, 2020.
Executive Forum

Excelitas Technologies subsidiary breaks ground on Göttingen facility

Qioptiq Göttingen will have cleanroom capacities of around 28,000 sq. ft. for the assembly of complex optical systems as well as for coating and other optical production processes...
(Image credit: NASA)
FIGURE 1. OSLO, by Lambda Research Corporation, was used in the design and analysis of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST).

Lens-design software enables modern precision optics

Having grown in capabilities over decades of development, modern optical-design software models, optimizes, and tolerances complex optical systems with ease.
Detectors & Imaging

Excelitas Technologies pyroelectric detector offers wide field of view

The PYD 1798 Dual-Element DigiPyro Detector works in a supply voltage range of 1.8 to 3.6 V at 4 µA current.
FIGURE 1. A schematic of optics exposed to low and high laser power [3], where refractive-index gradient and bulging are not present at low laser power (a); thermal focus shift and thermal induced spherical aberrations caused by the thermal induced refractive index gradient and lens deformation are induced at high power (b).

Careful optical-system design enables cutting-edge high-power laser applications

Proper design and analysis minimize the negative effects that high-power lasers can have on optical components in materials-processing systems.
The executive panel (from left): Stephen Anderson, Kurt Weingarten, David Nislick, Ralf Kimmel, and Giovanni Barbarossa.
Lasers & Sources

Technology and Markets Panel: Analyzing the business of photonics

Steve Anderson, who marked his 35th anniversary at this show, asked the panelists first for current challenges in the photonics marketplace.
Lasers & Sources

Excelitas Technologies endoscopy illumination system excites surgical fluorophores

The X-Cite Vitae vIR+ customizable, multiwavelength RGB illumination system with fluorescence is designed for high-precision medical illumination and diagnostic applications.
The Excelitas custom space-qualified GEDI hybrid receivers will help map Earth’s vegetation and terrain to better understand climate cycles.
Detectors & Imaging

Excelitas APDs map forest canopy and terrain for NASA’s GEDI program

Topographical maps will help scientists study changes in Earth’s carbon and water cycles
Seminar 630x270 (002)

Lasers & Photonics Marketplace Seminar: Get to know our 2020 speakers

The Lasers & Photonics Marketplace Seminar's 2020 speaker and panelist lineup of industry experts will take a deep look at emerging opportunities, niche markets, and changing ...
Content Dam Lfw Online Articles 2019 05 Excelitas
Lasers & Sources

Excelitas Technologies white light LED source has use in fluorescence imaging

The X-Cite mini+ white light LED light source has use in fluorescence imaging applications.
(Image courtesy of NASA/University of Arizona/CSA/York/MDA)
Test & Measurement

Excelitas Technologies' avalanche photodiode enables surface mapping of Bennu asteroid

NASA's OSIRIS-REx spacecraft used Excelitas' APDs to help create topographical maps to identify sample collection sites.
Test & Measurement

Excelitas to acquire Axsun and grow medical and industrial markets

Axsun says its miniaturized instruments and devices enable a shift from lab-based to in-vivo measurements.
(All figures courtesy of the University of Kassel)
FIGURE 1. This schematic shows a simple spectroscopy setup at the University of Kassel for absorption measurements in which the probe gas is expanded through a slit nozzle into a vacuum chamber, creating a supersonic jet; light from an IR laser passes through the jet and the light intensity is recorded with an IR detector.

Optical Parametric Oscillators: Ultrastable tunable laser sources serve IR spectroscopy for astrophysics

An ultrastable continuous-wave optical parametric oscillator light source is helping lab researchers study the chemistry of outer-space molecules.

Excelitas Technologies acquires optical components maker Research Electro Optics

REO specializes in high-precision optical components, optical thin film coatings, optical subassemblies, and HeNe lasers.
Detectors & Imaging

Excelitas Technologies to be acquired by AEA Investors

AEA Investors is acquiring Excelitas Technologies from Veritas Capital.
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Detectors & Imaging

Single-photon counter from Excelitas Technologies is optimized for the near-infrared

The SPCM-NIR single-photon counting module optimized for the near-infrared is designed to support long-range lidar, quantum communication, and microscopy applications.
(Image credit: Qioptiq)
Optical components and systems from Qioptiq will be supplied to the UK Ministry of Defence to satisfy a $100 million dollar contract.
Detectors & Imaging

Qioptiq wins $100M UK defense contract for surveillance and targeting

UK Minister Harriett Baldwin announced the award of a $100 million STAS contract to Qioptiq.
Micro Pax With Lens With Front Label 300dpi Silo Final (2) (002)

Pulsed xenon light source by Excelitas Technologies

The µPAX-2 pulsed xenon light source provides microsecond-duration pulses of broadband light with good arc stability.
(Courtesy of Excelitas Technologies)
LightIntegra's ThromboLUX uses dynamic light scattering to measure platelet quality (courtesy of LightIntegra Technology); its low-light-sensing device is a single-photon-counting module (SPCM; inset).
Detectors & Imaging

Low-light-level Detection: Single-photon-counting module advances enable faster, more affordable point-of-care diagnostics

SPCMs based on silicon avalanche photodiodes provide fast, efficient detection of multiple photon parameters for healthcare applications.
Content Dam Lfw Online Articles 2017 02 Calipile
Detectors & Imaging

Excelitas Technologies IR sensor works without additional lenses

The CaliPile multi-purpose IR sensor performs in three distinct operation modes: motion detection, presence detection, and temperature measurement.
Caltech/MIT/LIGO Laboratory
Excelitas customized the Excelitas YAG-444AH Silicon PIN Photodiode to operate within the ultra-low vacuum of the interferometer arms of LIGO to help scientists monitor beam quality and meet LIGO’s extreme cleanliness levels and stringent contamination control requirements.
Detectors & Imaging

LIGO detects gravitational waves with help from Excelitas sensors

Photodiode technology from Excelitas Technologies was used in LIGO's detection of gravitational waves.
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Lasers & Sources

Fiber coating curing from Excelitas Technologies uses air-cooled LED technology

The OmniCure AC8225-F UV LED fiber curing system delivers 12 W/cm2 peak irradiance at a 10–18 mm working distance for fast, even curing.
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Detectors & Imaging

Silicon avalanche photodiode module from Excelitas delivers broadband photon absorption

The HeliX silicon avalanche photodiode (Si APD) module has uses in high-performance applications, including fluorescence measurement and distributed temperature sensing.
(Courtesy of Laser Components)
FIGURE 1. An APD from Laser Components can be optimized for shorter wavelengths or for the near-IR. A photon-counting APD (inset) in a TO-46 can is unaffected by magnetic fields.
Detectors & Imaging

Photonics Products: Photodiodes: Silicon low-light photodiodes don't miss a photon

Avalanche photodiodes, silicon photomultipliers, and their variants serve low-light-detection needs, even counting single photons when needed.
An ophthalmic instrument measures stray light between angles of 3° and 8° in a human eye. Two pupil cameras provide a split-screen view that simplifies alignment of the instrument to the eye.
Detectors & Imaging

Ophthalmology: Optical-integration instrument measures intraocular stray light

Researchers have come up with a simple ophthalmic instrument based on double-pass optical integration, which measures ocular stray light at angles between 3° and 8° and is suitable...
Lasers & Sources

Excelitas signs definitive agreement to acquire Qioptiq

Excelitas Technologies has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire Qioptiq; terms of the deal are not being disclosed.
Excelitas Technologies CurX UV-LED module
Positioning, Support & Accessories

Excelitas Technologies UV LED curing module available in 365, 385, and 395 nm outputs

The CurX UV-LED module is a linear, scalable UV LED curing “flood” module available in 365, 385, and 395 nm ranges of UV output.
FIGURE 1. 3D beam profile image is taken directly from the output of a three-line kineFLEX-Hydra fiber delivery system. The singlemode fiber channels in this example are actively aligned so that the polarization axes are parallel with each other. These beams are intrinsically highly Gaussian and perform well with integrated beam shaping optics, such as focusing lenses or lenslet arrays. The integrated optics create a closed system that will repeatedly deliver perfectly sized and spaced spots in a flow channel or microarray. Right: Parallel, Gaussian, and multicolored beam spots are projected onto a black card from a four-line kineFLEX-Hydra.
Detectors & Imaging

MEDICAL IMAGING: Fiber delivery systems enhance flow cytometry designs

Analytical instruments used in genomics increasingly rely on flow cytometry systems that are fast, rugged, stable, and compact with excellent image resolution—qualities enabled...