MKS Spectra-Physics

Milpitas, CA 95035


About MKS Spectra-Physics



1565 Barber Ln
Milpitas, CA 95035
United States

More Info on MKS Spectra-Physics

Spectra-Physics is a brand within the MKS Instruments Photonics Solutions division. The Spectra-Physics product portfolio consists of a broad spectrum of lasers for precision industrial and scientific applications. Spectra-Physics lasers combine groundbreaking technologies with deep applications expertise to deliver disruptive performance and lower total cost of ownership.


Icefyre Fs Uv50 400w
Laser diodes

IceFyre® FS UV Femtosecond Lasers

Breakthrough High-Power UV Femtosecond Lasers for 24/7 Micromachining of Critical MaterialsHighest average power of up to >50 W UVCombination of UV wavelength and ultra short ...
Quasar Uv 400w
Lasers, fiber (non-telecom)

Quasar® High Power Hybrid Fiber Lasers

High Power UV & Green Hybrid Fiber Lasers for Fast Precision Micromachining>80 W UV (400 μJ) or >60 W UV (300 μJ)>95 W Green (475 μJ) or >75 W Green (375 μJ)TimeShift TechnologyHigh...
Solstice Ace3 White 800wremovebg
Laser systems, ultrafast

Solstice® Ace™ High-Energy Ultrafast Amplifiers

The Solstice® Ace™ was the first femtosecond ultrafast amplifier designed, built and tested to meet rigorous industrial standards. Solstice Ace incorporates modular components...
2020 Insightx3 Transparent
Laser systems, ultrafast

InSight X3+/X3

The InSight® X3+™ and InSight® X3™ are built on the industry leading InSight platform designed for maximum performance and reliability with the largest installed base in the market...
Icefyre 35550 Web1
Lasers, solid-state


IceFyre® redefines picosecond micromachining lasers with a patent-pending design to achieve exceptional performance and unprecedented versatility at industry leading cost-performance...

Press Releases

Icefyre Fs Uv50 400w (1)
Laser diodes

MKS Debuts Breakthrough >50 W UV Femtosecond Laser for 24/7 Micromachining of Critical Materials

Extends Industry-Leading Spectra-Physics Portfolio Across Femto to Nanosecond and UV to IRAndover, MA – April 25, 2022 – MKS Instruments, Inc.(NASDAQ: MKSI) introduces its Spectra...
Wave Train 5 X4
Laser diodes

MKS Extends Lasers Portfolio for Quantum Applications

Enhanced Spectra-Physics Ultra-Narrow Linewidth LasersLead Industry in Power and Tuning RangeAndover, MA – April 25, 2022 – MKS Instruments, Inc.(NASDAQ: MKSI) announces new additions...
Ice Fyre 1064 50 400w
Laser diodes

MKS Launches Versatile >50 W Green Picosecond Laser

New Spectra-Physics IceFyre GR50 Laser Ideal for Precision Micromachining


(Image credit: MKS Spectra-Physics)
Lasers & Sources

MKS Spectra-Physics pulsed nanosecond laser: Booth #927

The Talon Ace UV100 pulsed nanosecond laser delivers >100 W UV and >500 µJ power. It features the company's TimeShift programmable pulse capability for refined process...
Mks Spectra Physics
Lasers & Sources

UV laser has utility in bioinstrumentation

The Vanguard One UV125 quasi-continuous-wave (QCW) laser delivers >125 mW of UV power.
Mks Spectra Physics
Laser Processing

UV nanosecond laser designed for 24/7 laser-based manufacturing

The Talon Ace UV100 pulsed nanosecond laser delivers >100 W UV power with >500 µJ/pulse.
Spectra Physics Mks
Laser Processing

Industrial femtosecond laser designed for micromachining

The IceFyre FS IR200 industrial femtosecond laser offers >200 W power and >200 µJ pulse energy.
Mks Spectra Physics
Lasers & Sources

Green pulsed laser enables high-throughput processing of photovoltaics

The Talon 532-70 DPSS laser delivers >70 W of green power.
Spectra Physics
Lasers & Sources

Industrial femtosecond laser features programmable burst mode

The IceFyre FS UV50 laser is an industrial femtosecond laser with >50 W UV power.
Spectra Physics
Lasers & Sources

Green picosecond laser has use in precision micromachining

The IceFyre GR50 laser delivers >50 W average power and >100 μJ of green pulse energy at adjustable repetition rates from single shot to 10 MHz.
Spectra Physics
Lasers & Sources

Tunable ultrafast lasers have use in bioimaging applications

InSight X3+ tunable ultrafast lasers offer a 680–1300 nm tuning range.
2110 Lfw Cs Hero

Laser Focus World announces 2021 Innovators Awards

For the fourth straight year, Laser Focus World held its Innovators Awards program, which celebrates the disparate and innovative technologies, products, and systems found in ...
FIGURE 1. Transparent ultrashort pulses can do a lot, or nothing at all, depending on focus condition and pulse frequency.
Industrial Laser Solutions

Glass microwelding with ultrashort-pulse lasers

High-power, high pulse-repetition-frequency picosecond technology is well suited for the task.

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Additional content from MKS Spectra-Physics

Spectra Physics
Lasers & Sources

UV laser has use in industrial manufacturing

The Explorer One HP HE 355-200 laser offers greater than 200 µJ of UV pulse energy and pulse widths of less than 15 ns.
(Credit: SPIE)
Prism 920x450
Executive Forum

2021 Prism Awards honor photonics innovations

During the 2021 Prism Awards online event, awards were presented to groundbreaking technologies and products in 10 categories ranging from quantum and smart sensing to life sciences...
(Copyright MPI, Menlo Systems)
FIGURE 1. Two-photon excited fluorescence images of a 300-µm-thick mouse brain slice stained with Alexa 647, with excitations at 780 nm (a) and 1300 nm (b). Measurements were taken in cooperation with the Max-Planck-Institute of Experimental Medicine (Göttingen, Germany).
Lasers & Sources

Picosecond and femtosecond fiber lasers serve industry and science

Two-photon microscopy, 3D printing, and other applications all benefit from the newest generation of ultrafast fiber lasers.
Spectra Physics
Lasers & Sources

Spectra-Physics green fiber laser has programmable pulse capability

The SPFL 532-40 new pulsed green fiber laser has >40 W output power and up to 180 µJ pulse energy in the green spectrum.
FIGURE 1. Absorption vs. wavelength for materials commonly encountered in precision machining applications.
Industrial Laser Solutions

High-power UV lasers for precision micromachining

UV lasers deliver machining quality and the required high throughput for finer features in complex materials.
Spectra Physics
Lasers & Sources

Spectra-Physics tunable ultrafast laser has utility in advanced imaging

The InSight X3+ ultrafast laser provides >3 W output power at 900 nm, >2.7 W at 1000 nm, and >2.4 W at 1100 nm.
1903 Lfw Pro 14
Lasers & Sources

Spectra-Physics industrial UV picosecond fiber laser delivers >30 W average power

The IceFyre 355-30 high-power industrial UV picosecond hybrid fiber laser uses TimeShift picosecond programmable pulse flexibility.
FIGURE 1. The Cobolt Skyra multiline laser for flow cytometry (inset) is stable in both output beam power (a) and in pointing stability under temperature excursions (b).

Photonics Products: Lasers for Biosciences: Lasers for flow cytometry are small, solid, and reliable

Single- and multiline lasers with wavelengths across the visible spectrum and beyond allow matching with numerous applications.
1804 Lfw Pro 16
Lasers & Sources

Spectra-Physics UV DPSS laser can reach 500 kHz

The Talon 355-45 is a Q-switched, diode-pumped, solid-state laser.
1801 Lfw Pro 1
Lasers & Sources

Tunable Ti:sapphire ring laser from Spectra-Physics offers narrow linewidth

The Matisse C compact tunable Ti:sapphire ring laser delivers output power >6.5 W, mode-hop-free tuning.
Content Dam Ils Print Articles 2017 5 1705ils Pat 1
Industrial Laser Solutions

Nano to pico to femto: Pulse widths for optimal laser micromachining outcomes

While several laser parameters affect the machining results, the choice of pulse width is one of the important factors that affect the precision, throughput, quality, and economics...
FIGURE 1. The peak power of Spectra-Physics' InSight X3 now matches or exceeds that of legacy Ti:sapphire at wavelengths 900 nm and up, and thus uniquely enables 2PM with green and red fluorescent proteins and GECIs for in vivo imaging.

Multiphoton Imaging/Neuroscience: Ultrafast lasers take neuroscience deeper yet

Thanks to substantial laser performance gains in the infrared, next-generation, high-peak-power ultrafast lasers are fueling a new wave of research innovation.
1703 Lfw Pro 1
Lasers & Sources

Picosecond laser from Spectra-Physics delivers >50 W average power

The IceFyre industrial picosecond hybrid fiber laser delivers >50 W average power and up to >200 μJ pulse energy at 1064 nm.
FIGURE 1. The Spectra-Physics logo cut in ~1mm-thick CFRP plate.
Industrial Laser Solutions

High-power UV laser has use in CFRP machining

Fast processing speeds without carbon fiber damage are possible.
FIGURE 1. There is a tradeoff between high repetition rate lasers suitable for point-scanning microscopy, and high peak power lasers suitable for emerging imaging techniques.

Ultrafast lasers: Ultrahigh peak power femtosecond lasers advance bioimaging

High-performance ytterbium-based lasers and amplifiers are enabling new bioimaging modalities, and complementing established, high-repetition-rate workhorses based on other technologies...
1508 Lfw Pro 13
Lasers & Sources

Direct-diode laser from Spectra-Physics powers bioinstrumentation applications

The Excelsior One NB 488-50 narrow bandwidth 488 nm direct-diode laser powers bioinstrumentation applications.
FIGURE 1. The Spirit 1040-IMC laser, an industrial femtosecond laser with high repetition rate and average power up to 16W (a), is ideally suited for use with the ClearShape process (b).
Industrial Laser Solutions

Femtosecond laser processing of brittle materials

A non-ablative femtosecond process allows machining of curvilinear and internal closed-shape features in transparent, brittle materials.
(Courtesy of Toptica)
FIGURE 1. A diagram shows the evolution of ultrafast lasers from the original dye lasers to more-recent solid-state and fiber-based lasers.
Lasers & Sources

Ultrafast Scientific Lasers: Ultrafast scientific lasers expand on their legacy

The femtosecond-scale pulse durations of ultrafast lasers are ideal for science, capturing physical and biological processes that normally happen too fast to measure.
FIGURE 1. Scribe depth vs. speed for silicon, illustrating the process optimization benefit possible using TimeShift technology.
Industrial Laser Solutions

UV lasers fuel precision micromachining

High power, short pulse width, and higher repetition rate yield higher speed and quality.
1403prod Spectraphys
Fiber Optics

Spectra Physics unveils UV fiber laser for microelectronic device manufacturing

The Quasar 355-60 UV laser offers >60 W with >300 microJ pulse energies.
Spectra-Physics' Talon 355-15 Q-switched DPSS laser
Lasers & Sources

Spectra-Physics intros Q-switched DPSS laser for micromachining applications

The Talon 355-15 Q-switched diode-pumped solid-state (DPSS) laser delivers >15 W of UV power, >300 µJ of pulse energy, and a 0–500 kHz repetition-rate range in micromachining ...
FIGURE 1. Scribe depth vs. speed for silicon, illustrating the process optimization benefit possible using TimeShift technology.
Lasers & Sources

INDUSTRIAL LASERS: Pulse control in high-power UV laser enables new micromachining options

Manufacturing mobile consumer electronics requires increasingly precise laser-based processing capabilities that can be met by a hybrid ultraviolet (UV) fiber laser with software...
Quasar hybrid fiber laser from Spectra-Physics, a Newport Corp. brand
Lasers & Sources

Hybrid fiber laser from Spectra-Physics produces >40 W UV power

The Quasar hybrid fiber laser produces >40 W UV power at high repetition rates in micromachining applications such as glass cutting, printed circuit board (PCB) drilling and cutting...
FIGURE 1. ABF surface view (a) and copper substrate view (b) of ~60-μm-diameter PCB blind vias in GX series buildup film. Optimized process with short-nanosecond pulses leaves copper surface suitable for plating.
Lasers & Sources

ULTRAVIOLET LASERS: UV lasers improve PCB manufacturing processes

The trend in PCB design toward smaller features at higher densities is essential to support the fast-growing market for high-tech consumer products, and in turn requires new laser...
FIGURE 1. Plot of scribe speed as a function of laser fluence at 100 kHz PRF for scribing 30 μm deep scribe in alumina ceramic.
Industrial Laser Solutions

High-quality, high-speed micromachining with short pulse lasers

Techniques to manage the high energy and high PRF available from today's Q-switched DPSS lasers.
Excelsior One continuous-wave (CW) lasers from Spectra-Physics, a Newport Corp. brand
Lasers & Sources

Spectra-Physics line of continuous-wave lasers includes 11 wavelengths

The Excelsior One continuous-wave (CW) lasers include ultraviolet (UV), visible, and near-infrared (NIR) versions—all of which feature the company's It’s In the Box design, which...
(Courtesy Spectra-Physics, a Newport Corporation brand)
AlphaScan is a compact integrated optical parametric oscillator (OPO) and pump laser that outputs high energies in the near-infrared (NIR) for photoacoustic imaging.

Photoacoustic imaging benefits from integrated laser-OPO system

Santa Clara, CA--AlphaScan is a compact integrated optical parametric oscillator (OPO) and pump laser that outputs high energies in the near-infrared (NIR) for photoacoustic imaging...
(Courtesy of Caltech/MIT LIGO Laboratory)
FIGURE 1. New Focus UHV Picomotor actuators are used in the Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO) as part of the Transmission Monitor Suspended Optical Bench. This platform will monitor the light transmitted through the End Test Mass. The actuators will enable control of precision alignment from outside one of the world's largest vacuum systems.
Positioning, Support & Accessories

MOTION CONTROL: UHV environments require more from motion systems

As the number of applications for ultrahigh-vacuum (UHV) environments increases, motion systems must be modified to manipulate optics, particle beams, and measurement devices ...
3 Lfw 5 Spectraphys
Positioning, Support & Accessories

Spectra-Physics ultrafast amplifier delivers 400 fs pulsewidths

The Spirit compact industrial-grade ultrafast amplifier features an average power of >4 W and fully automated adjustability over repetition rates from 50 kHz to 1 MHz.
Spectra-Physics InSight DeepSee ultrafast laser

Spectra-Physics ultrafast laser offers continuous tuning from a single source

The InSight DeepSee ultrafast laser system for multiphoton imaging offers 680 to 1300 nm continuous tuning from a single source, 100 fs pulse widths, and peak power levels into...
FIGURE 1. Consistency of individual ablation spots degrades at higher repetition rate and scan speed in a thin-film PV P2 scribe of a-Si panels using a typical DPSS Q-switched laser.
Lasers & Sources

HIGH-POWER SOLID-STATE LASERS: Lasers speed solar cell production

A new generation of Q-switched solid-state lasers is enabling thin-film laser scribing with a new set of processing parameters: High quality scribes for amorphous-silicon thin...
FIGURE 1. Cross section of a TFPV panel.
Industrial Laser Solutions

Beam profile effect for thin film solar cell scribing

Gaussian beam machining provides a wide robust processing window.
FIGURE 1. Schematic shows the basic geometry and functioning of a thin-film solar cell.
Industrial Laser Solutions

Why M2 matters

Better beam quality = robust laser scribing.
Th 0601oe3 1
Lasers & Sources

UV lasers are workhorses

Continuing advances in all-solid-state lasers are fueling their growth in UV microelectronics processing from marking to via drilling.
[From S. Tsuda et al., IEEE. J. Sel. Topics In Quant. Elect. 2, 454 (1996).]
FIGURE 1. Typical saturable Bragg reflector consists of alternate layers of high- and low-index semiconductor materials, which act as a Bragg reflector and a saturable absorber layer.

Saturable Bragg reflectors simplify modelocking

There are a number of advantages to modelocking a continuous-wave (CW) laser. The resultant ultrafast pulses provide temporal resolution in the femtosecond or picosecond domain...

VISIBLE GAS LASERS: Air-cooled ion lasers see strong biomedical demand

Even with competition from solid-state alternatives, ion lasers remain unique in their ability to deliver low-cost light at key visible wavelengths, particularly 488 nm.
Compact, rugged design of the new generation of diode-pumped visible-emitting lasers is exemplified by the 10-W 532-nm Millennia X. The driving engine of the system is a completely sealed double z-head in which fiber-coupled diode bars are used to pump the Nd:YVO4 gain medium.

Visible sources venture beyond research markets

Large-scale industrial applications embrace the size, convenience, and performance of modern high-power diode-pumped visible-output lasers.